The California mail came in on the bringing news among which was that Santa Anna was proclaimed Emperor of Mexico.
On the I met in council with President Kimball and
the Twelve. I ordained three Elders. We had a good council and Elder
Kimball spoke powerfully for the space of three hours and warned the Elders
who were going out on mission against sin in all its forms and to keep
the commandments of God
After President Willard Richards was reduced to deaths door; by the
laying on of hands and the prayer of faith he was raised up so
that he walked about his room and appeared as though he was going
to get well; but he was taken by a relapse and had been failing
for several days. This morning he appeared worse and the Twelve
were sent for to come and administer to him; but before we could
get there he was dead. He drop[p]ed away almost without a groan
Thus closed the life of brother Willard Richards on the morning
of the 11th of March 1854 at about 30 minutes past 9 o'clock.
President Willard Richards was born at Hopkintown
Middlesex County Massachusetts June 24th 1804 and from early youth
was the subject of religious impressions though car[e]less and indifferent in
his external deportment. At the age of 10 he removed with his fathers
family into Richmond in the same State where he witnessed several
sectarian revivals and at the age of seventeen had passed the ordeal
of conviction and conversion. He sought admission into the Church
which being disregarded led him to a stricter investigation of religion
The California mail came in on the bringing news among which was that
Santa Anna was proclaimed Emperor of Mexico.
On the I met in council with President Kimball and
the Twelve. I ordained three Elders. We had a good council and Elder
Kimball spoke powerfully for the space of three hours and warned the Elders
who were going out on mission against sin in all its forms and to keep
the commandments of God
After President Willard Richards was reduced to deaths door; by the
laying on of hands and the prayer of faith he was raised up so
that he walked about his room and appeared as though he was going
to get well; but he was taken by a relapse and had been failing
for several days. This morning he appeared worse and the Twelve
were sent for to come and administer to him; but before we could
get there he was dead. He dropped away almost without a groan
Thus closed the life of brother Willard Richards on the morning
of the 11th of March 1854 at about 30 minutes past 9 o'clock.
President Willard Richards was born at Hopkintown
Middlesex County Massachusetts June 24th 1804 and from early youth
was the subject of religious impressions though careless and indifferent in
his external deportment. At the age of 10 he removed with his fathers
family into Richmond in the same State where he witnessed several
sectarian revivals and at the age of seventeen had passed the ordeal
of conviction and conversion. He sought admission into the Church
which being disregarded led him to a stricter investigation of religion