the Heavens and Earth Pass away not one jot or tittle
wasll [will] fall unfulfilled. I would say to the Lamanits
if I could speak to their understanding that you are also
a Branch of the House of Irsrael, and once Belonged to
Pleasant Ephraim, and your forefathers have fallen
through the same Example of unbelief and sin, as have
the Jews, and you areas their posterity have wandered
in sin and darkness for Many Generations, and you
like the Jews have been driven and trampelled under
the feet of the Gentiles, and put to death through your
wars with Each other and with the white man,
untill you are almost annihilated from off the Earth
But there is still a redemption and salvation for a
remnant of you in the Latter Days. It is time for you to
scease your warefare with each other and sheding each
others Blood, or making war upon your fellow men
cease to shed Blood, learn to cultivate the Earth, and
raise your food from the Earth. Call upon the great spirit
to protect you and deliver you from Bondage and
Darkness, and the Great Spirit will hear you and
deliver you, and a remnant of you will again become
a Delightsome people as your Forefathers were when
they kept the commandments of God. Could I speak
to the Ten Tribes of Israel in that North Country
I would say call upon the God of your Fathers of AbrahamIsaac & Jacob That your Prophets may
come in rememberance before God. That they may
hear his voice, And no longer stay themselves but
the Heavens and Earth Pass away not one jot or tittle
will fall unfulfilled. I would say to the Lamanits
if I could speak to their understanding that you are also
a Branch of the House of Israel, and once Belonged to
Pleasant Ephraim, and your forefathers have fallen
through the same Example of unbelief and sin, as have
the Jews, and youas their posterity have wandered
in sin and darkness for Many Generations, and you
like the Jews have been driven and tramplled under
the feet of the Gentiles, and put to death through your
wars with Each other and with the white man,
untill you are almost annihilated from off the Earth
But there is still a redemption and salvation for a
Remnant of you in the Latter Days. It is time for you to
scease your warefare with each other and sheding each
others Blood, or making war upon your fellow men
cease to shed Blood, learn to cultivate the Earth, and
raise your food from the Earth. Call upon the great spirit
to protect you and deliver you from Bondage and
Darkness, and the Great Spirit will hear you and
deliver you, and a Remnant of you will again become
a Delightsome people as your Forefathers were when
they kept the commandments of God. Could I speak
to the Ten Tribes of Israel in that North Country
I would say call upon the God of your Fathers
AbrahamIsaac & Jacob That your Prophets may
come in Rememberance before God. That they may
hear his voice, And no longer stay themselves but
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," February 26, 1879, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025,