From Adam man decended & prospered & blessed
untill he polluted the earth by sin & wickedness to that
degree that God destroyed the whole world by a flood
except 8 souls & they went forth & again peopled the earth
& was always blessed when they kept the commandments
of God & was cursed when they broke them. God blessed Abram & made covenants with him & his seed. Though
Israel was in slavery as it were under Pharroio yet when
they cryed unto God & was humble God raised up Moses & delivered them & cursed the Egyptian nation
& overthrew them, God overthrew the Canaanite
& gave the land to Israel. [Exodus 3] Nation after Nation has
risen flourish & fallen from generation to generation Baybylon the excellency of the Chaldeans, & the glory of
kingdoms was in her turn lade in the dust, & while
the curse of God rested upon many nations for their
sins & for Israel's sake, Israel forgot her LGod &
turned to Idols, & proved the Lord to be equal in
all his wasys by scattering Israel to the four winds
of heaven overthrowing Jerrusalem, laying her pallaces
synnagogues, & Temples, in the dust to be trodden down
by the gentiles while Judah was driven like the dumb
Ass under his burthen scatterd among all nations as corn
was sifted in a sive The gentile nations took her lands
was grafted in whare Israel was broaken of & partook
of the fatness of her olive tree & for a short season
broat forth her fruit, then Rome arose & Greece
in her turn have both spread themselves like a green
bay tree & strove to have their branches reach to
heaven while built upon Judah ruin, who at the
same time is recieving doublye at the hand of God for
all his sins, Greece & Rome in ther turn fall to the ground,
& out of Rome comes forth ten kingdoms who are now
struggling for the mastery to sway the septure oer the
earth, But in vain, in vain, do ye strive O! ye gentiles
for this thing, ye are ownly fuel for the fire & tinder
for the Breath of the Almighty. Ye have not continued
in the goodness of God neither have ye sought to recover
Israel. WO, WO, WO, unto you Rome for you are
the mother of harlots & wo unto all your daughte
rs England & America not excepted, your destru
ction is sure, your condemnation lingereth not &
your Damnation slumbereth not, for you are all
drunk with the Blood of Saints you have spoiled Judah & Ephram you have trodden dow[n] But he
will rise again & fullfill the word of God on thee!!
From Adam man decended & prospered & blessed
untill he polluted the earth by sin & wickedness to that
degree that God destroyed the whole world by a flood
except 8 souls & they went forth & again peopled the earth
& was always blessed when they kept the Commandments
of God & was cursed when they broke them. God blessed
Abram & made Covenants with him & his seed. Though
Israel was in slavery as it were under Pharrio yet when
they cryed unto God & was humble God raised up
Moses & delivered them & cursed the Egyptian nation
& overthrew them, God overthrew the Canaanite
& gave the land to Israel. Nation after Nation has
risen flourish & fallen from generation to generation
Babylon the excellency of the Chaldeans, & the glory of
kingdoms was in her turn lade in the dust, & while
the curse of God rested upon many nations for their
sins & for Israel's sake. Israel forgot her God &
turned to Idols, & proved the Lord to be equal in
all his ways by scattering Israel to the four winds
of heaven overthrowing Jerrusalem laying her pallaces
Synnagogues, & Temples, in the dust to be trodden down
by the gentiles while Judah was driven like the dumb
Ass under his burthen scattered among all nations as corn
was sifted in a sive The gentile nations took her lands
was grafted in whare Israel was broaken of & partook
of the fatness of her olive tree & for a short season
broat forth her fruit, then Rome arose & Greece
in her turn have both spread themselves like a green
bay tree & strove to have their branches reach to
heaven while built upon Judah ruin, who at the
same time is recieving double at the hand of God for
all his sins, Greece & Rome in ther turn fall to the ground,
& out of Rome comes forth ten kingdoms who are now
struggling for the mastery to sway the septure oer the
earth, But in vain, in vain, do ye strive O! ye gentiles
for this thing, ye are ownly fuel for the fire & tinder
for the Breath of the Almighty. Ye have not continued
in the goodness of God neither have ye sought to recover
Israel. WO, WO, WO, unto you Rome for you are
the mother of harlots & Wo unto all your daughte
rs England & America not excepted, your destru
ction is sure, your condemnation lingereth not &
your Damnation slumbereth not, for you are all
drunk with the Blood of Saints you have spoiled
Judah & Ephram you have trodden down But he
will rise again & fullfill the word of God on thee!!
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"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," June 21, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 3, 2025,