Reproving the people esspecially the Elders, High priest,
seventies, & Bishops for their slothfulness and cold-
ness and inattention to the things of God if they did not
wake up and do their duty they would be removed and
others would take their place. AO Pratt spoke 8 m[inu]tes
and bore Testimony of what Brother Taylor had said
At the close of the meeting we met in the prayer circle
I then went to the farm and Blessed Sarah Delight
Woodruff child Julia Delight being 8 days old. I called
upon Emma a short time, then went to Phineas
Young And Blessed him I then called upon
Sister Gabbit & Administered to her was near her
confinement. I then returned home & spent the night 6 M[iles]
9. SundayI attended meeting in the Tabernacle & council in the Evening
9. I spent the day in the office
~ Wednesday
10. I met in council & prayer circle
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
11 & & 13 I spent the time Attending to Church business
& Esstate affairs
~ Sunday
14. Sunday Met in the TabernacleC W Penrose spoke
46 Minuts John Nicholson spoke 4625 M Met in
council in the Evening. Among other Business the council
Approprited $2000 to me for past servises to assist
me to build a House
~ Monday
15 I spent most of the day making waggon Box spent the
night at the farm 6 M[iles]
~ Tuesday
16 I cut wheat in the fore noon laid out ground for a House
July 7, 1878
Reproving the people esspecially the Elders, High priest,
seventies, & Bishops for their slothfulness and coldness and inattention to the things of God if they did not
wake up and do their duty they would be removed and
others would take their place.O Pratt spoke 8 minutes
and bore Testimony of what Brother Taylor had said
At the close of the meeting we met in the prayer circle
I then went to the farm and Blessed Sarah Delight
Woodruff child Julia Delight being 8 days old. I called
upon Emma a short time, then went to Phineas
Young And Blessed him I then called upon
Sister Gabbit & Administered to her was near her
confinement. I then returned home & spent the night 6 Miles
9. I attended meeting in the Tabernacle & council
in the Evening
9. I spent the day in the office
~ Wednesday
10. I met in council & prayer circle
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
11 & 12 & 13 I spent the time Attending to church business
& Esstate affairs
~ Sunday
14. sunday Met in the TabernacleC W Penrose spoke
46 Minuts John Nicholson spoke25 Minutes Met in
council in the Evening Among other Business the council
Approprited $2000 to me for past servises to assist
me to build a House
~ Monday
15 I spent most of the day making waggon Box spent the
night at the farm 6 Miles
~ Tuesday
16 I cut wheat in the fore noon laid out ground for a House
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," July 7, 1878 - July 16, 1878, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025,