, for that which awaits you;
for judgments will begin at the
House of God, and from there it will
go forth to this and other nations as
it has never before been known, un-
til the whole earth shall be cleansed
from wickedness and the way made
straight for the of our Lord.
I would repeat the counsel that
has been sounded in the ears of this
people for these many years. Let
us live our religion and have the
fear of God in our hearts. Some of
us are not going to remain here
very much longer; we will pass
away, but we have boys and girls
growing up who will carry on the
great work of salvation and redemp-
tion which God is establishing in
the earth. I have strong feelings
for the welfare of our boys and girls.
I look at the evils around them,
which beset their pathway in life,
which are the means used by the
devil to overthrow them; and he
seeks the overthrow of this whole
people; and he will overthrow every-
body that can be overthrown. There-
fore, I would say, teach your boys
and girls the principles of the ;
teach them to pray unto God, to call
upon him that his may rest
upon them and touch their hearts,
that they may be led in the paths
of righteousness, and thus be saved
from the evils of the world. I am
pleased to see so many of our young
persons interest themselves in the
principles revealed from heaven for
our guidance and salvation, and
hope and pray that they will con-
tinue in well doing, for upon their
shoulders, as I have often said,
must sooner or later devolve the re-
sponsibility of carrying on this work.
I believe there are a great many of
our sons and daughters in these
mountains who will not taste of
death, whose bodies will not lie in
the grave, and they will live in the
flesh until Christ shall come, to be
caught up to meet him in the air. [1 Thessalonians 4:17]
We have got to exercise faith in
God and call upon him, and draw
near unto him and thus prepare our-
selves for the things which await us
in life.
I feel as though I have said
I pray God to bless you, and to
bless the holy priesthood, the , the Seventies, the High Priests,
and all who bear the priesthood in
this generation. Let us maintain
our integrity to God and live so as
to be at last worthy of the high and
exalted position that we are aiming
for in the heavens, for to lose this
through falling away, it would have
been better for us had we never been
born, and far better to have been
taken away in our youth. It is a
warfare all the time for man, woman
and child; and that we may fight
the battle of life, and overcome the
world, the flesh and the devil, and
be prepared for eternal life, is my
prayer, in the name of Jesus.
days, for that which awaits you;
for judgments will begin at the
House of God, and from there it will
go forth to this and other nations as
it has never before been known, until the whole earth shall be cleansed
from wickedness and the way made
straight for the coming of our Lord.
I would repeat the counsel that
has been sounded in the ears of this
people for these many years. Let
us live our religion and have the
fear of God in our hearts. Some of
us are not going to remain here
very much longer; we will pass
away, but we have boys and girls
growing up who will carry on the
great work of salvation and redemption which God is establishing in
the earth. I have strong feelings
for the welfare of our boys and girls.
I look at the evils around them,
which beset their pathway in life,
which are the means used by the
devil to overthrow them; and he
seeks the overthrow of this whole
people; and he will overthrow everybody that can be overthrown. Therefore, I would say, teach your boys
and girls the principles of the gospel;
teach them to pray unto God, to call
upon him that his spirit may rest
upon them and touch their hearts,
that they may be led in the paths
of righteousness, and thus be saved
from the evils of the world. I am
pleased to see so many of our young
persons interest themselves in the
principles revealed from heaven for
our guidance and salvation, and
hope and pray that they will continue in well doing, for upon their
shoulders, as I have often said,
must sooner or later devolve the responsibility of carrying on this work.
I believe there are a great many of
our sons and daughters in these
mountains who will not taste of
death, whose bodies will not lie in
the grave, and they will live in the
flesh until Christ shall come, to be
caught up to meet him in the air.
We have got to exercise faith in
God and call upon him, and draw
near unto him and thus prepare ourselves for the things which await us
in life.
I feel as though I have said
I pray God to bless you, and to
bless the holy priesthood, the Apostles, the Seventies, the High Priests,
and all who bear the priesthood in
this generation. Let us maintain
our integrity to God and live so as
to be at last worthy of the high and
exalted position that we are aiming
for in the heavens, for to lose this
through falling away, it would have
been better for us had we never been
born, and far better to have been
taken away in our youth. It is a
warfare all the time for man, woman
and child; and that we may fight
the battle of life, and overcome the
world, the flesh and the devil, and
be prepared for eternal life, is my
prayer, in the name of Jesus.