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Church History Library of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Collection Name | Wilford Woodruff collection, 1830-1898 |
Collection Description | Daybook and journal, 1836 January 1-December 31 |
Collection Number | MS 5506 |
Collection Page | 1-77 |
Source Link | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Introduction | Wilford Woodruff's discourse, given along the Big Sandy River on the pioneer trail, from Historian's Office general Church minutes, Meetings during Brigham Young's return East, 1847. |
Rights and Use | Copyright and Use Information |
Transcript | View Full Transcript |
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O momentious and important year which will hurl thy millions to the tomb & shake kingdoms & bespeak a God in Israel. O God enable my heart & hands to be clean for A year to come. When God speaks who can but Prophesy
O my God give me wisdom & spirit to feed the flock and proclaim against every evil spirit
I felt to rejoice to find the ^Saints^ beginning to be united in faith and love
Br Smoot related the news to me from Br Patten which was glorious in the first degree he gave me an account of the endowment at Kirtland Ohio the heavens was opened unto them in their assembly Angels & Jesus Christ administered unto them in person ^was seen by them Jesus Christ sitting at the right hand of the Father^
the second seventy was chosen & that I was one of the numbers O God prepare me for the battle while combating error with everlasting truth
Spent the Day at Br Frys & found it to be the most interesting & important & instructive day of my LIFE for on this Glorious DAY I was ordained Unto the High Priesthood under the hands of my Beloved Brethren. VIZ. Elders DaVId W. Patten & Warren Parrish I was Also ordained as one of the second seventy & sealed up unto eternal LIFE my ordination was requested by the PRESIDENCY of the Church at Kirtland Ohio their was glorious things Pronounced upon my head in my ordination by Prophecy & Revelation some I will mention which are as follows that although my enemies would strive to
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN THIS Certifies that Willford Woodruff has been receieved into the Church of Latter Day Saints organized on the sixth of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty and has been ordained an elder according to the rules and regulations of said church and is duly authorized to preach the gospel agreeablye to the authority of that office. From the satisfactory evidence which we have of his good moral character and his zeal for the cause of righteousness and diligent desire to persuade men to forsake evil and embrace truth we confidently recommend him to all candid and upright people as a worthy member of society. We therefore in the name and by the authority of this church grant unto this our worthy brother in the Lord this letter of commendation as a Proof of our fellowship and esteem: praying for his success and prosperity in our Redeemer's cause. Given by the direction of a conference of the Elders of said church assembled in Kirtland Geauga County Ohio the third day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six
Spent the day at Mr Crider's I {and Brothers Smoot and Clapp went to the woods to pray the power of God stay on us I was filled with the spirit of prophecy I sealed} up {my brethren and prophesied on their heads great blessings by the Spirit of God}
O thou God of Israel stretch fourth thy hand & save thy saints O America hide thy face in shame & disgrace as the day dawns while thy sons are Persecuting beating & Putting to death the Latter Day Saints of God for worshiping God after the dictates of their own conscience for thou wast built upon the pillars of freedom
Elder Patten informed us that Benton County mob had formed themselves into an independant company to beat & Kill the Elders of latter Day Saints if they came into that County will not God be avenged upon such a nation as this O God save thy Saints while Babylon falls
I requested the Elders to lay hands upon me for sickness & lameness which they did do & I was healed of both
Sept 19th Is a Day long to be remembered by me & others in consequence of the interesting scenes transpired with the saints of God in the South. Isaiah & other of the Ancient Prophets testify to Us of the great events of the Last Days esspecially of the literal gathering of Israel. They say the Saints shall gather from the East & from the West & that the North shall give up and the South keep not back. This interesting day had now arived yea the 19th of Sept 1836 when some of the Saints of God in the South began to take their families their charriots Waggons, their oxen, their Horses their Tents therir Armour and moove towards Zion as the children of Israel according to the Command of God
I assembl'd this small Camp of Israel together at Br Albert Petty's tent to address them for the last time & after they were assembled I arose to address them & although the rain desended in torrents so that we were wet through a good tent yet my soul was vibrated & fired with emotions & feeling of no ordinary nature I endeavor'd to lay before them the worth and value of the cause they were ingaged in & that they were the first in fullfiling the Prophets who spake of the South's giving up ^or keeping not back^ & that it would be recorded upon the Archives of heaven to be read in the day of eternity that they were the first fruits of the South who had spread their tents for Zion.
