. her thanks for the privilege of speaking in the Tabernalcle yesterday
and stated her intention of going East on Tuesday eveing. Went home
at 4 pm.
~ Tuesday
Tues Jan 101th. I went to the office was very busy. Madam Mountford
called & I talked with her in regard to Palestine and the mission of Elders Lund & Hintze to that land. She gave me some good ideas for our
brethren to follow, which I had written down for future use & was
pleased to receive them. Bro John R. Winder also called whilst she was
with us, and we bade her adieu on her mission and labors in the East
~ Wednesday
Wed Jan 112th I was in the office from 930 to 330 attended to the usual
business & went home.
~ Thursday
Thur Jan 13th At the office. Elder Nuttall prepared a communication
expressive of my appreciation of Madam Mountfords lectures and address
in Salt Lake City, to bwhich I signed to be forwarded to her for publication in her
circulars. I also attended my usual meeting at the Temple, after-
wards at the office & went home at 4 p.m.
~ Friday
Fri Jan 14th. I am feeling much better of my cold, was at the office
re[ceive]d a letter from M & answered it, attended to my labors & went home at 4 pm
~ Saturday
Sat Jan 15th At home all day.
~ Sunday
Sunday Jan 16th Staid at home with my family & rested & read.
~ Monday
Mon Jan 17th I drove to the office, re[ceive]d letter from M. There was
a little excitement as it was reported there was a fire in the Bee
Hive house, which was soon extinguished by the fire men before it
got any start. Went home at 4 p.m.
~ Tuesday
Tues Jan 18. At the office, I am feeling some better. I talked with
Bro Nuttall on our Palestine mission &c. busy at my desk, & went
home at 330 p.m
her thanks for the privilege of speaking in the Tabernacle yesterday
and stated her intention of going East on Tuesday eveing. Went home
at 4 pm.
~ Tuesday
Tues Jan 11th. I went to the office was very busy. Madam Mountford
called & I talked with her in regard to Palestine and the mission of Elders
Lund & Hintze to that land. She gave me some good ideas for our
brethren to follow, which I had written down for future use & was
pleased to receive them. Bro John R. Winder also called whilst she was
with us, and we bade her adieu on her mission and labors in the East
~ Wednesday
Wed Jan 12th I was in the office from 930 to 330 attended to the usual
business & went home.
~ Thursday
Thur Jan 13th At the office. Elder Nuttall prepared a communication
expressive of my appreciation of Madam Mountfords lectures and address
in Salt Lake City,which I signed to be forwarded to her for publication in her
circulars. I also attended my usual meeting at the Temple, afterwards at the office & went home at 4 p.m.
~ Friday
Fri Jan 14th. I am feeling much better of my cold, was at the office
received a letter from M & answered it, attended to my labors & went home at 4 pm
~ Saturday
Sat Jan 15th At home all day.
~ Sunday
Sunday Jan 16th Staid at home with my family & rested & read.
~ Monday
Mon Jan 17th I drove to the office, received letter from M. There was
a little excitement as it was reported there was a fire in the Bee
Hive house, which was soon extinguished by the fire men before it
got any start. Went home at 4 p.m.
~ Tuesday
Tues Jan 18. At the office, I am feeling some better. I talked with
Bro Nuttall on our Palestine mission &c. busy at my desk, & went
home at 330 p.m
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (April 1897 – September 1898)," January 10, 1898 - January 18, 1898, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/j0nl