Aug 17, 1878
of funds for the Manti Temple Then W Woodruff spoke
45 Minuts Afternoon Prayer By John Vancott A K Thurber spoke followed By George Bean The
Reports of Statistics of the Stake was then Read E Snow spoke 60 M[inutes]. There was Received during
the 3 Months $13,799.48 cts for the Temple, and grand
Total Received in work, produce, & cash for the Temple
and Expended upon it $83,190.11 cts. The population
of the Stake was 6301, Offices & members & 3067 children
under 8 years of age whole population 9368.
~ Sunday
18 Aug Sunday Met at 10 oclok Wm H Folsome prayed O Hyde spoke 35 Minuts W Woodruff 50,
Reports & Call of Missionaries. Afternoon sacrament
Administered. Then the Authorities of the Church were
presented more Missionaries called E Snow spoke
55 Minuts. Then conference adjourned & W Woodruff
~ Monday
19. I Rode to Nephi over a vary Rough Road
& Emma was vary sick when we arived &
had a sick night I met with the High Council
in the Evening
~ Tuesday
20 I Rode in a waggon to york & cars to Farmers
ward & spent the night at the Farm 100 Miles
Aug 17, 1878
of funds for the Manti Temple Then W Woodruff spoke
45 Minuts Afternoon Prayer By John VancottA K Thurber spoke followed By George Bean The
Reports of Statistics of the Stake was then Read
E Snow spoke 60 Minutes. There was Received during
the 3 Months $13,799.48 cts for the Temple, and grand
Total Received in work, produce, & cash for the Temple
and Expended upon it $83,190.11 cts. The population
of the Stake was 6301, Offices & members & 3067 children
under 8 years of age whole population 9368.
~ Sunday
18 Aug Sunday Met at 10 oclok Wm H Folsome prayed
O Hyde spoke 35 Minuts W Woodruff 50,
Reports & Call of Missionaries. Afternoon sacrament
Administered. Then the Authorities of the Church were
presented more Missionaries called E Snow spoke
55 Minuts. Then conference adjourned & W Woodruff
~ Monday
19. I Rode to Nephi over a vary Rough Road
& Emma was vary sick when we arived &
had a sick night I met with the High Council
in the Evening
~ Tuesday
20 I Rode in a waggon to york & cars to Farmers
ward & spent the night at the Farm 100 Miles
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," August 18, 1878 - August 23, 1878, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 24, 2025,