I then set out in company with Elder Smoot on foot in a hard snowstorm for Kirtland We Came in sight of the temple before we reach'd the villedge this being the first sight I ever had of the house of the Lord I esx^c^laimed I behold the glory of the Lord & the Covering We soon entered the village & spent one of the happiest days of my life in visiting the house of the LORD & the Presidents & the Elders of the church I was truly rejoiced to again strike hands with President Joseph Smith Jn. & many other beloved Saints of God who are rolling on the mighty work of God & of Israel after being seperated from them about 2 1/2 years & amoung the rest I was filled with Joy with the Privilege of again striking hands with Elder Warren Parrish & also being made acquainted with his companion Sister Parish their is an enjoyment in meeting our Brethren & companions in tribulation that the world knows not off Because it flows from a celestial source
A more important scene was now to open to my view than Kings ever saw or Princes ever Knew in this generation which was to visit the Temple of the Lord & its contents Elder Smoot & myself visited each appartment of the house accompanied by Elder Warren Parrish & I must confess the scenery is indisscribable When I entered the threshhold of the house & entered the lower room their was a great solemnity if not of Awe immediately overwhelm'd me I felt indeed as if my footsteps were in the Temple of the Lord after walking into the Pulpets erected for the Priesthoods & viewing the curtains all bespeaking that grandure, solemnity & order that nothing short of wisdom from GOD could invent we then visited the upper rooms & there viewed four Egyptian mumies & also the Book of Abram written with his own hand & not ownly the hyrerogriphyphics but also many figures that this precious treasure contains are calculated to make a lasting impression upon the mind yea indelibly stamped upon the memory
But how chang'd the scene now I behold a cheerfulnes beaming from every countenance that indicates Prosperity & the noise of the ax & the hammer & the sight of their walls & dwellings newly erected & their Bank & market & esspecially house of God speak in language loud as thunder that they will have a city in prosperity in spite of all the fals Prophets of Baal or even Earth or hell because God is with them & his Temple stands in honor of his Kingdom while Babylon begins to wonder & will soon perish
Upon this Lords day I with Elder Smoot accompanied Elder Parish to the house of the Lord for the first time to Behold the congregation of the Saints assembled within its walls for the purpose of worshiping God it was truly an interesting scene it brought a lengthy catalogue of transactions contemplations & experience of my youth to my mind & this days experiance fulfilled many things of a spiritual nature Which I had looked for A number of years which I viewed as Promises from from God
Sunday morning after an interview with Priest Turpin I went up to the house of God to worship & O what a meeting may it be printed upon my heart as a memorial forever FOR on this day the God of Israel sharply reprooved this stake of Zion (Kirtland) through the Prophets & Apostles for all our Sins & backslidings & Also a timely warning that we may escape the Judgments of God that otherwise will fall upon us Even the case of the travels of the Camp of the Saints from ZionKirtland to Zion in 1834 was presented to us for an example {O God stay thy hand and judgment on Kirtland O Wilford remember this warning escape judgment lest thou fall O God save me for Christ's sake}
We had an interesting meeting Much of the spirit of Prophecy was Poured out upon those Presidents while ordaining the third Seventy they Proclained great & marvelous things upon their heads President Young had visions while Performing theis ordinance
O time how swift & how precious thou art How great the events that are bourn upon thy wings, esspecially in the dispensation of the fullness of times.
The endowment of the Latter Day Saints hath bespake a God in Israel & is sufficient to show that though the heavens & the earth Pass away the word of God spake through the Prophets must all be fulfilled.
Yea let 1837 Report (as it departs) that Zion with her stakes indicat[e]s tha God will rule in her midst with Power Strength & Glory
President Zebedee Coltrin Ordained me as a member of the first Seventy & Pronounced great Blessings upon my head by the spirit of Prophecy & Revelation Some of them I will mention which are as follows THAT my enemies would confine me in prisions & chains & that I should rend the prisions & chains in twain in the name of JESUS & that the Lord would give me Great Power, Knowledge, & wisdom that I should heal the sick, cause the blind to see, the lame to leap, the Deaf to heear, stop the mouths of Lions rase the dead waft myself from river to river from sea to sea & that I should stand before King's & Princes & that they would send for me to receieve wisdom, Knowledge, & instruction at my mouth because they consider'd me wiser than they in like manner as the Egyptians sought wisdom at the hand of JOSEPH
God would give me a multiplicity of blessings that I should Preach to the nations of the Earth & the inhabitants upon the Islands of the Seas & that I should then return & stand upon Mount Zion in the flesh even in Jackson County Missouri at the Comming of Christ & that I should be cought up to meet him in the clouds of heaven for he said thus was the word of God unto me & Also that I should visit CoCOLUB & Preach to the Spirits in Prison & that I should bring forth from the Terrestrial Kingdom all my Kinsman ^who had Died^ by Proclaiming the gospel unto othem. These & many other Blessings were Pronounced upon my head
VISION I Willford Woodruff being in the spirit on the eve of the 2nd Day of Jany AD 1836 mine understanding was enlightened and mine eyes were opened to look within the veil and behold the things that are to come, things which must yet be fulfilled. an angel said unto me look and I looked and beheld great and marvelous things that are to transpire spedily many in this generation. I saw a Judgment that doth await Babylon the great. I saw signs in the east as a warning to the nations and to fullfull the Prophets III X II [FIGURES] I beheld the sun turn to darknes and the Moon to Blood and the horizon covered with burning Cities as is to come upon Babylon I saw seven golden Lions sit in the heavens as burning brass but the meaning was taken from me. I saw the resurrection of the Celestial Kingdom or the inhabitants theroff whose glory was that of the first born they were arayed in white garment of fine lining most beautiful & fair. I saw the resurrection of the Terrestrial Kingdom Whose glory was lesser than the Celestial. The earth hove from its capacious bed that Immor- tality might rest upon them and they came forth out of their graces. Great peace, joy, happiness, and glory immortality and Eternal Life reigned in the Celestial and Terrestrial Kingdoms Great and marvelous were the things shown unto me while in the spirit I beheld a personage appear in the Clouds of heaven and while looking at the greatness and majesty and the glory of these things the veil was closed from my view and I awoke and my rest was seel [sealed] unto me And if I cannot write all that I saw I testify that what I have written is true