Remarks against N E Russells
name in Young's Register at Perrysville. "lookingforanEndorser"
Elder Dwight Webster sends by
Willford Woodruff $5 dollars for the house of the
Lord in Nauvoo. Also $4 dollars for the Editors
of the Times & Seasons for the 2 & 3rd vol
I Willford Woodruff paid the above to R Cahoon
for the house & E Robison on the & (for papers)
[rest of page blank]
Page 4
Mem. to Heeton
The box for Harriet must
be seal up forthwith
I willford met at the
house of Joseph Smith the seer this evening to hear
Preaching by Elder Kimball he opened by prayer
read a chapter in the Book of Mormon & then spoke
as he was led by the spirit of God, among other things
he spoke a parable of the clay in the hands of
the potter that when it mared in the hands of the
potter it was lade aside to join the next batch & was
a vessel of hishonour but all clay that formed well
in the hands of the potter & was pliable was a vessel of
honour & thus it was with the human family &
still is, all that are pliable in the hands of God &
are obediant to the commands of God are vessels
of honour & God will receive them &c.[Jeremiah 18]
(After Sidney Roberts had occupied the meeting
a season) Joseph arose & read a chapter in the New Testiment containing the parable of the vine &
its Branches & explained it much to our edifycation, [John 15] &
said "if we kept the commandments of God we
should bring forth fruit & be the friends of God &
know what our lord did & he would reveal his
secrets unto us but his servent knew, not what his Lord
Page 5
doeth. Some say Joseph is a fallen prophet because
he does not bring forth more of the word of the Lord
why does he not do it, are we able to receive it No
not one in this room" he then chastised us for our
wickedness & unbelief knowing that whome the
Lord loveth he chasteneth & scourgeth evry son &
daughter whome he receiveth, & if we do not receive
it then are we bastards & not sons. On revelation he
said a man would command his son to dig potatoes
then saddle his horse but before he done either tell him
to do something els, this is all considerd right but the
moment the Lord gives a commandment & revokes
that decree & commands sumthing els the prophet is
then considered fallen &c.
Because we will not receive chastizment at the hand of
the prophet or Apostles the Lord chastizes us with
sickness & death. Let not any man publish his own
righteousnes for others can do that for him sooner let him
confess his sins & then he will be forgiven & bring forth
more fruit. When a man is chastised he gets angry &
will not endure it. The reason we do not have the
secrets of the Lord revealed unto us is because we
do not keep them but reveal them, what greater
love hath any man than to lay down his life for his friend
then we should fight for our friend untill we die
Elder B. Young arose & said one thing lay with wait
on his mind ie that we should be prepared to keep each
commandment as it came from the Lord by the
mouth of the prophet, & as the Lord had commanded
us to build a temple we should do it spedily
[Joseph Smith Papers Document] Joseph the Seer taught the following principles
that the God & father of our Lord Jesus Christ was
once the same as the Son or Holy Ghost but havi
ng redeemed a world became the eternal God of
that world he had a son Jesus Christ who redeem
ed this earth the same as his father had a world which
made them equal & the Holy Ghost would do
the same in his turn & so would all the Saints
Page 6
who inherited a SCelestial glory so their would
be Gods many & Lords many 1 Corinthians 8:5 their were many
mansions even 12 from the abode of Devils to
the SCelestial glory All spirits that have bodies have
power over those that have not hence men have
power over Devils &c
[rest of page blank]
Page 7
Page 8
Page 9
at Covington, Ma
{Mind was composed—stood by the bar room
fire—made ready} DrCombeon healthandmentaleducation
{was interrupted by some persons asking the cause of the [trd] wounds and gave me opinion of the original cause we
was [disposed]—by [dr] to [remove] from the [apparent] cause [I][dmped] in + [pln] got bewildered and was unable to
recover my composure for considerable time
this probably made [he] be [vd] be a little [really] unforming
&c the [subject] we made [have][caused] om [rs]
ready and stayed}
Trade Minds?
Page 10
[written in pencil]
For the mark!
Mr John Pool
That's been call'd fool
Wishes all those
That he owes
To bring on their account
That he may settle the amount
John Pool
For the mark [You]
This [Evening] Book
That I kept for G Cook
Is left with the Squire
Whose name is Brier
John Pool Covington
Page 11
[Joseph Smith Papers Document] 1838
Revelation given in Far
West Caldwell County Missouri
Show unto us thy will O Lord concerning
The Twelve illegible
Ans — Verily thus saith the Lord let
a conference be held immediately, let
the Twelve be organized & let men
be appointed to supply the place of those
who are fallen. Let my servant Thomas
remain for a season in the land of Zion season to publish my word. let the
residue continue to preach from that
town, and if they will do this in all low-
liness of heart in meekness & humility &
longsuffering I the Lord god give
unto them a promise that I will
provide for their families & an affectual [Doctrine and Covenants 118:1-6]
Page 12
door shall be opened for them from
hence forth and next spring let them
depart to go over the great waters and
there promulge my gospel the fulness thereof
and to bear record of my name, let
them take leave of my Saints in the City Far West on the twenty sixth day of
April next on the building spot of my
house saith the Lord let my servant John Taylor — and also my servant John E. Page and also my servant
Willford Woodruff — and also my ser
vant Willard Richards be appointed to
fill the places of those who have fallen
and be officially notified of their
appointment. [Doctrine and Covenants 118:1-6] [FIGURE]
The word of the Lord unto Thomas B.
Marsh concerning the twelve apostles of
the Lamb. Verily thus saith the Lord
unto you my servant Thomas I have
herd thy prayers & thine alms have come
up as a memorial before me in behalf
of those thy Brethren who were chosen to
bear testimony of my name & to
send it abroad among all nations kindreds
tongues & people & ordained through the in-
strumentality of my servents. Verily
I say unto you, there has been some
things in thine heart & with thee with
which I the Lord was not well pleased
nevertheless inasmuch as thou hast
abased thyself thou shalt be exalted
Page 14
[Doctrine and Covenants 112:3-7] therefore all thy sins are forgiven thee
let thy heart be of good cheer before
my face & thou shalt bear record
of my name not ownly unto the
gentiles but also unto the Jews & thou
shalt send forth my word unto the
ends of the earth contend thou there
fore morning by morning & day after
day let thy warning voice go forth &
when the night cometh let not the
inhabitants of the earth slumber
because of thy speach let thy habitation
[ink change] be known in Zion & remove not thy
house for I the Lord have a great work for
thee to do in publishing my name among
the Children of Men, therefore gird up
your loins for the work let your
Page 15
[Doctrine and Covenants 112:7-11] feet be shod also for thou art chosen
& thy path lyeth among the mountains
and among the mountains many nations
and by thy word many high ones shall
be brought low & by thy word many
low ones shall be exalted, thy voice
shall be a rebuke unto the transgr
essor, and at thy rebuke let the tongue
of the slanderer cease its perversness.
Be thou humble & the Lord thy God shall
lead thee by thy hand & give thee an
answer to thy prayers I know thy
heart & have heard thy prayers concer-
ning thy brethren [ink change] be not partial towa
rds them in love above many others but
let your love be for them as for yourself
and let your love abound unto all men
Page 16
[Doctrine and Covenants 112:11-15] and unto all who love my name and
pray for your Brethren of the Twelve.
