After Which seven branches of the Church was represented Pres't Woodruff represented 1 at Egle
Creek Benton County Tenn 15 in good standing. 1 at Chalk Level 21 in good standing in Benton Co Tenn. one on Cyprus in Benton Co Tenn 9 in good standing. one called the Academy
branch in Henry Co Tenn 8 in good standing. one on Bloody River Henry Co Tenn 11 in
good standing. one onTaropen Branch in Calloway Co KY 24 in good standing. Damonds
Creek branch KY. 8 in good standing & represented 7 remaining members scatered abroad
all in good standing. The whole number 103 member in good standing we then Proceded
to appointed a conference at Br Seth Utley's Chalk Level Benton Co Tenn on Saturday
& Sunday the 28, 29 of May closed by Prayer by Elder Abram O Smoot
After conferenence closed we had an intermision of 30 minits & met again when
^Elder^ Cathcart taught the church the word of wisdom. I followed him upon the
same subject which closed the duties of the Day After dividing our circuit
in the following manner Elder Cathcart & Elder Boydstun labour together in KY. & Elder
Woodruff & Elder Smoot labour together in Tenn. & Elder Wells take A mishion by
himself & all to meet at the Acadeymy near Col Copelands Tenn on the 3rd of Aprail 1836
28 Sunday Rode to Eather Greenwoods Preached at his house then rode to Br James Allens
distance 6 miles Sister Margaret Clapp was instantly healed by the laying on of hands
After Which Seven branches of the Church was represented Prest Woodruff represented 1 at Egle
Creek Benton County Tenn. 15 in good standing. 1 at Chalk Level 21. in good standing in
Benton Co Tenn. one on Cyprus in Benton Co Tenn 9 in good standing. one called the Academy
branch in Henry Co Tenn 8 in good standing. one on Bloody River Henry Co Tenn 11 in
good standing. one Taropen Branch in Calloway Co KY 24 in good standing. Damonds
Creek branch KY. 8 in good standing & represented 7 remaining members scatered abroad
all in good standing. The whole number 103 member in good standing. We then Proceded
to appoint a Conference at Br Seth Utley'sChalk Level Benton Co Tenn on Saturday
& Sunday the 28, 29 of May closed by Prayer by Elder Abram O Smoot
After Conference Closed We had an intermision of 30 minits & met again when
Elder Cathcart taught the church the Word of Wisdom. I followed him upon the
same subject which closed the duties of the Day After dividing our circuit
in the following manner Elders Cathcart & Boydstun labour together in KY. & Elder
Woodruff & Elder Smoot labour together in Tenn. & Elder Wells take A mishion by
himself & all to meet at the Academy near Col Copelands Tenn on the 3rd of Aprail 1836