the President's words they are alsleep and ought to be dropped
I think that Brother Joseph ought to cut them off
and prune the trees around him.
How can the body be kept alive and healthy
when the head is asleep and dead? It has been with great
reluctance that I have voted for the Presidents of the Seventies
for a long time and I will say to those Seventies if your presidents
have gone to sleep dont you go to sleep but keep awake. If
your Presidency have committed adultery and done wrong
and committed great sins that will damn them dont you
do it but wake up
Is there any man ^who is^ in that council who has
been ordained a counsellor to Joseph Young? If so I do not
know it; but each man was ordained a President and is under
as much obligation as Joseph Young is to magnify his calling
and do his duty. But they never think of such a thing of
taking any burden upon their shoulders, but leave it all
for Joseph Young to do; and he has to drag them along
Now I want to have you to wake up and do
your duty.]-
On the Elder Franklin D. Richards and his
company called upon President Young to settle all their matters as
agents afar the Church abroad.
Some remarks were made last Sunday night
relative to the children of Joseph Smith. President Young
said I have no rega fears with regard to the family of Joseph
God will take care of them and all will be right
We had just pastsed through another General
Conference and such an one I never saw before. The Spirit
the President's words they are asleep and ought to be dropped
I think that Brother Joseph ought to cut them off
and prune the trees around him.
How can the body be kept alive and healthy
when the head is asleep and dead? It has been with great
reluctance that I have voted for the Presidents of the Seventies
for a long time and I will say to those Seventies if your presidents
have gone to sleep dont you go to sleep but keep awake. If
your Presidency have committed adultery and done wrong
and committed great sins that will damn them dont you
do it but wake up.
Is there any man who is in that council who has
been ordained a counsellor to Joseph Young & if so I do not
know it; but each man was ordained a President and is under
as much obligation as Joseph Young is to magnify his calling
and do his duty. But they never think of such a thing of
taking any burden upon their shoulders, but leave it all
for Joseph Young to do; and he has to drag them along
Now I want to have you to wake up and do
your duty.]
On the 9th Elder Franklin D. Richards and his
company called upon President Young to settle all their matters as
Agents afar the Church abroad.
Some remarks were made last Sunday night
relative to the children of Joseph Smith. President Young
said I have no fears with regard to the family of Joseph
God will take care of them and all will be right.
We had just passed through another General
Conference and such an one I never saw before. The Spirit