Admonish them sharply for my name
sake & let them be admonished for all
their sins & be ye faithful before me
unto my name & after their temptations
& much tribulations behold I the Lord
will feel after them & if they harden not
there hearts & stiffen not their necks
against me they shall be converted and I
will heal them. Now I say unto you
and what I say unto you I say unto
all the Twelve arise & gird up your loins
take up your cross follow me & feed
my sheep exalt not yourselves, rebel
not against my servent Joseph for
verily I say unto you, I am with
Page 17
[Doctrine and Covenants 112:15-19] him & my hand shall be over him &
the keys which I have given him &
also to youward shall not be taken
from him untill I come. Verily
I say unto you, my servent Thomas
thou art the man whome I have chosen
to hold the keys of my kingdom as
pertaining to the Twelve abroad
among all Nations that thou mayest
be my servent to unlock the door of the
Kingdom in all places where my serva-
nt Joseph & my servant Sidney and my
servant Hyrum cannot come for ion them have I layed the burden of
all the Churches, for a little season
wherefore whithersoever they shall send
you go ye & I will be with you
Page 18
[Doctrine and Covenants 112:19-23] in whatsoever place ye shall proclaim
my name an affectual door shall be
open unto you that they may receive
my word. Whosoever recieveth my word
recieveth me & whosoever recieveth me
recieveth those the first presidency whome
I have sent whome I have made counsellors
for my name sake unto you. and again
I say unto you that whosoever ye shall
send in my name by the voice of your
Brethren the Twelve duly recomme-
nded & authorized by you shall have
power to open the door of my kingdom,
unto any nation whithersoever ye
shall send them inasmuch as they humble
themselves before me and abide in my words
& harken to the voice of my Spirit. Verily
verily I say unto you darkness covereth
Page 19
[Doctrine and Covenants 112:23-27] the earth & gross darkness covereth the
mind of the people and all fellesh hath
become corrupt before my face.
Behold vengance cometh spedily upon the
inhabitants of the earth, a day of wrath
a day of burning, a day of destruction
of weeping, of mourning, and of lamenta-
tion, as& as a whilrlwind it shall come
upon all the face of the earth saith the
Lord & upon my house shall it begin
& from my house shall it go forth
saith the Lord first upon those among
you saith the Lord who have professed to
know my name & have not known
me but have blasphemed against me
in the midst of my house saith the Lord
thereforth see to it that ye trouble
Page 20
[Doctrine and Covenants 112:27-31] not yourselves concerning the affairs
of my church in this place saith the
Lord but purify your hearts before
me & then go ye into all the world
& preach my gospel unto every creat-
ure who have not recieved it & he that
believeth & is baptized shall be saved &
he that believeth not & is not baptized
shall be damned, for unto you
(the Twelve) & those (the first presid-
ency) who are appointed with you to
be your councsillors and your
leaders is the power of this priesthood given
for the last days & for the last time in the
which is the dispensation of the fulness of
times which power you hold in connection
with all those who have received a dispensation
at any time from the beginning of the Creation
Page 21
[Doctrine and Covenants 112:32-34] for verily I say unto you the keys of
the dispensation which ye have received
have come down from the fathers &
last of all being sent down from heaven
unto you verily I say unto you
behold how great is your calling.
Clense your hearts & your garments
lest the blood of this generation be req
uired at your hands. Be faithful
untill I come for I come quickly
& my reward is with me to recompense
every man according as his work shall
be. I am Alpha and Omega Amen
[FIGURE] [Joseph Smith Papers Document] As there are many keys to the kingdom
of God the following one will detect Satan
when he transforms himself nigh unto
an angel of light. When Satan appears
Page 22
in the form of a personage unto man
& reaches out his hand unto him & the
man takes hold of his hand & feels no
substance he may know it is Satan
for an angel of God (which is an angel
of light) is a Saint with his resurrected
body & when he appears unto man
& offers him his hand & the man feels
a substance when he takes hold of it as
he would in shaking hands with his ne-
ighbour he may know it is a Angel
of God, & should a Saint appear unto
man whose body is not resurrected he
will never offer him his hand for it
would be ^a^gainst the law by which they
are governed & by observing this key we
may detect Satan [ink blot] that he decieve us
not [FIGURE]
Ever keep in exercise the principle of mercy
& be ready to forgive our brother on the first
intimations of repentance & asking forgiveness,
& should we ever forgive our brother or even
our enemy before they repent or ask forgiveness
our heavenly father would be equally as mercif-
ul unto us. Again let the Twelve & all
Saints be willing to confess all their sins
& not keep back a part & let the twelve
be humble & not be exalted & beware of
pride & not seek to excell one above another
but act for each others good & pray for one &
another & honour oveur brother or make
Page 24
honourable mention of his name & not
backbite & devour our brother. Why [won't]
not man learn wisdom by precept of this
late age of the world where we have such a
cloud of witnesses & examples before us
& not be obliged to learn by sad experi
ance every thing we know. must the new
ones that are chosen to fill the places
of those that our fallen of the quorum of the
Twelve begin to exalt themselves untill
they exhalt themselves so high that they will
even tumble over & have a great fall
& go wallowing through the mud &
mire & darkness Judas like to the
buffetings of Satan as several of the quor
um of the Twelve have done or will they
learn wisdom & be wise. [Matthew 27:3-5] (O God give them
wisdom & keep them humble I pray)
Page 25
When the Twelve or any other witnesses
stand before the congregations of the earth
& they preach in the power & demonstration
of the spirit of God & the people are asstonis[h]ed
& confounded at the doctrin & say that
that man has preached a powerful discourse
a great sermon then let that man or
those men take care that they do not ass
cribe the glory unto themselves but be ca-
reful that they are humble & ascribe the
praise & glory to God & the Lamb for
it is by the power of the Holy Priesthood
& Holy Ghost they have power thus to speak:
what art thou O man but dust & pain
wholm dost thou receive thy power & blessings
but from God Then O ye Twelve notice
this [FIGURE] key & be wise for Christ sake & your
own so[u]ls sake
Page 26
Ye are not sent out to be taught but
to teach. let every word be seasoned with
grace be vigilent be sober, it is a day of
warning & not of many words. act honest
before God & man beware of gentile sophestry such as bowing & scraping unto
men in whom you have no confidence
be honest open & frank in all your inter
course with mankind.
O ye Twelve & all Saints profit by this im
portant Key[FIGURE] that in all your trials
troubles, temptations; afflictions, bonds,
imprisionments, & death see to it that you
do not betray heaven, that you do not betray
Jesus Christ, that you do not betray your
Brethren, that you do not betray the revela
tions of God, whether in the BibleBook of
Mormon or Doctrins & Covenants or
Page 27
any other that ever was or ever will be given
& revealed unto man in this world or that
which is to come, yea in all your kicking
& floundering see to it that you do not this
thing lest innocent blood be found in your
skirts & you go down to hell. all
other sins are not to be compared to sinning
against the Holy Ghost & poroving a traitor
to thy brethren (A final [FIGURE] key delivered
from Joseph in the following language.) I will
give you one of the keys of the miysteries of
the kingdom. It is an eternal principle
that has existed with God for all eternity
that that man who rises up to condemn
others [ink blot] finding fault with the Church
saying that they are out of the way while
he himself is righteous, then know assur
edly that that man is in the high road
Page 28
to apostacy & if he does not repent will
apostitize as God live, the principle is as
correct as the one that Jesus put forth
in saying that that person he who seeketh
after a sign is an adulterous person
& that principle is ^eternal^ undeviating & firm
as the pillars of heaven for whenever you
see a man seeking after a sign you may
set it down that he is an adulterous
man. [FIGURE]
The pure testimony of the servents
of God in all ages of the world is
attended with the Spirit of Revelation
& prophecy, or in other words faith
comes by hearing the word of God & the
Page 29
On the doctrin`s of faith
Faith comes by hearing the word
of God through the testimony of the
Servents of God that Testimony is alw-
ays attended by the spirit of prophecy
& revelation.
