Day in the Life

Nov 29, 1836

Journal Entry

November 29, 1836 ~ Tuesday

29 Spent the day in writing wrote two Letters one
to my Parents & the other to Brother Asahel Woodruff


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Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1814
11 Apr 1814 - 18 Oct 1838
219 mentions


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I truly felt to thank God that his promises had been verifyed unto me by giving me a seat & a name within his house & within his walls
~ Wilford Woodruff
I am now expecting to enter upon a course of study may the Lord open my way in temporal & spiritual things that I may be usful in my day & generation have a good warfare keep the faith & receieve a crown of Glory
~ Wilford Woodruff
December 1, 1836 ~ Thursday Dec 1st Repaired to the house of the Lord whare Father Smith met a number of saints to Pronounce upon them a Patriarchal Blessing. This was the first meeting of the kind that I ever attended & I found it to be highly edefying & interesting as their was great & glorious things pronounced upon their heads by the spirit of Prophesy & Revelation.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter to Asahel Hart Woodruff, 29 November 1836

Kirtland Geauga County Ohio Brother Asahel H. Woodruff Dear Sir As I have just taken my pen from a sheet directed to our Distant parents I thought pirhaps it would not be amiss to address a few lines to you as I have never had any reason to believe that you had lost that friendship or attachment towards me that I formerly have been made the partaker of an opportunity afforded. Notwithstanding years have rolled away between us since we saw each other face to face yet my attachment towards you or my desire for your wellfare either in temporal or spiritual things hath not either lessoned or abated. It certainly is gratifying to me to hear of the prosperity of my Brethren in evey lawful pursuit Brother Asahel I have long felt anxious to again hear from you I am sensible that it is not alltogether profitable to be always pouring upon any ones mind any subject however good it may be lest be be weary in consequence of which I have remained more silent upon those subjects in which I have been ingaged than I otherwise should have done. But thinking perhaps you would like to Know whare I was how & what I was doing I concluded to call your mind to the perusal of this sheet. I would here rema^r^k that after our last conference in the south I spent a few days in visting the Churches which God had rased up by my instrumentality in that country I had a good season amo[n]g them I added 9 to their numbers & took the parting hand I took water at Paducah K.Y. on the 25 th of Oct after passing one boat that had sunk & run aground ourselv[es] traveled 400 miles we reached Luisville I then went by land to Owenton, & spent two weeks preaching & visiting some Kinsman of Elder Snoots a travling Brother from Tenne who is with me we then went to Cincinnati visited the big bone lick on the road the place whare those large bones are taken that have been exhibited in Europe & America. When I arived at Cincinnati My first business was to inquire at the store of Webster & Conway for you they told me you had located at Terrehaute Indianna & I was glad to learn from them that the prospects for your prosperity was flattering

Autobiography 1857 Draft 1

in my day. It being Sunday I attended meeting in the Temple for the first time. In the forenoon I heard President Joseph Smith preach to the people much to my edifycation and comfort. In the afternoon I was called into the stand to speak to the people I read the 56 chapter of Isaiah and made some remarks upon it and gave an account of my mission in the South and was followed by Elder ^A O^ Smoot ^also addressed the Saints^ The Sacrament was administered and I felt to rejoice in the communion with the Saints. I was councilled with by the Presidency to attend a Latten ^the^ School in ^the Temple taught by professor Haws I studied the Latin^ Kirtland during the winter according to council I entered ^Language and English Grammar^ the School taught by Professor Haws and commenced boarding with Brother ^Ira^ Bond

Autobiography 1857 Draft 2

in the camp of Zion. , I heard Joseph preach in the Temple. In the afternoon I was called to speak and read the 56 chap. of Isaiah 56 chapter, and made some remarks upon it, and gave an account of my mission in the South; Elder Smoot also addressed the Saints. I was counselled by the Presidency to attend the school in the Temple taught by Prof. Haws, I studdied the Latin language and English Grammar, and boarded with bro. Ira Bond. I attended meetnigs with the Seventies and other Quorums during the winter of 1836–7, and recieved much valuable instruction

Daybook (31 December 1835 - 3 January 1837)

29 Spent the day in writing wrote two Letters one to my Parents & the others to Br Asahel Woodruff

Autobiography 1865 Millennial Star

——I heard Joseph preach in the Temple. In the afternoon I was called to speak, and read the 56th chap. of Isaiah, and made some re- marks, and gave an account of my mission in the south; Elder Smoot also addressed the Saints. I was counselled by the Presidency to attend the school in the Temple, taught by Professor Haws. I studied the Latin language and English gram- mar, and boarded with brother Ira Bond. I attended meetings with the Seven- ties and other Quorums, during the winter of 1836-7, and received much valuable instruction.

Autobiography 1858 Deseret News

I heard Joseph preach in the Temple. In the afternoon I was called to speak and read the 56th chap. of Isaiah, and made some remarks, and gave an account of my mission in the South; Elder Smoot also addressed the Saints. I was counselled by the Presidency to at- tend the school in the Temple, taught by Prof. Haws. I studied the Latin language and Eng- lish Grammar, and boarded with bro. Ira Bond. I attended meetings with the Seventies and other quorums during the winter of 1836-7, and received much valuable instruction.


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Nov 29, 1836