made a call for sixty teams twelve tons of flour and 40 extra
teamsters to go into the mountains to help in the back emigration
of Hand-cart companies.
Of the Twelve: Wilford Woodruff Lorenzo
Snow and Franklin D. Richards who had just returned
from the Presidency of the European mission
The other quorums of the Church were also numerously
represented on the Stand with the Returned Missionaries
and there was convened together a vast congregation
After singing and prayer President Young
said our Conference is now open and the first business is to
gather together the clothing shoes flour and the teams and
man them and start them back into the mountains
after the Handcart and other companies who are back on
the Plains. They were below Laramie some of them
The following articles were brought
in to send back to feed clothe and help the poor Saints
Twenty sidx thousand six hundred and eighty
pounds of flour thirty one bushels of onions ^1211 pounds of meat^
five bushels of oats eight ^188^ dollars in cash one hundred and six
blankets fifty three coats fifty vests twenty nine shawls
made a call for sixty teams twelve tons of flour and 40 extra
teamsters to go into the mountains to help in the back emigration
of Hand-cart companies.
Of the Twelve: Wilford Woodruff Lorenzo
Snow and Franklin D. Richards who had just returned
from the Presidency of the European mission.
The other quorums of the Church were also numerously
represented on the Stand with the Returned Missionaries
and there was convened together a vast congregation.
After singing and prayer President Young
said our Conference is now open and the first business is to
gather together the clothing shoes flour and the teams and
man them and start them into the mountains
after the Handcart and other companies who are back on
the Plains. They were below Laramie some of them.
The following articles were brought
in to send back to feed clothe and help the poor Saints
Twenty six thousand six hundred and eighty
pounds of flour thirty one bushels of onions 1211 pounds of meat
five bushels of oats 188 dollars in cash one hundred and six
blankets fifty three coats fifty vests twenty nine shawls