Is a thing that cannot be trifled with
every day. Daily transgression & daily
repentance is not that which is pleasing
in the sight of God [FIGURE]
Is a Holy ordinance preparatory to
the reception of the Holy Ghost,; It is the
channel & key by which the Holy Ghost
will be administered. The gift of the
Holy Ghost by the laying ofn of hands
Page 30
cannot be recieved through the
medium of any other principle than the principle of righteousness
for if the proposals are not complyied
with it is of no use but withdraws
Were given for the purpose of preach-
ing among those whose language
is not understood as on the day of pen-
tecost &c, & it is not necessary for
tongues to be taught to the Church
particularly, for any man that
has the Holy Ghost can speak of the things
of God in his own tongue as well
as to speak in another. for faith
comes not by signs but by hearing
the word of God. [FIGURE]
Page 31
The doctrin of the Resurrection of the
Dead and Eternal judgment are
necisary to preach among the first
principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Doctrin of Election
St Paul exhorts us to make our calling
& election shure. This is that Sealing
power spoken of by Paul in other places
see Ephe 1st 13–14 v that we may be sealed up
unto the day of redemption, this principle
ought (in its proper place) to be taught
for God hath not revealed any thing to Joseph
but what he will make known unto
the Twelve & even the least saint
may know all things as fast as he is
able to bear them for the day must
come when no man need say
Page 32
to his neighbour know ye the
Lord for all shall know him (who
remain) from the least to the greatest
How is this to be done. it is to be done
by this sealing power & the other comforter
spoken of which will be manifest by
revelation. There is two comforters
spoken of, the first comforter is the Holy
Ghost the same as given on the day of
pentecost & that all Saints receive
after faith, repentance & baptism.
This first comforter or Holy Ghost has
no other affect than pure intelligence
It is more powerful in expanding
the mind enlightening the understanding
& storeing the intellect with present
knowledge of a man who is of the
Page 33
litteral seed of Abram thhan one
that is a gentile though it may not
have half as much visible affect upon
the body for as the Holy Ghost falls up
on one of the literal seed of Abram it
is came [calm] & serene & his whole soul
& and body ownly exercised by the pure
spirit of Intelligence. While the aff-
ect of the Holy Ghost upon a gentile is
to purge out the old blood & make
him actually of the seed of Abram
That man that has none of tehe
Blood of Abram (naturally) must
have a new creation by the Holy Ghost
in such a case there may be mo
re of a powerful affect upon the body
& visible to the eye than upon an
Page 34
Israelite while the Israelite at first
might be far before the gentile
in pure intelligence. The other com
forter spoken off is a subject of great
interest & perhaps understood by few of
this generation. [ink change] After a person hath faith
in Christ, repents of his sins & is baptized for
the remission of his sins & receives the Holy
Ghost (by the laying on of hands,) which is the
first comforter then let him continue
to humble himself before God hungering
& thirsting after righteousness & living by
every word of God, & the Lord will soon
say unto him Son thou shalt be exalted,
&c. When the Lord has thoroughly proved him
& find that the man is determined to serve
him at all hazard then the man will find
Page 35
his calling & election made sure then
it will be his privilege to receive the other Comforter which the Lord hath promised
the Saints as is recorded in the testimony of
St. [John] in the XIV ch from the 12 to the 27 vers
note the 16-17-18-21:23 verses. Now what is this
other Comforter it is no more or less
than the LordJesus Christ himself &
this is the sum & substance of the whole
matter that when any man obtains this
last Comforter he will have the personage
of Jesus Christ to attend him or appear unto
him from time to time & even he will
manifest the father unto him & they will
take up there abode with him & the visions
of the heavens will be opened unto him &
the Lord will teach him face to face &
Page 36
he may have a perfect knowledge of the mys-
teries of the kingdom of God, & this is the
state & place where the ancient Saints arived
at when they saw such glorious visions, Isaiah Ezekiel, John upon the Isle of Patmos, Greece, St paul in the third heavens & all the Saints who
held communion with the general
assembly & church of the first born &c. [2 Corinthians 12:2-4] [Revelation 1]
The spirit of revelation is in connexion
with those blessings. A person may profit
by noticeing the first intimations of the spirit
of revelation for Instance when you feel
pure intelligence flowing unto you it
may give you sudden shak[e]s of Ideas
that by noticing it you may find it fulfi-
lled the same day or soon ie those things
that were presented unto your minds by the
Page 37
spirit of God will come to pass & thus
by learning the spirit of God & understanding
it you may grow into the principle of
revelation untill you become perfected
in Christ Jesus.
An Evangelist
Is a patriarch even the oldest man
of the Blood of Joseph or of the seed of Abram wharever the Church of Christ
is esstablished in the earth there should
be a patriarch for the benefit of the
posterity of the Saints, as it was with Jacob in given [giving] his patriarchal blessing
unto his sons &c.
Verily I say unto you who have assembled
together that you may learn my will con-
cerning the redemption of Zion mine
afflicted people. Behold I say unto you,
were it not for the transgressions of my people
speaking concerning the Church & not
individually they might have been redee-
med even now, but behold they have not
learned to be obedient to the things
which I require at there hands but
are full of all manner of evil and do
not impart of their substance as
becometh Saints, (to the poor &
afflicted among them) and are not
united according to the union required
by the Law of the Celestial Kingdom.
