Moved by Elder Richards seconded by Elder Kington that a
monthly general council of the officers of this conference
be holden at Standly Hill to commence on friday the 17th
Day of July next 7 1/2 oclock P.M. Elder Thomas Kington
President & Elder John Benbow standing clerk
Carried unanimously
The President then proceded to explain the nature of the
Priesthood & the duties & privliges of the several offices
& gave such instruction as their situation required. followed
by Elder Richard who explained many Important principles
connected with the building up the Kingdom.
The minutes of the council were then read item by item
& accepted, when the council adjourned & after singing
"the spirit of God" &c & a blessing by Elder Richards
the Brethren seperated with feelings of Gratitude &
thanksgiving that God had been with his people & the
spirit of union & Love had prevailed in all the deliberations
of the DAY
Willford Woodruff President
John Benbow Clerk
Remarks: The different Branches in this region are so scattered
that it has not been possible to assertain the No of members
connected with each individual Church but the whole number
of the Churches connected with the Bran Green & Gadfield Elm
& the Frooms Hill conference together with a small branch of
12 members 1 priest 1 Teacher at little Gurney is
33 Churches 534 Members 75 Officers
viz. 10 Elders 52 Priests 13 Teachers
& for the comforting of the Saints & with hartfelt gratitude
to our Heavenly [Father] we would say that it is less than four months since
the fullness of the gospel was first Preached in this region, which
is a proof that God is beginning to make a short work in
these last days W. Woodruff
I Baptized 4. Jointly confirmed 20. Blessed 20 children
Ordained 4 Elders, 7 Elders Priest, & 4 Teachers
8 miles
Moved by Elder Richards Seconded by Elder Kington that a
monthly general Council of the Officers of this Conference
be holden at Standly Hill to commence on friday the 17th
Day of July next 7 1/2 oclock P.M. Elder Thomas Kington
President & Elder John Benbow Standing Clerk
Carried Unanimously
The President then Proceded to explain the nature of the
Priesthood & the duties & privliges of the several Offices
& gave such instruction as their situation required. followed
by Elder Richard who explained many Important principles
connected with the building up the Kingdom.
The minutes of the Council were then read item by item
& accepted. when the Council adjourned & after singing
"the spirit of God" &c & a blessing by Elder Richards
the Brethren seperated with feelings of Gratitude &
thanksgiving that God had been with his people & the
spirit of union & Love had prevailed in all the deliberations
of the DAY
Willford Woodruff President
John Benbow Clerk
Remarks — The different Branches in this region are so scattered
that it has not been possible to assertain the No of members
Connected with each individual Church but the whole number
of the Churches connected with the Bran Green & Gadfield Elm
& the Frooms Hill Conference together with a small branch of
12 members 1 priest 1 Teacher at little Gurney is
33 Churches 534 Members 75 Officers
Viz. 10 Elders 52 Priests 13 Teachers
& for the comforting of the Saints & with hartfelt gratitude
to our Heavenly Father we would say that it is less than four months since
the fullness of the gospel was first Preached in this region, which
is a proof that God is beginning to make a short work in
these last days W. Woodruff
I Baptized 4. Jointly Confirmed 20. Blessed 20 children
Ordained 4 Elders, 7 Priest, & 4 Teachers
8 miles
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"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," June 21, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 28, 2025,