are several parties belonging to her societ[y]
this party that spoke call themselves the
ten tribes of Israel they gather to England
which they consider the promised land they
wear long beards & circumcise keep the law
of Moses & omit the first principles of the
gospel Baptism &c, they are the ownly ones tha[t]
will have a body like ChristAbram all the proph[ets]
& Apostles will have a body inferior to theirs &
will inherit a Celestial Kingdom, while
they say they will inherit the kingdon of God whi[ch]
they consider a far greater than the celesti
al, & they have many things to foolish & incons
istant to be believed by rational man.
I communed with the Saints after meeting
~ Monday
16th I received two letters one from Elder Thomas Clark containing a gift of £1 in a post
office order, & one from Elder D Browett
informing me of the progress of the work in Herefordshire & surrounding country I worote three Letters one to T Clark one to
D Browett one to T Kington & family. I
spent several hours in conversation with one of
the Israelites or Joannas above spoken of
~ Tuesday
17th I took the parting hand with Elder Wm Pitt who started for Ipswich may the
Lord bless him I pray I received one letter
from Thomas Amison I preached at night it was
a stormy night
~ Wednesday
18th I recieved 2 letters one from T Kington
one from E & A. Oaky. I printed a full sheet B to Brothers Azmon & Thompson Woodruff
I had a long interview with five followers of Joanna Southcoat they have many fals & foolis-
h notions
are several parties belonging to her society
this party that spoke call themselves the
ten tribes of Israel they gather to England
which they consider the promised land they
wear long beards & circumcise keep the law
of Moses & omit the first principles of the
gospel Baptism &c, they are the ownly ones that
will have a body like ChristAbram all the prophets
& Apostles will have a body inferior to theirs &
will inherit a Celestial Kingdom, while
they say they will inherit the kingdon of God which
they consider a far greater than the Celesti
al. & they have many things to foolish & incons
istant to be believed by rational man.
I communed with the Saints after meeting
~ Monday
16th [FIGURE] I received two letters one from Elder
Thomas Clark containing a gift of £1 in a post
Office order. & one from Elder D Browett
informing me of the progress of the work in
Herefordshire & surrounding country
[FIGURE] I wrote three Letters one to T Clark one to
D Browett one to T Kington & family. I
spent several hours in conversation with one of
the Israelites or Joannas above spoken of
~ Tuesday
17th I took the parting hand with Elder
Wm Pitt who started for Ipwich may the
Lord bless him I pray [FIGURE] I received one letter
from Thomas Amison I preached at night it was
a stormy night
~ Wednesday
18th [FIGURE] I recieved 2 letters one from T Kington
one from E & A. Oaky. I printed a full sheet
[FIGURE] B to Brothers Azmon & Thompson Woodruff
I had a long interview with five followers of
Joanna Southcoat they have many fals & foolish notions
"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," November 15, 1840 - November 19, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 5, 2025,