Page 39
[Doctrine and Covenants 105:5-9] And Zion cannot be built up
unless it is by the principles of the
Law of the Celestial Kingdom, otherwise
I cannot recieve her unto myself
and my people must needs be chastened
untill they become obedient if it
must needs be by the things which
they suffer, I speak not concern-
ing those who are appointed to lead my
people who are the first Elders of my
Church for they are not all under
condemnation but I speak con-
cerning the Church abroad. their are
many who will say whare is their God, behold
He will deliver in times of trouble otherw-
ise we will not go up unto Zion & will
keep our monies. Therefore in consequence
Page 40
[Doctrine and Covenants 105:9-12] of the transgressions of my people it
is expedient in me that mine Elders
should weight for a little season for
the redemption of Zion that they them-
selves may be prepared & that my
people may be taught more perfe-
ctly concerning their duty & have
experience & know more perfectly
concerning their duty & the things
which I require at their hands &
this cannot be brought to pass
untill mine Elders are endowed with
power from on High for behold I
have prepared a great endowment
& blessing to be poured out upon
them inasmuch as they are faithf
ul, & continue in humility before me
Page 41
[Doctrine and Covenants 105:13-16] Therefore it is expedient in me that
mine Elders should weight for a little
season for the redemption of Zion
for behold I do not require at their
hands to fight the battles of Zion for
as I have said in a former commandm-
ent even so I will fulfill. I will fight
your battles; Behold the destroyer
I have already sent forth to destroy
& lay waste mine enemies & not
many years hence they shall not
be left to pollute mine heritage &
to blaspheme my name upon the
land which I have consecrated for
the gathering to gether of my Saints. Behold
I have commanded my Servent Joseph
to say to the strength of my house, even
Page 42
[Doctrine and Covenants 105:16-21] my wariors my young men & mid-
dle aged to gather together for the redemption
of my people & throw down the towers of
mine enemies & scatter th[e]ir watchmen
but the strength of mine house has
not harkened unto my words, but
inasmuch as their are those that have
harkened unto my words, I have
prepared a blessing & an endowment
for them I have herd their prayers &
will eccept their offering & it is expe-
dient in me that they should be broug
ht thus far, for a trial of their
faith, & verily I give unto you that
as many as have come up hither that
can stay in the regions round about let
them stay, & those that cannot stay who
Page 43
[Doctrine and Covenants 105:21-25] have families in the East, let them
stay for a little season inasmuch as
my servent Joseph shall appoint unto
them for I will council him conce-
rning this matter; and all things whatso-
ever he shall appoint unto them shall
be fulfilled & let all my people who
dwell in the region round about be very
faithful & prayerful & humble before
me & reveal not the things which
I have revealed unto them. Talk
not of judgment, boast not of faith,
nor of mighty works, but carefully
gather together as much in one region
as can be consistantly with the feeling
of the people. And behold I will give unto
you favor & grace in their eyes, that
Page 44
[Doctrine and Covenants 105:25-28] you may rest in peace & safety
whilst you are saying unto the people
execute judgment & justice for us
according to law & redress us of our
wrongs. Now behold I say unto you
my friends in this way you may find
favor in the eyes of the people unt-
ill the armies of Israel become
vary great & I will soften the hearts
of the people as I did the heart of
Phariaoh from time to time untill
my servent Joseph & mine Elders
whom he shall appoint shall have time
to gather the strength of my house &
to have some ^sent^ wise men to fulfill
that which I have communicated
concerning the purchesies of all the
Page 45
[Doctrine and Covenants 105:28-31] lands in Jackson County that
can be purchased & in the adjoining
counties round about for it is my
will that their lands should be purchased
& after they are purchased that my Saints
possess them according to the law of
Consecration which I have given &
after these lands are purchased I will
hold the armies of Israel guiltless in
taking possession of their own lands
& of throwing down the towers of mine
enemies that may be upon them & scatt-
ering their watchman & avenging me
of mine enemies unto the third & fourth
generation of them hate hate me. But
finally let my army become very
great & let it be sanctified before me
Page 46
[Doctrine and Covenants 105:31-34] that it may become fair as the Sun
& clear as the Moon & that her banne
rs may be terrible unto all nations
that the kingdoms of this world may
be constrained to acknowledge
that the kingdom of Zion is in very deed
the kingdom of our God & his Christ
therefore let us become subject
unto her laws. Verily I say unto
you it is expedient in me that the first
Elders in My Church should recieve
their endowment from on high in
my house which I have command
ed to be built unto my name in
the land of Kirtland & let those
commandments which I have given
concerning Zion & her law be execu-
Page 47
[Doctrine and Covenants 105:34-40] ted & fulfilled after her redemption;
There has been a day of calling but
the time has come for a day of chusing
& let those be chosen that are worthy
& it shall be manifest unto my servent Joseph by the voice of the Spirit those
who are chosen & they shall be sanct
ified & in as much as they follow the cou
ncil which they receive they shall have
power after many days to accomplish
all things appertaining to Zion. And again
I say unto you sue for peace not own
ly the people that have smitten you but also
to all people & lift up an ensign of peace
& make a proclamation for peace unto
the ends of the earth & make proposals for peace
unto those who have smitten you
Page 48
[Doctrine and Covenants 105:40-41] according to the voice of the spirit which
is in you & All things shall work together
for your good, & be faithful & behold
& lo I am with you even untill
the end even so Amen [FIGURE]
Verily thus saith the Lord concerni
ng the wars that will shortly come to
pass begining at the rebellion of South Carolina which will eventu-
ally terminate in the death & misery
of many souls; and the days will come
that war will be poured out upon
all Nations begining at this place for
behold the Southern States shall be
divided against the Northern States
Page 49
[Doctrine and Covenants 87:3-6] and the Southern States will call on
other nations even the nation of Great
britian as it is called, and they shall
also call upon other nations in order
to defend themselves against other nati-
ons & thus war shall be poured out
upon all Nations & it shall come
to pass after many days slaves shall
rise up against their Masters who
shall be martialed disciplined for
war, and it shall come to pass also
that the remnants were ^who^ ^are^ left of the land
will martial themselves & shall beco
me exceding angry & shall vex the gen-
tiles with a sore vexation & thus with
the sword & by bloodsheds the inhab-
itants of the Earth shall mourn and
Page 50
[Doctrine and Covenants 87:6-8] with famine, & plague, & earthqua-
kes & the thunder of heavens & the fieres
& rained lightning also shall the inh
abitants of Earth be made to feel
the wrath & indignation & chastning
hand of an AlmightyGOD untill the
consumption decreed hath made
a full end of all Nations, that the cry
of the Saints of the bloodshed of the
Saints shall scease to come into
the ears of the LORDOFSABAOTH
from the Earth to be avenged of their ene-
mies wharefore stand ye in Holy places
and be not moved untill the day of
the Lord Amen[FIGURE]
come for behold it cometh quickly saith the
Lord Amen
Verily I say unto you my friends
Behold I will give unto you a revelation
& commandment that you may
know how to act in the discharge of your
duties concerning the salvation and
redemption of your brethren who have
been scattered from the land of Zion
being driven & smitten by the hand of
mine enemies on whome I will pour
out my wrath without measure in
mine own time for I have suffered them
thus far that they might fill up the mea
sure of their iniquity that their cup might
be full & that those who call themselves after
my name might be chastened for a little
season with a sore & grievious chastizement [Doctrine and Covenants 103:1-4]
Page 52
because they did not hearken altogether
unto the precepts & commandments
which I gave unto them. But verily I
say unto you that I have decreed a
decree which my people shall realize
inasmuch as they harken from this hour
unto the council which I the Lord their
God shall give unto them. Behold they shall
for I have decreed it, it shall begin to
prevail against mine enemies from
this very hour, and by harkning to obse
rve all the words which I the Lord their
God shall speak unto them they shall
never cease to prevail untill the
Kingdoms of the world are subdued
under my feet & the earth is given
unto the Saints to possess it forever [Doctrine and Covenants 103:4-7]
Page 53
and ever. But inasmuch as they keep
not my commandments & harken not
to observe all my words then the Kingdom
of the world [blank] prevail against them, for
they were set to be saviors of men
and inasmuch as they are not the sav-
iors of men they are as salt that hath
lost its savor and is thenceforth good
for nothing but to be cast out &
be trodden under foot of men,
but verily I say unto you I have
decreeed that your brethren which had
been scattered shall return to the
lands of their inheritantsces and build up
the waste place of Zion [ink change] for after
which tribulation as I have said
unto you in a former commandment [Doctrine and Covenants 103:7-12]
Page 54
cometh the blessing which I have
promised in a former command- ment after your tribulations
& the tribulations of your Brethren
your redemption & the redemption
of your brethren even their rede
mption to the land of Zion to be
established no more to be thrown
down; nevertheless if they shall
pollute their inheritance they shall
be thrown down for I will not
spare them if they pollute their
Inheritances. Behold I say unto
you that the redemption of Zion
must needs come of power, therefore
I [blank] ^{will}^[g]^ raise up unto my people a
[page folded]an who shall lead them like as [Doctrine and Covenants 103:12-16]
Page 55
Moses led the Children of Israel
for ye are the Children of Israel
& of the seed of Abram & ye m
ust needs be led out of bondage
by power & with an out stretched
arm "even as your fathers were
led" at the first even so shall the
Redemption of Zion, therefore let
not your hearts faint, for I
say not unto you as I said unto
your fathers, mine Andels shall
go up before you & not my pre
sence, but I say unto you
mine angel shall go up before
you & also my presence & in
time ye shall possess the goodly land.
