the dead, and thus open the prison
doors and set the prisoners free!
The Lord is no respecter of persons,
and the fifty thousand millions of
human beings who are supposed to
have lived on the earth from the
days the ancient servants of God
were put to death, to the through , never having had the privi-
lege of hearing the gospel, are not
going to remain in the eternal
world without the privilege of hear-
ing the gospel; but they will be
preached to by Joseph Smith and
the prophets, patriarchs and elders
who have received the priesthood
on the earth in these latter days.
Many of them will receive their
testimony, but somebody must ad-
minister for them in the flesh, that
they may be judged according to
men in the spirit, and have part in
the first resurrection, just the same
as though they had heard the gos-
pel in the flesh. The Lord has re-
vealed this to us, and commanded
us to attend to this duty, the same
as Jesus, while his body was in the
grave, preached three days and
nights to the spirits in who
were rebellious during the long-
suffering of God in the days of . [1 Peter 3:18-20]
They lay in prison until Jesus
went and preached to them.
This and every other principle
which the elders of this church
preach and teach are from heaven—
the Lord has revealed them. They
are before the world, and all who
hear them will investigate if they
are wise. If there is a man on the
face of the earth who has got a true
principle that we have not, will he
please let us have it? As President
has said many a time, we
will change a dozen errors for one
truth, and thank God for it. We
are after light and truth. We are
not afraid of the doctrines of the
inhabitants of the earth being pre-
sented before us or our children.
We have truth, we have been
called to present it to the world.
We have done it. If they have
truths that we have not we would
like to obtain them.
I will say by way of conclusion
that I thank God for the privilege
of attending these conferences for
so many years, and for seeing the
increase and progress of his work.
Here we meet from every nation
under heaven, just as the prophets
said. We have been gathered by
the gospel of Jesus Christ. I had
the privilege, last night and this
morning, of meeting with Father
, the old patriarch whom I
met with over in ,
England, where, like , he was a fore-runner of the
gospel of Christ. [Luke 1:76] Through his ad-
ministrations the people in that
county had been prepared to receive
the gospel, and when we went and
preached to them, he and all his
flock but one, numbering six hun-
dred, entered into the kingdom,
and that opened a door which
enabled us to baptize eighteen
hundred in about seven months'
labor. I never expected to see him
again in this , but he came to
my house last night, and he came
to meeting to-day, and I felt more
pride and joy in meeting him than
I should if it had been the Emperor
of Russia. I thank God that I have
the privilege of meeting with the
Saints with whom I ate and drank
in foreign lands, who have listened
to the voices of the elders of Israel,
have received their testimonies,
have been baptized for the remis-
sion of sins, and received the testi-
mony of the Holy Ghost.
Brethren and sisters, we are in
the school of the Saints. Let us
progress, and try to improve and
set our hearts on the things of God
and truth, and carry out and do
the work of righteousness for Jesus'
sake. Amen.
the dead, and thus open the prison
doors and set the prisoners free!
The Lord is no respecter of persons,
and the fifty thousand millions of
human beings who are supposed to
have lived on the earth from the
days the ancient servants of God
were put to death, to the restoration of the gospel through , never having had the privilege of hearing the gospel, are not
going to remain in the eternal
world without the privilege of hearing the gospel; but they will be
preached to by Joseph Smith and
the prophets, patriarchs and elders
who have received the priesthood
on the earth in these latter days.
Many of them will receive their
testimony, but somebody must administer for them in the flesh, that
they may be judged according to
men in the spirit, and have part in
the first resurrection, just the same
as though they had heard the gospel in the flesh. The Lord has revealed this to us, and commanded
us to attend to this duty, the same
as Jesus, while his body was in the
grave, preached three days and
nights to the spirits in prison who
were rebellious during the longsuffering of God in the days of .
They lay in prison until Jesus
went and preached to them.
This and every other principle
which the elders of this church
preach and teach are from heaven—
the Lord has revealed them. They
are before the world, and all who
hear them will investigate if they
are wise. If there is a man on the
face of the earth who has got a true
principle that we have not, will he
please let us have it? As President
has said many a time, we
will change a dozen errors for one
truth, and thank God for it. We
are after light and truth. We are
not afraid of the doctrines of the
inhabitants of the earth being presented before us or our children.
We have truth, we have been
called to present it to the world.
We have done it. If they have
truths that we have not we would
like to obtain them.
I will say by way of conclusion
that I thank God for the privilege
of attending these conferences for
so many years, and for seeing the
increase and progress of his work.
Here we meet from every nation
under heaven, just as the prophets
said. We have been gathered by
the gospel of Jesus Christ. I had
the privilege, last night and this
morning, of meeting with Father
, the old patriarch whom I
met with over in ,
England, where, like the
Baptist, he was a fore-runner of the
gospel of Christ. Through his administrations the people in that
county had been prepared to receive
the gospel, and when we went and
preached to them, he and all his
flock but one, numbering six hundred, entered into the kingdom,
and that opened a door which
enabled us to baptize eighteen
hundred in about seven months'
labor. I never expected to see him
again in this , but he came to
my house last night, and he came
to meeting to-day, and I felt more
pride and joy in meeting him than
I should if it had been the Emperor
of Russia. I thank God that I have
the privilege of meeting with the
Saints with whom I ate and drank
in foreign lands, who have listened
to the voices of the elders of Israel,
have received their testimonies,
have been baptized for the remission of sins, and received the testimony of the Holy Ghost.
Brethren and sisters, we are in
the school of the Saints. Let us
progress, and try to improve and
set our hearts on the things of God
and truth, and carry out and do
the work of righteousness for Jesus'
sake, Amen.