4 of July I wrote one letter to Wm H Folsome
And attended the consert in the New Tabernacle which
was quit interesting
~ Friday
5. I wrote to Bishop Roskelly of Smithfied. I
went to the farm and spent the night {in [hell]} 6 M[iles]
~ Saturday
6. I met in the New Tabernacle to Attend a quarterly
conference of this stake of Zion. Reports of the stake
were read. Then Angus Cannon the President of
the stake spoke 45 Minuts. Afternoon O Pratt
spoke 15 M, Bishop Crane 13 M Br Despain 8
Another 5 M, Andrew Bart 5 M Elder Brandon 2
Br Steel 12 M, W Woodruff 15. There were
but few people present many of the Bishops not
present. I Blessed the child of Sister McAllister its 7Name is Josephine
~ Sunday
7. Sunday I met at 10 oclok. Prayer By D O Calder G. Q. Cannon spoke 45 Minuts His sermon was
vary Edifying He was followed By Joseph F Smith
who gave a vary strong discours & positive on
the Celestial Law of Marriage & spoke one hour
Afternoon prayer By John W YoungB Young spoke
40 Minuts on the United Order. President John
Taylor spoke in great Plainness 40 Minuts
3rd [FIGURE] I rote to John McAllister had an interview
with G Q Cannon Met in council in the Afternoon
~ Thursday
4 of July [FIGURE] I wrote one letter to Wm H Folsome
And attended the consert in the New Tabernacle which
was quit interesting
~ Friday
5. [FIGURE] I wrote to Bishop Roskelly of Smithfield I
went to the farm and spent the night {in hell} 6 Miles
~ Saturday
6. I met in the New Tabernacle to Attend a quarterly
conference of this stake of Zion Reports of the stake
were read Then Angus Cannon the President of
the Stake spoke 45 Minuts. Afternoon O Pratt
spoke 15 Minutes, Bishop Crane 13 Minutes Br Despain 8
Another 5 Minutes, Andrew Bart 5 Minutes Elder Brandon 2
Br Steel 12 Minutes, W Woodruff 15. There were
but few people present many of the Bishops not
present. I Blessed the child of Sister McAllister its
Name is Josephine
~ Sunday
7. Sunday I met at 10 oclok Prayer By D O CalderG. Q. Cannon spoke 45 Minuts His sermon was
vary Edifying He was followed By Joseph F Smith
who gave a vary strong discours & positive on
the Celestial Law of Marriage & spoke one hour
Afternoon prayer By John W YoungB Young spoke
40 Minuts on the United Order. President John
Taylor spoke in great Plainness 40 Minuts
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"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," July 2, 1878 - July 7, 1878, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/W7BQ