You shall have visions dreams and the spirit of prophecy; and
thou shalt have the gift of discernment to know the hearts of the
children of men: And we seal these blessings upon your head
and seal you up unto Eternal Life in the name of Jesus Christ:
The Gospel in the English Language the Most Effective
At the 14 Ward meeting Elder Franklin D. Richards testified that
he had found the people more ready to carry out the principles
of this Kingdom who had been taught it in the English language
than those who only understood the Welsh and other languages
It had seemed like speaking through the quill to the Welsh
Churches all the time.
Presidents Brigham Young ^Heber C Kimball J. M. Grant on the ^ went out to meet the emigration but they had
to return to the city on the 15th in consequence of President Young
being very sick
Next day in company with Heber C. Kimball
I visited President Young. We found him feeble but
much recovered. The sickness had mostly left him as soon
as he had returned over the CBig Mountain towards the city
There had seemed something very mysterious about his sickness
He was taken very severely on the evening of the 14th with
pain in the kidneys and bowels and he nearly fainted away
Presidents Kimball and Grant administered unto him and prayed
for him and he began to recover. The Brethren felt that
the valley in which they were was ful^l^ of devils. They had
to go on to the mountain before they could get the spirit of
prayer. They felt that there was a legion of devils congregated
around them in the valley where the^y^ were and trying to destroy
them. They also felt that there was evil intended against
them on the road and that they should leave that valley and
You shall have visions dreams and the spirit of prophecy; and
thou shalt have the gift of discernment to know the hearts of the
children of men: And we seal these blessings upon your head
and seal you up unto Eternal Life in the name of Jesus Christ:
The Gospel in the English Language the Most Effective
At the 14 Ward meeting Elder Franklin D. Richards testified that
he had found the people more ready to carry out the principles
of this Kingdom who had been taught it in the English language
than those who only understood the Welsh and other languages
It had seemed like speaking through the quill to the Welsh
Churches all the time.
Presidents Brigham YoungHeber C. KimballJ. M. Grant on the 14th went out to meet the emigration but they had
to return to the City on the 15th in consequence of President Young
being very sick
Next day in company with Heber C. Kimball
I visited President Young. We found him feeble but
much recovered. The sickness had mostly left him as soon
as he had returned over theBig Mountain towards the city
There had seemed something very mysterious about his sickness
He was taken very severely on the evening of the 14th with
pain in the kidneys and bowels and he nearly fainted away
Presidents Kimball and Grant administered unto him and prayed
for him and he began to recover. The Brethren felt that
the valley in which they were was full of devils. They had
to go on to the mountain before they could get the Spirit of
prayer. They felt that there was a legion of devils congregated
around them in the valley where they were and trying to destroy
them. They also felt that there was evil intended against
them on the road and that they should leave that valley and
Select a date to see more documents from that day.