but went onto the mountain & got 2 loads of wood returned home
by moonlight with cold feet but did not freeze 20 Miles
~ Saturday
16. I spent the day at home
~ Sunday
17. Sunday in company with Bishop Stewart I rode to Woodruff
& Preached to the people one hour followed By Bishop Stewart then
returned home & spoke to the cooperative board in the Evening 3 men
on Saturday coming from Evanston got lost in the night with their
team was out all night & all three froze their feet Badly Bro Lee went home with us to visit them I went with him to see them
their feet were frozen nearly to their ancles black as a coal &
badly swoolen He ordered a poltice of Brewers yeast & charcoal
through the night then anoint with a linament made by pouring
boiling water on quick time let it settle then mix some of the water with
Linseed oil
~ Monday
18. I spent the day at Wilfords doctering his sheep for the scab
~ Tuesday
19. I Attended the childrens Party in the Afternoon & a dance in the
Evening & all the company took supper with the Bishop I received a letter from C. C. Rich
~ Wednesday
20 I spent the day at home
~ Thursday
21. A Plesant Morning in company with Bishop Stewart & David
I started for Paris. we had to cut a road with Axes 150 yards
across glare Ice at Oter Creek so as to get our horses across. we
then drove to Sage Creek then crossed the mountain some 15 Mile
through 2 feet of snow we arived at Lake Town at 7:30, having
turned over once going down the canyon spent the night at Bishop Parry Nebekers. 30 Miles
~ Friday
22nd we drove through a Tedious storm to St Charles & spent the
night with Brother Davis 25 Miles
Jan 15 1875
but went onto the mountain & got 2 loads of wood returned home
by moonlight with cold feet but did not freeze 20 Mils
~ Saturday
16. I spent the day at home
~ Sunday
17. Sunday in company with Bishop Stewart I rode to Woodruff
& Preached to the people one hour followed By Bishop Stewart then
returned home & spoke to the cooperative board in the Evening 3 men
on Saturday come from Evanston got lost in the night with their
team was out all night & all three froze their feet Badly Br
Lee went home with us to visit them I went with him to see them
their feet were frozen nearly to their ancles black as a coal &
badly swoolen He ordered a poltice of Brewers yeast & charcoal
through the night then anoint with a linament made by pouring
boiling water on quick time let it settle then mix some of the water with
Linseed Oil
~ Monday
18. I spent the day at Wilfords doctering his sheep for the scab
~ Tuesday
19. I Attended the Childrens Party in the Afternoon & a danc in the
Evening & all the company took supper with the Bishop I received
[FIGURE] a letter from C. C. Rich
~ Wednesday
20 I spent the day at home
~ Thursday
21. A Plesant Morning in company with Bishop Stewart & David
I started for Paris, we had to cut a road with Axes 150 yards
across glare Ice at Oter Creek so as to get our horses across. we
then drove to Sage Creek then crossed the mountain some 15 Mile
through 2 feet of snow we arived at Lake Town at 7.30, having
turned over once going down the canyon spent the night at Bishop
Parry Nebekers. 30 Miles
~ Friday
22nd we drove through a Tedious storm to St Charles & spent the
night with Brother Davis 25 Miles
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," January 15, 1875 - January 22, 1875, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/nrG5