Hill Castle Frume Herefordshire Church
John Benbow teacher Jane Benbow Ann Bourn Mary Rowbery Charles Price priest John Cheese March 6 priest
Joseph Pullin Margaret Pullin James Hill priest John Parry priest Jane Gaily ^John^ William Benbow {Confirmed} 8th Charlotte Clark Snday 8th
Ann Benbow Prestwood Benbow Sarah Benbow Hellen Benbow
Hill Castle Frumme Herefedshire Church John Benbow teacher Jane Benbow Ann Bourn Mary Rowbery Charles Price priest John Cheese March 6 priest
Joseph Pullin Margaret Pullin James Hill priest John Parry priest Jane Gaily John William Benbow {Confirmed} 8th Charlotte Clark Snday 8th
Ann Benbow presthood Benbow Sarah Benbow Hellen Benbow
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