he forfeits everything even his life for that is no longer his. body is
only lent to me by the Lord and I forfeit everything when I go astray. If
righteousness was laid to the line it would take many heads from their shoulders
and the day will be when that will be done.
Now do as the Bishop tells you and not go to to President to alter this or that. Pray that this people
may do right for when you dishonor the Priesthood you dishonor God. I
have been told that some have said I will honor the Priesthood but I will not
honor hism that holds the Priesthood; but I say you cannot honor one
without honoring the other
Bishop is presiding here. Follow his counsel and
all will be right and the blessing of God will rest upon you. Even so. Amen
Benedition by Wilford Woodruff. We rode to and spent
the night. Next day which was Sunday the people assembled in the meeting
house in two rooms. Wilford Woodruff addressed the people in one room
and was followed by President Young whose sermon I reported. H. C.
Kimball spoke to the people in the other room and reported
In the afternoon spoke and was followed by H C Kimball
and I reported and in the next room President Young addressed the
people and Thomas Bullock reported.
On Monday we rode to and held
meetings with the people. President Young preached and myself and
T. Bullock reported and in the evening and
Wilford Woodruff addressed the people.
Next day we rode a few miles and nooned. President
Young with some others went to appoint a location for a fort and we
then continued to where President Young preached; and here
He got some oxen also in the settlements to take to —the Indian
chief and he counselled the people in all the settlements to feed the
Indians and treat them kindly
On the following day we rode 15 miles and nooned
and here we organized. was commander-in-chief
captain of Guard, Wilford Woodruff historian P. P. Pratt
he forfeits everything even his life for that is no longer his. body is
only lent to me by the Lord and I forfeit everything when I go astray. If
righteousness was laid to the line it would take many heads from their shoulders
and the day will be when that will be done.
Now do as the Bishop tells you and not go to to President to alter this or that. Pray that this people
may do right for when you dishonor the Priesthood you dishonor God. I
have been told that some have said I will honor the Priesthood but I will not
honor him that holds the Priesthood; but I say you cannot honor one
without honoring the other
Bishop is presiding here. Follow his counsel and
all will be right and the blessing of God will rest upon you. Even so. Amen
Benedition by Wilford Woodruff. We rode to and spent
the night. Next day which was Sunday the people assembled in the meeting
house in two rooms. Wilford Woodruff addressed the people in one room
and was followed by President Young whose sermon I reported. H. C.
Kimball spoke to the people in the other room and reported
In the afternoon spoke and was followed by H C Kimball
and I reported and in the next room President Young addressed the
people and Thomas Bullock reported.
On Monday we rode to and held
meetings with the people. President Young preached and myself and
T. Bullock reported and in the evening and
Wilford Woodruff addressed the people.
Next day we rode a few miles and nooned. President
Young with some others went to appoint a location for a fort and we
then continued to where President Young preached;
He got some oxen also in the settlements to take to —the Indian
chief and he counselled the people in all the settlements to feed the
Indians and treat them kindly
On the following day we rode 15 miles and nooned
and here we organized. was commander-in-chief
captain of Guard, Wilford Woodruff historian P. P. Pratt