Church and we seal upon head all the power and authority of this
priesthood and Bishoprick and we seal upon you the Spirit of counsel
and revelation that you may counsel the people to pay their tithing and
we bless you with the gift of descernment that you may have power
to magnify your calling and you shall have the Spirit of prophecy and
revelation visions and dreams and the administersihng of angels and
you shall be filled with wisdom and shall assist in building up the
Kingdom of God on the earth, and shall be an active assistant
unto Bishop in gathering the tithing of the people that
the temples of our God may be built and his works carried on. Let
your heart be comforted you shall be blessed with every good thing
your heart shall desire and your words shall be like a two edged
sword among the people and we seal you up unto Eternal Life and
no man shall take your crown. We seal all these blessings
upon your head in the name of Jesus Christ: Amen.
was then ordained unto the office
of Bishop and the Second Counsellor to Bishop Hunter. The
following is a synopsis of the
Ordination and Blessing of Jesse C. Little as Bishop
and Second Counsellor of Edward Hunter Chief Bishop.
Given Sunday October the 12th 1856. President being mouth.
"Brother Jesse C Little; In the name of Jesus Christ we
lay our hands upon your head and we ordain you to be a Bishop
and the Second Counsellor unto Bishop Edward Hunter in the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and we seal upon your head
all the blessings appertaining to the Bishoprick and we pray God
to let the Holy Ghost rest upon you and we say it shall rest upon
you at this time and you shall live long upon the earth and stand
by thy brethren until death even thy brethren whose hands are
upon thy head and be with them both in time and eternity
Church and we seal upon head all the power and authority of this
priesthood and Bishoprick and we seal upon you the Spirit of counsel
and revelation that you may counsel the people to pay their tithing and
we bless you with the gift of descernment that you may have power
to magnify your calling and you shall have the Spirit of prophecy and
revelation visions and dreams and the administering of angels and
you shall be filled with wisdom and shall assist in building up the
Kingdom of God on the earth, and shall be an active assistant
unto Bishop in gathering the tithing of the people that
the temples of our God may be built and his works carried on. Let
your heart be comforted you shall be blessed with every good thing
your heart shall desire and your words shall be like a two edged
sword among the people and we seal you up unto Eternal Life and
no man shall take your crown. We seal all these blessings
upon your head in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
was then ordained unto the office
of Bishop and the Second Counsellor to Bishop Hunter. The
following is a synopsis of the
Ordination and Blessing of Jesse C. Little as Bishop
and Second Counsellor of Edward Hunter Chief Bishop.
Given Sunday October the 12th 1856. President being mouth.
"Brother Jesse C Little; In the name of Jesus Christ we
lay our hands upon your head and we ordain you to be a Bishop
and the Second Counsellor unto Bishop Edward Hunter in the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and we seal upon your head
all the blessings appertaining to the Bishoprick and we pray God
to let the Holy Ghost rest upon you and we say it shall rest upon
you at this time and you shall live long upon the earth and stand
by thy brethren until death even thy brethren whose hands are
upon thy head and be with them both in time and eternity