upon Bishop Hogland who was one of the best of men and the best of
On the Sunday ^evening^ at the Fourtheenth Ward I was requested to speak
I arose upon my feet though heavily oppressed in Spirit but the
Spirit of God came upon me and was like fire shut up in my bones
and I spake to the people about 3/4 of an hour and I scarcely knew
whether I was in the body or out of the body neither could I afterwards
remember much what I said and the house was as still as the house
of death.
On the evening of the following day I attended the meeting
of the missionaries and Bishops. Presidents Young and Kimball
were present also Wilford Woodruff and Franklin D. Richards of the
Wilford Woodruff arose and called the names of the Bishops
and missionaries most of whom answered to their names. F. D.
Richards then opened by prayer and singing and then Wilford Woodruff
arose and addressed the meeting. After his address President
Young sung, "O happy souls who pray'' and then addressed the
meeting of which the following is
A Synopsis
Of the Remarks of President Young to the Missionaries
Brother Woodruff has given us a good testimony—a living testimony
in the Spirit and power of the Holy Ghost. Now any of
the rest of you who have the Holy Ghost arise and speak to us
those things which will edify
-[ B. L. Clapp and E. D. Wooley then spoke for a few
moments and then President Young continued]-
I don't expect to speak much to night. I have
learned to govern myself in talking as well as in other things.
It may be asked if this a new work. It is not a new work
upon Bishop Hogland who was one of the best of men and the best of
On the Sunday evening at the Fourteenth Ward I was requested to speak
I arose upon my feet though heavily oppressed in Spirit but the
Spirit of God came upon me and was like fire shut up in my bones
and I spake to the people about 3/4 of an hour and I scarcely knew
whether I was in the body or out of the body neither could I afterwards
remember much what I said and the house was as still as the house
of death.
On the evening of the following day I attended the meeting
of the missionaries and Bishops. Presidents Young and Kimball
were present also Wilford Woodruff and Franklin D. Richards of the
Wilford Woodruff arose and called the names of the Bishops
and missionaries most of whom answered to their names. F. D.
Richards then opened by prayer and singing and then Wilford Woodruff
arose and addressed the meeting. After his address President
Young sung, "O happy souls who pray'' and then addressed the
meeting of which the following is
A Synopsis
of the Remarks of President Young to the Missionaries
Dec. the 8th 1856.
Brother Woodruff has given us a good testimony a living testimony
in the Spirit and power of the Holy Ghost. Now any of
the rest of you who have the Holy Ghost arise and speak to us
those things which will edify
[ B. L. Clapp and E. D. Wooley then spoke for a few
moments and then President Young continued]
I don't expect to speak much to night. I have
learned to govern myself in talking as well as in other things.
It may be asked if this a new work. It is not a new work
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