March 1st 1836. Tuesday Preached at John Clapps it being my birth Day making me 29 years of Age
~ Wednesday
2 Rode to Mr Rice Cobb's at Mayfield distance 12 miles Preached at Mr Cobbs & was
followed by Elder Cathcart. Was kindly receieved by the People & we left other appointments
& then rode to Br Thomas'esDamond Creek KY 14 miles the whole distance 26 miles
~ Thursday
3 Spent the day in visiting the Saints & spent the night with Elder Boydstun & SCelah Parker
1st March 1836. Tuesday Preached at John Clapps it being my birth Day making me 29 years of Age
~ Wednesday
2 Rode to Mr Rice Cobb at Mayfield distance 12 miles Preached at Mr Cobbs & Was
followed by Elder Cathcart. Was kindly receieved by the People & we left other appointments
& then rode to Br ThomasesDamonds Creek KY. 14 miles the whole distance 26 miles
~ Thursday
3 Spent the Day in visiting the Saints & spent the night with Elder Boydstun & Celah Parker