Verily, verily, I say unto you [Doctrine and Covenants 103:16-21]
Page 56
that my Servant ^{Joseph}^ is the man
to wholm I liken the Saints to
whome the Lord of the vineyard spoke
in the parable which I have given
unto you. Therefore let my
Servent Joseph say unto the strength
of my house my young men
& middle aged gather together unto
the land of Zion upon the land which
I have bought with monies that
have been consecrated unto me
& let all the churches send up wise
men with their monies & purchase
lands even as I have commanded
them. & inasmuch as mine
enemies come against you to
drive you from off my goodly land [Doctrine and Covenants 103:21-24]
Page 57
which I have consecrated to be
the land of Zion even your own
land. After these testimonies wh-
ich ye have brought before me against
them ye shall course ^curse^ them & who-
msoever ye will course ^curse^ I will curse
& ye shall avenge me of my enemies
& my presence shall be with you
even in avenging me of mine enem
ies unto the third & fourth generatio[ns]
of them that hate me. Let no man
be afraid to lay down his life for
my sake for whoso layeth down
his life for my sake shall find it
again & whoso is not willing to lay down
his life for my sake is not my deciple.
It is my will that my servent Sidney [Doctrine and Covenants 103:24-29]
Page 58
should lift up his voice in the con
gregations in the eastern country
in preparing the Churches to keep the
commandments which I have given
unto them concerning the restorat-
ion & redemption of Zion. It is my
will that my servent parly & my
servant Lyman should not retu
rn to the land of their brethren un
till they have obtained companies
to go up unto the land of Zion by
tens, or twenties or by fifties or
by hundreds, untill they have obt-
ained unto the number of five
hundred of the strength of my house,
behold this is my will therefore if you
cannot obtain five hundred [Doctrine and Covenants 103:29-32]
Page 59
seak diligently that peradventure
ye may obtain three and if ye
cannot obtain three hundred
seak diligently that peradventu-
re ye may obtain one hundred
but verily I say unto you a
commandment I give unto you
that you shall not go up unto
the land of Zion untill you
have obtained a hundred of
the strength of my house to
go up with you unto the land
of Zion therefore as I said unto
you ask and ye shall receive
pray earnestly that peradven-
ture my servant Joseph may
go with you and preside in [Doctrine and Covenants 103:32-35]
Page 60
the midst of my people and or-
ganize my kingdom upon the
consecrated land and establish
the children of Zion apccording
to the laws and commandments
which have been given and
which shall be given unto you
all victory and glory is brought
to pass unto you through your dil-
igence faithfulness and prayers
of faith. Let my servant Parley
journey with my servant Joseph
let my servant Lyman journey
with my servant Sidney let
my servant Hiram journey
with my servant Frederick; let
my servant Orson Hyde journey [Doctrine and Covenants 103:35-40]
Page 61
with my servant Orson Pratt
whithersoever my servant Jose-
ph shall counsel them obta-
ining the fulfillment of these
commandments which I have
given unto you and leave the
residue in mine hands even
so — Amen [Doctrine and Covenants 103:40]
ItemsofP. P. PrattsinstructionatNew YorkConference
It is a wrong spirit to speak evil of the
authorities that God has set in his Church
even the least of them to a deacon, for
all heaven will respect the authority they
have confered upon man on the Earth,
& the spirits manifest in the members shou
ld be subject to the powers that be even
Page 62
to a deacon that there may not be disorder
The spirit that opposes the authority of God
is of the devel. We are acquainted with the
course the devel persues in making trouble
in the church of Christ. Satan is not so
destitute of power as some suppose he
is The Lord & all Heaven have had to wage
war with him & his influence in Eterni
ty, & it is by keeping the Law of God &
giving heed to the officers of his church in
order to overcome. Let not the presidi
ng Elder give up his place to every Elder
that may come along saying stand by
untill I speak for if an Angel of God shou
ld come down from Heaven he would req-
uire the stewardship concerning the lambs
of the flock at the hand of the presiding Elder
Page 63
Tongues are not for the governments of
the church but officers, some think the chur
ch have no gifts unless they have tongues
which is the least of all the church or
gifts of the Church, why not pray for the
gift of Wisdom faith knowledge & the
least gifts
Verily thus saith the Lord unto
you my Servant Joseph Smith
I am well pleased with your
offerings and acknowledgements which
you have made for unto this end
have I raised you up, that I might
show forth my wisdom through [Doctrine and Covenants 124:1]
Page 64
the weak things of the Earth.
Your prayers have are acceptable before
me & in answer to them I say unto
you that you are now called im-
mediately to make a solemn
proclamation of my Gospel & of
this Stake which I have planted,
to be a corner stone of Zion,
which shall be polished with that
refinement which is after the
samilitude of a palace. This
proclamation shall be made to
all the kings of the world to the
four corners thereof to the honor-
able president elect and the high-
minded Governors of the Nation
in which you live & to all the
Nations of the earth, scattered abroad [Doctrine and Covenants 124:1-3]
Page 65
let it be written in the spirit of
meekness and by the power of the Holy Ghost which shall be in you
at the time of the writing of the
same for it shall be given you
by the Holy Ghost to know my will
[ink change] concerning those thKings & author
ities even what shall befal
them in a time to come for beh
behold I am about to call upon
them to give head [heed] to the light &
glory of Zion for the set time
to favor her has come. Call
ye therefore upon them with
loud proclamation & with
your testimony fearing them
not, for they are as grass & all their [Doctrine and Covenants 124:4-7]
Page 66
glory as the flower thereof which soon
falleth away that they may be left also
without excuse and that I may visit
them in the day of visitation when
I shall unveil the face of my covering
to appoint the portion of the oppressor
among hyppocrites whare their is gnashing
of teeth if they reject my servants &
my testimony which I have revealed
unto them. And again I will visit
& soften their hearts many of them
for your good that ye may find
grace in their eyes that they may
come to the light of truth and the
Gentiles to the exhaltation or lifting ofup of Zion for the day of my
visitation cometh spedily in [Doctrine and Covenants 124:7-10]
Page 67
an hour when ye think not
of, and where whare shall be the
safety of my people and refuge for
those who shall be left of them?
