of fire remained over the Temple Block, giving light
to those who remained below. When any attention was
drawn back again to the mountains, I saw that the young
men and middle aged had been called away upon dif-
ferent missions, and the old men and women and chil-
dren had to do all the farm work, and all those who
were laboring to build up the city of Zion in , had to be sustained from these valleys, with the
exceptions of the remnants of the house of . The
buffalo and other game had returned upon the plains,
to feed them until they could be taught the art of agri-
culture. The earth in the valleys was sanctified and
cleansed, so that it brought forth in its strength, and
instead of its bringing forth from 15 to 40 bushels pr.
acre, it brought forth from one to two hundred bushels.
The water broke forth in parched ground, and all these
valleys were filled with Saints of the Most High, which
had gathered in from the nations of the earth to be school-
ed in the Temples that are now built ^and that will yet be built,^ to prepare them to
go forth to the Centre Stake of Zion. I saw all this
pass before the eyes of my understanding, and when it
had passed once, it was repeated again, which occupied
about the whole of the night. I turned over and tried to
sleep, but sleep had fled from me, and soon it was
daylight. I was not asleep, but was awake during the
whole time, and I arose filled with the glory of what I
had seen resting upon me.
of fire remained over the Temple Block, giving light
to those who remained below. When any attention was
drawn back again to the mountains, I saw that the young
men and middle aged had been called away upon different missions, and the old men and women and children had to do all the farm work, and all those who
were laboring to build up the city of Zion in , had to be sustained from these valleys, with the
exceptions of the remnants of the house of . The
buffalo and other game had returned upon the plains,
to feed them until they could be taught the art of agriculture. The earth in the valleys was sanctified and
cleansed, so that it brought forth in its strength, and
instead of its bringing forth from 15 to 40 bushels pr.
acre, it brought forth from one to two hundred bushels.
The water broke forth in parched ground, and all these
valleys were filled with Saints of the Most High, which
had gathered in from the nations of the earth to be schooled in the Temples that are now built and that will yet be built, to prepare them to
go forth to the Centre Stake of Zion. I saw all this
pass before the eyes of my understanding, and when it
had passed once, it was repeated again, which occupied
about the whole of the night. I turned over and tried to
sleep, but sleep had fled from me, and soon it was
daylight. I was not asleep, but was awake during the
whole time, and I arose filled with the glory of what I
had seen resting upon me.