Nov 28 Spent the day in Kirtland visiting friends & the night with Elder W Parrish
~ Tuesday
29 Spent the day in writing wrote two Letters one to my Parents & the others to Br Asahel Woodruff
~ Wednesday
30 Setteled with Elder Reynolds Cahoon. for the subscriptions put into my hands by the
Saints of the South country for the building of the house of the Lord in Kirtland Ohio
I paid him one dollar which Was all the back money that was due this made $91.75 cts
that I hade the charge off that I forwarded for the house. I also Purchased a Latton
Grammer of Elder P Pratt for $1.12 1/2 I am now expecting to enter upon a course of study may
the Lord open my way in temporal & spiritual thing that I may be usful In my day &
Generation have a good warfare keep the faith & receieve a crown of Glory
~ Thursday
Dec 1st Reparded to the house of the Lord Whare Father Smith met a number of Saints to pronounced
upon them a Patriarchal Blessing I herd those blessing Pronounced upon them which
was great & glorious Spent the evening at Elder Parrishes accompanied by Brother Joseph Smith jr which was a sosiable & interesting interview
~ Friday
2 Wrote a Letter to Brother's Azmon & Thompson Woodruff it being the first communication
between us for two years. I also Wrote a Letter to Col Joseph Rowlett's
~ Saturday
3 Traded With Brother Bump to the amount of $12.89 cts in goods
~ Sunday
4 Sunday I went up to the house of the Lord to worship Elder Parish Preached in the forepart of
the day Several spoke in the latter part of the day President Rigdon called a vote
of the Church to discountenance the use intirely of all liquors from the Church in
sickness & in health except wine at the sacraments & for external washings the
vote was carried unanimously. Spent the night with Elder Parish
~ Monday
28 NOV Spent the day in Kirtland visiting friends & the night with Elder W Parrish
~ Tuesday
29 Spent the day in writing wrote two Letters one to my Parents & the others to Br Asahel Woodruff
~ Wednesday
30 Setteled with Elder Reynolds Cahoon. for the subscriptions put into my hands by the
Saints of the South Country for the building of the house of the Lord in Kirtland Ohio
I Paid him one dollar which was all the back money that was due this made $91.75 cts
that I had the charge off that I forwarded for the house I also Purchased a Latten
Grammer of Elder P Pratt for $1.12 1/2 I am now expecting to enter upon a course of study may
the Lord open my way in temporal & spiritual thing that I may be usful In my day &
Generation have a good warfare keep the faith & receieve a crown of Glory
~ Thursday
1st Dec Reparded to the house of the Lord Whare Father Smith met a number of Saints to Pronounced
upon them a Patriarchal Blessing I herd those blessing Pronounced upon them which
was great & glorious Spent the evening at Elder Parrishes accompanied by Brother
Joseph Smith jr which was a sosiable & interesting interview
~ Friday
2 I Wrote a Letter to Brother's Azmon & Thompson Woodruff it being the first communication
between us for two years. I also Wrote a Letter to Col Joseph Rowlett's
~ Saturday
3 Traded with Brother Bump to the amount of $12.89cts in goods
~ Sunday
4 Sunday I went up to the house of the Lord to worship Elder Parish Preached in the forepart of
the day Several spoke in the latter Part of the day President Rigdon called a vote
of the Church to discountenance the use intirely of all liquors from the Church in
sickness & in health except wine at the sacraments & for external Washings the
vote was carried eunanimously Spent the night with Elder Parish