Awake! O Kings! ^of the earth^ Come ye! O
Come ye, with your gold &
your Silver to the help of my
people, to the house of the daug-
hter of my people Zion.
And again verily I say unto you
let my Servent Robert B. Thomp-
son help you to write this pro
clamation for I am well pleased
with him & that he should be
with you. Let him therefore
harken to your council & I will
bless him with a miultiplicity of
blessings Let him be faithful & true. [Doctrine and Covenants 124:10-13]
Page 68
in all things from henceforth
& he shall be great in mine eyes
but let him remember that his
Stewardship will I require at
his hands.
And again verily
I say unto you blessed is my
Servent Hyrum Smith for I
the Lord loveth him because
of the integrity of his heart &
because he loveth that which
is right before me saith the Lord.
Again let my Servant John
C. Bennet help you in your
labour in sending my word
to the kings & people of the Earth
& stand by you even upon my
Servent Joseph Smith in the [Doctrine and Covenants 124:13-16]
Page 69
hour of affliction; & his reward
shall not fail if he receive council
& for his love he shall be great
for he shall be mine if he do this
saith the Lord I have seen the
work he hath done which I eaccept if he continue & will cro
crown Him with blessings &
great glory.
And again I say
unto you that it is my will
that my servant Lyman Wight
should continue preaching for
Zion in the spirit of meekness
confessing me before the world
& I will bear him up as on
eagles wings & he shall beget glory
& honour to himself & unto [Doctrine and Covenants 124:16-18]
Page 70
my name that when he shall
finish his work that I may receive
him unto myself even as I did
my servant David Patten who is
with me at this time. And also my
servant Edward Partridge and
also my aged Servent Joseph Smith
Sen.r who sitteth with Abram at
his right hand and blessed & holy
is he for he is mine.
And again
varily I say unto you my
Servant George Miller is without
guile he may be trusted because
of the integrity of his heart, & for the
love he has to my testimony
I the Lord loveth him. I therefore
say unto you I seal upon his [Doctrine and Covenants 124:18-21]
Page 71
head the Office of a Bishoprick like
unto my Servant Edward Partridge
that he may receive the consecratio-
ns of mine house, that he may
administer blessings upon the
heads of the poor of my people saith
the Lord. Let no man despise my
servant George for he shall honour
me. Let my servant George & my
servant Lyman Wight & my servant John Snider & others build a house
unto my name such an one as my
servant Joseph shall show unto
them, upon the place which he shall
show unto them also, and it shall
be for a house for boarding a house
that strangers may come from [Doctrine and Covenants 124:21-23]
Page 72
afar to lodge therein, therefore let
it be a good house worthy of all accep-
tation that the weary traveller may
find health & saftey while he shall
contemplate the word of the Lord,
& the corner stone I have appointed
for Zion. This house shall be a
healthy habitation if it be built
unto my name. And if the Governor
which shall be appointed unto it shall
not suffer any pollution to come
upon it it shall be Holy or the
Lord your God shall ^will^ not dwell
And again verily I say
unto you let all my Saints
from afar & send ye swift
Messengers yea Chosen Messengers [Doctrine and Covenants 124:23-26]
Page 73
and say unto them, come ye
with all your gold & your Silver
& your precious Stones & with all
your antiquities & with all who
have knowledge of antiquities
that will come may come &
bring the Box tree, and the fir tree
& the pine tree together with all the
precious trees of the Earth, & with
Iron with copper and with brass
& with zinc & with all your pre-
cious things of the Earth & build
a house unto my name for
the most High to dwell therein
for their is not place found on the
Earth that he may come & restore
again that which was lost unto [Doctrine and Covenants 124:26-28]
Page 74
unto you or which he hath
taken away even the fullness of
the priesthood, for a Baptismal
Font there is not upon the Earth
that they my Servants may
be baptized for those who are
dead for this ordinance belongeth
to my house & cannot be accept
able to me ownly in the days of
your poverty wherein you
are not able to build a house
unto me, but ICommandyou
all ye my Saints to build an house unto me ^And I grant unto you a sufficient time to build an house unto me^ and during
this time your baptisms
shall be acceptable unto me.
But behold at the end of this [Doctrine and Covenants 124:28-32]
Page 75
appointment your baptisms
for your dead shall not be
acceptable unto me & if you
do not these things at the end
of the appointment you shall
be rejected as a Church, with
your Dead, Saith the Lord, your
God. For verily I say unto you
that after you have had sufficient
time to build a house wherein the
ordinances of baptizing for the
dead belongeth & for which the
same was instituted from
before the foundation of the wor
world your baptisms for your
dead cannot be acceptable unto me
for therein are the keys of the Holy [Doctrine and Covenants 124:32-34]
Page 76
priesthood ordained that you may
receive honour & glory. And after
this time your baptisms for
the dead by those who are scattered
abroad are not acceptable unto me
Saith the Lord for it is ordained that
in Zion & in her Stakes & in Jerusalem those places which I
have appointed for refuge shall
be the places for your baptisms
for your dead.
And again
varily I say unto you how
shall your washings be acceptable
unto me except you perform
them in a house which you
have built to my name?
