Jan 23 1875
I rode with Br Davis to Paris Met with the Priesthood &
spoke to them one hour & had much of the spirit of the Lord
with me I spent the night with Elder C. C. Rich 8 Miles
~ Sunday
24. Sunday I met a large assembly at Paris & spoke to them one
hour. took dinner with Brother Rich & Budge at Sister Stoky's
then rode to St Charles, had a chill, did not feel well. met with
the people C C Rich spoke a short time I followed him spent the
night at Br Daviseslaid hands upon his daughter who was sick 8 M[iles]
~ Monday
25 we drove to Laketown & spent the night with Br Western 25 [miles].
~ Tuesday
26. we crossed the Mountain to Randolph & spen[t] the night at home 25.
30. I called upon Br Spencer & went out to look at 20 Acres of land 31 Sunday I met with the female Relief Society & addresed
them in the afternoon I was suffering with a severe cold
~ Sunday
31. Sunday I met with the Saints & spoke to them
~ Monday
Feb 1. At 5 oclok I left Randolph with Jesse Moses & David
for Evanston Arived at Woodruff cold, stoped a short time
went on Arived at Evanston at 1 oclok I called at Brothr Burtons took dinner & staid waiting for the Eastern train
untill 6:30 P.M. Before they started for Ogden I went down
on the train to Ogden with our new Govornor Axtell I arived
in Ogden at 11 oclok I spent the night with F. D. Richards 112 M
~ Tuesday
2nd I took cars with Gov Axtell & had a long conversation
with him & was much pleased with his spirit & sentiments at Farmington we met with an extra car for him with Messers Sharp Wells, Hooper, JenningsEldridge, Musser, & Winder arived at home at 10 oclk 40 M
~ Saturday
Jan 23 1875
I rode with Br Davis to Paris Met with the Priesthood &
spoke to them one hour & had much of the spirit of the Lord
with me I spent the night with Elder C. C. Rich 8 Miles
~ Sunday
24. Sunday I met a large assembly at Paris & spoke to them one
hour, took dinner with Brother Rich & Budge at Sister Stoky's
then rode to St Charles, had a chill, did not feel well. met with
the people C C Rich spoke a short time & I followed him spent the
night at Br Davises laid hands upon his daughter who was sick 8 Miles
~ Monday
25 we drove to Laketown & spent the night with Br Western 25.
~ Tuesday
26. we crossed the Mountain to Randolph & spent the night at home 25 miles.
30. I called upon Br Spencer & went out to look at 20 Acres of land
I met with the female Relief Society & addressed
them in the afternoon I was suffering with a severe cold
~ Sunday
31. Sunday I met with the Saints & spoke to them
~ Monday
Feb 1. At 5 oclok I left Randolph with Jesse Moses & David
for Evanston Arived at Woodruff cold, stoped a short time
went on Arived at Evanston at 1 oclok I called at Brothr
Burtons took dinner & staid waiting for the Eastern train
untill 6.30 P.M. Before they started for Ogden I went down
on the train to Ogden with our new Govornor Axtell I arived
in Ogden at 11 oclok I spent the night with F. D. Richards 112 Miles
~ Tuesday
2nd I took cars with Gov Axtell & had a long conversation
with him & was much pleased with his spirit & sentiments at
Farmington we met with an Extra car for him with Messers SharpWells, Hooper, JenningsEldridge, Musser, & Winder arived at home at 10 oclk 40 Miles
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," January 23, 1875 - February 2, 1875, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 26, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/oQAY