For, for this cause I commanded [Doctrine and Covenants 124:34-38]
Page 77
Moses that he should build a tab-
ernacle that they should bear it
with them in the wilderness
& to build a house in the Land of
promise that those ordinances
might be revealed which had
been hid from before the world
was therefore varily I say unto
you that your annointings
& your washings & your bap-
tisms for the dead, & your Solomn
Assemblies, & your memorials
for your Sacrifizces by the Sons
of Levi and for your oracles in
your most Holy places wharein
you receive conversations and
your statutes & judgments for [Doctrine and Covenants 124:38-39]
Page 78
the beginning of the revelations &
foundation of Zion, & for the glory
& honour & endowment of all her
municipals and ^are^ ordained by the
Ordinance of my holy house
which my people are always com-
manded to build unto my Holy
name. And verily I say unto
you let this house be built
unto my name that I may
reveal mine ordinances therein
unto my people, for I deign to
reveal unto my Church things
which have been kept hid from
before the foundation of the world,
things which pertain to the dispensat
ion of the fulness of times & I will
shew unto my Servant Joseph [Doctrine and Covenants 124:39-42]
Page 79
all things pertaining to this house
& the priesthood thereof & the place
whareon it shall be built, & ye
shall build it on the place whare
you have contemplated building
it, for that is the place which
I have chosen ^for you^ to build it. If
ye labour with all your might
I will consecrate that spot that it
shall be made holy & if my
people will harken unto my voice
& unto the voice of my Servants
whome I have appointed to lead my
people behold verily I say unto
you they shall not be moved
out of their place, but if they will
not harken to my voice nor unto the [Doctrine and Covenants 124:42-46]
Page 80
voice of my Servents whome I have
appointed they shall not be blessed
because they pollute my Holy ground
and mine Holy Ordinances and charte[rs]
& miyne ^my^ Holy words which I give
unto them, & it shall come to pass
that if you build a house unto
my name & do not do the things
that I say I will not perform the
oath which I make unto you
neither fulfill the promise which
ye expect at my hands saith the
Lord, for instead of blessings, ye
by your own works bring cursi[ngs]
wrath, indignation & judgment upo[n]
your own heads by your follies
& by all your abominations which
you practice before me saith the [Doctrine and Covenants 124:46-48]
Page 81
Lord. Verily, verily, I say unto
you that when I give a commandme
nt unto any of the Sons of men
to do a work unto my name & those
Sons of men go with all their mi
ghts & with all they have to perform
that work & cease not their diligence
and their enemies come upon the-
m & hinder them from performing
that work behold it behoveth me
to require that work no more at
the hands of those Sons of men
but to accept of their offering
& the iniquity & transgression of
my Holy laws & commandments
I will visit upon the Heads of those
who hindered my work unto the third
& forurth generation so long as they [Doctrine and Covenants 124:48-50]
Page 82
repent not, & hate me saith the Lord
God. Therefore for this cause have
I accepted of the offerings of those men
whome I commanded to build up a
city & an House unto my name
in Jackson County Missouri
& were hindered by their enemies saith
the Lord your God. and I will an-
swer judgment wrath & indignation
wailing & anguish & gnashing of
teeth upon their heads unto the third
& fourth generation so long as they
repent not and hate me saith the
Lord your God. and this I make
an ensample unto you for your
consolation concerning all those
who have been commanded to [Doctrine and Covenants 124:50-53]
Page 83
to do a work & have been hindered
by the hands of their enemies &
by oppression saith the Lord your
God, for I am the Lord your God
& will save all those of your Brethren
who have been pure in heart &
have been slain in the Land of Missouri saith the Lord. And again
verily I say unto you I com-
mand you again to build a house to my name even in this place that ye may prove your-
selves unto me that ye are faithful
in all things whatsoever I command
you that I may bless you
& crown you with honour immor
tality & eternal life. [Doctrine and Covenants 124:53-55]
Page 84
And now I say unto you as
pertaining to my boarding house
which I have commanded you
to build for the boarding of strangers
let it be built unto my name
& let my name be named upon
it, & let my Servant Joseph &
his house have place therein
from generation to generation
for this annointing have I put
upon his head, that his blessing shall
also be put upon the heads of
his posterity after him, & as I
said unto Abraham concerning
the kindreds of the earth even so I
say unto my Servent Joseph
in thee & in they [thy] seed shall the
kindreds of the Earth be blessed. [Doctrine and Covenants 124:56-58]
Page 85
Therefore let my Servant Joseph
and his seed after him have place
in that house from generation
to generation forever & ever saith
the Lord, & let the Name of that
House be called the NAUVOOHOUSE
let it be a delightful habitation
for man & a resting place for the
weary traveller that he may con-
template the glory of Zion & the
glory of this the corner stone
thereof that he may also receive
the council from those whom
I have set to be as plants of renown
& as watchman upon her walls.
Behold verily I say unto you
let my servant George Miller [Doctrine and Covenants 124:59-62]
Page 86
& my servant Lyman Wight &
my servant John Snider & my
servant Peter Hawes organize
themselves & apoint one of them to
be a president over their quorum
for the purpose of building that House & they shall form a constit-
ution whareby they may receive
stock for the building of that house
& they shall not receive less then
Fifty dollars for a share of stock
in that House & they shall be
permitted to receive Fifteen
Thousand dollars from any one
man for stock in that house
but they shall not be permitt
ed to receive over fifteen thousand
dollars stock from any one man [Doctrine and Covenants 124:62-65]
Page 87
and they shall not be permitted to
receive under Fifty dollars for a
share of stock from any one man
in that house, & they shall not
be permitted to receive any man
as a stockholder in that house
except the same shall pay his stock
stock unto their hands at the time
he receives stock and in proportion
to the amount of stock he pays
into their hands he shall receive
stock in that house but if he
pay nothing into their hands
he shall not receive any stock in
that house & if any man pays stock
into their hands it shall be for
stock in that house for himself & [Doctrine and Covenants 124:66-69]
Page 88
for his generation after him from
generation to generation so long
as he & his heirs shall hold that stock
& do not sell or convey that stock
away out of their hands by their
own free will and act if you
will do my will saith the Lord
your God.
And again verily
I say unto you if my servant George Miller & my servant Lyman
Wight, & my servant John Snider,
& my servent Peter Hawes receive
any stock into their hands in
monies or in properties wherein
they receive the real value of monies
they shall not appropriate any portion
of that stock to any other purpose
ownly in that house & if they do [Doctrine and Covenants 124:69-71]
Page 89
appropriate any portion of that stock
(to any other purpose ^portion^) any whare els
ownly in that house without the
consent of the stockholder & do
not repay four fold for the stock,
which they appropriate any whare
else ownly in that house they
shall be accursed & shall be moved
out of their place saith the Lord
God, for I the Lord am God &
cannot be mocked in any of
these things. Verily I say unto
you let my servent Joseph
pay stock into their hands for
the building of that house as
seemeth him good but my
Servant Joseph cannot pay over [Doctrine and Covenants 124:71-72]
Page 90
fifteen thousand dollars stock in that House nor under Fifty dollars
neither can any other man saith
the Lord. And their are others also
who wish to know my will concern-
ing them for they have asked it at
my hands. [Doctrine and Covenants 124:72-73] Let my Servent Isaac
Galland put stock into that house
for I the Lord loveth him for
the work he hath done & will forgive
all his sins, therefore let him be
remembered for an interest in
that house from generation to
generation. Let my Servent
Isaac Galland be appointed among
you & be ordained by my servent William Marks & be blessed of [Doctrine and Covenants 124:78-79]
Page 91
of him to go with my servent Hyrum to accomplish the work
that my Servent Joseph shall app
point out unto them & they shall
be greatly blessed. [Doctrine and Covenants 124:79] Let my servent William Law pay stock into that House for himself & for his seed
after him from generation to gen-
eration if he will do my will
let him not take his family
into the eastern lands even unto Kirtland nevertheless I the
Lord will build up Kirtland
but I the Lord have a scourge
prepared for the inhabitants thereof. [Doctrine and Covenants 124:82-83]
Let no man go from this place
who has come here assaying to
keep my commandments [Doctrine and Covenants 124:85]
Page 92
if they will live here let them
live unto me, & if they die
here let them die unto me for
they shall rest from all their lab-
ours here & shall continue their work,
theirfore let my Servant William
put his trust in me & cease to
fear concerning his family
because of the sickness of the land
if ye love me keep my com
mandments & the sickness of the land
shall redound to your glory.
Let my Servant William
go & proclaim myine everlasting
Gospel with a loud voice & with
great joy as he shall be moved
upon by my Spirit unto the [Doctrine and Covenants 124:86-88]
Page 93
inhabitants of Warsaw & also
unto the inhabitants of Carthage
& also unto the inhabitants of Madison
& also unto the inhabitants of Burling-
ton and await patiently & dilligently
for further instructions at my
general conference saith the Lord
If he will do my will let him
from henceforth harken to the
council of my Servant Joseph
& with his interest support the
cause of the poor & publish
the New Translation of my Holy
word unto the inhabitants of the
Earth & if he will do this I will
bless him with a multiplicity
of blessings that he shall not [Doctrine and Covenants 124:88-90]
Page 94
be forsaken nor his seed be found
begging bread. And again verily
I say unto you let my servent William be appointed ordained and
annointed as a counsellor unto
my servant Joseph in the room
of my Servant Hyrum that
my Servant Hyrum may take
the Office of priesthood & patriarch
which was appointed unto him
by his father by blessing & also
by right that from henceforth
he shall hold the keys of the Patr-
iarchal Blessings upon the heads
of all my people, that whoever
he blesses shall be blessed & whoever
he curses shall be cursed & whatsoever [Doctrine and Covenants 124:90-93]
Page 95
he shall bind on the Earth shall
be bound in heaven, & that
whatsoever he shall loose on Earth
shall be loosed in Heaven &
from this time forth I appoint
unto him that he may be a Prophet and a Seer and a Revelator
unto my Church as well as
my Servant Joseph that he may
act in concert also with my
servant Joseph & that he shall
receive council from my
servant Joseph who shall show
unto him the keys whareby he
may ask & receive & be crowned
with the same blessing. I
crown upon his head the [Doctrine and Covenants 124:93-95]
Page 96
Bishopprick, and Blessing, and glory,
and honour, and priesthood, and gifts,
of the priesthood that once were put
upon him that was my servent Oliver Cowdery, that my Servant Hyrum may bear record of
the thing which I shall show
unto him, that his name may
be had in honorable remembrance
from generation to generation
forever & ever. Let my servent William Law also receive the
keys by which he may ask &
receive blessings let him be
humble before me & be without
guile & he shall receve of my spirit
even the comforter which shall [Doctrine and Covenants 124:95-97]
Page 97
manifest unto him the truth of
all things & shall give him in the
vary hour what he shall say &
those signs shall follow him
he shall heal the sick he shall
cast out devils & shall be
delivered from those who would
administer unto him deadly Poison & shall be led in paths
whare the poisonous serpent cannot
lay hold upon his heel & he shall
mount up in the imagination
of his thoughts as upon eagles
wings & what if I will that he
should raise the dead— let him
not withhold his voice therefore
let my servant William cry
aloud & spare not with Joy & [Doctrine and Covenants 124:97-101]
Page 98
rejoiceing with hosannahs to
him that sitteth upon the Throne
forever & ever saith the Lord your
God. Behold I say unto you
I have a mission for my servant William & my Servant Hyrum
& for them alone, & let my
servant Joseph tarry at home
for he is needed— the remainder
I will show unto you hereafter
even so amen.
And again I say unto you
if my Servant Sidney will
serve me & be a councillor
unto my Servant Joseph let
him arise & come up & stand
in the office of his calling &
humble himself before me [Doctrine and Covenants 124:101-103]
Page 99
and if he will offer unto me
an acceptable offering & acknow-
ledgments & remain with my
people behold! I the Lord your
God will heal him that he shall
be healed & shall lift up his
voice again upon the mounta
ins & be a spokesman before
my face let him come &
locate his family in the
Neighbourhood in which
my servant Joseph resides
and in all his journeyings
let him lift up his voice as
with the sound of a trump and
warn the inhabitants of the Earth
to flee the wrath to come let him [Doctrine and Covenants 124:103-107]
Page 100
assist my Servent Joseph & also
let my Servant William Law assist
my Servant Joseph in making
a solemn proclamation unto
the Kings of the Earth even as I
have before said unto you. [Doctrine and Covenants 124:107]
And again verily I say unto
you let no man pay stock
to the quorum of the NauvooHouse
unless he shall be a believer in
the Book of Mormon & the revelat-
ions I have given unto you
saith the Lord your God for
that which is more or less [than] this
cometh of evil & shall be attend
ed with cursings & not blessings
saith the Lord your God even
so Amen. [Doctrine and Covenants 124:119-120]
Page 101
Verily I now say unto you &
now give unto you the offices
belonging to my priesthood that
you may hold the keys thereof
even the priesthood which is after
the order of Melchisedek which
is after the order of my ownly
Begotten Son.
First I give
unto you HyrumSmith to
be a patriarch unto you to
hold the Sealing Blessings of
my Church even the Holy Spirit
of promise whareby you are
sealed up unto the day of redem-
ption that ye may not fall
notwithstanding the rain of
temptation that may come [Doctrine and Covenants 124:123-124]
Page 102
upon you. I give unto you
my Servant Joseph to be a presiding
Elder over all my church to be
a translater a Revelator a Seer and Prophet. I give unto him
for councillors my servant Sidney Rigdon & my servant William Law & these may
constitute a quorum & First
presidency to receive the oracles
for the whole church &c, &c, &c, [Doctrine and Covenants 124:124-126]
[rest of page blank]
Page 103
Page 104
Bids for Grain for Camp Floyd
$ cts Thomas Winn Wheat 3
" " Oats 2.75
Green & McKell wheat 2.50
" " Oats 2.00 T Carlisle wheat 3.25
" Oats 2.95
Corn 3.00
W Moore Wheat & Barley 1.80
Oats 1.45 Charles OhleLivingston & Ball
Oats .75
all other grain $1 1.00 00 H F MorrellverGilbert & Gerrish
Oats & Barley 1.00
Corn 1.50
Rye 40 cts, wheat .40
Page 105
J E Walker wheat .50
" " All other Grain 1.50
J Kalapzy wheat 1.00
All other Grain 1.50 A Haws wheat 1.98
" " Oats 1.33 1/2
" " Corn & Barley 1.74 Pace & Nuttall wheat 1.84 1/2
" " Oats 1.24 3/4
Barley 1.68
Corn 1.49
[rest of page blank]
Page 106
[written in pencil]
eye as he assured himself
he was right and for
the first time caught the a
sight of the Steeple to the church Village Church
(claming at the sam[e] time
O I see it, it is that tall
white thing sticking up
[rest of page blank]
Page 107
Ungenerous converation of
my Mother, at a time she
was urging me to go out
to Hauley's
[rest of page blank]
Page 108
Remember seeing Thompson
drawing on his boots and
indulged myself in the luxury
of anticupating the happiness of
wearing the same appendages
of a man at some future day.
Some man Newton or Stanton
I believe arrived cam[e] one
night late and with a load
of Key Oysters — piled them
up in the kitchen
[rest of page blank]
Page 109
Some idea tof my early infor-
mation to be gained from a
novelty presented on our app
roach to Farmington of a
Steeple was anounced by Philo. My curiosity was greatly
excited. A Steeple! I looked
abroad—upon every tree
and under every old log lying
within sight—but in vain.
I accused my brother of
deceiving me—he persisted in
his assertion that he could
see the Steeple declaring
it was "plain as day"
I watched the direction of his
1. Lying in the bed room on the
lower floor sick with measles
taking black pills.
2. Standing in the chair at table
at meals.
(Sleeping with Aunt H)
playing with her letters etc.
incensed at the interference
of Uncle Ozem.)
Quarrelling with cousin Eldad and in the event throwing
the post axe at him
cutting him in the back
[written up side down] Trade M
Page 111
Pushing Miss Allen a little girl
into the brook while the folks
were dressing Shack]
Was a remarkably quiet
boy. good to tie in bed in
cradle &c. was put to bed
one afternoon up stairs but
stole off to brook to bathe—
was found there by Huldah
Woodruff or Nancy Humphrey
and flogged for my imprudence
On the occasion of the Baptism
of several friends in the pond
I crawled out of cradle and
made the best of my way to
the spot.