whenever you turn your hand to this work the God
of Israel will help you. You have a great future and destiny
before you and you cannot avoid fulfilling it You are
the royal chosen seed and the God of your fathers have
kept you distinct as a Nation for Eighteen hundred
years under all the oppression of the whole Gentile
world. Tharefor Arise O Judah and return home
we ask you not to wait untill you believe in Jesus
of Nazareth, but when you meet with Shilo your King
you will know him. Your Destiny is marked is marked
out, you cannot avoid it. It is true that after you return
and gather your Nation home and rebuild your city
and Temple that the Gentiles may gather together their
armies to go against you to Battle for to take a prey
and to take a spoil which they will do for the words of
your Prophets must be fulfilled. But when this affliction
comes the same God that Lead Moses through the wilderness
will deliver you and your Shilo will come and s^t^and
in your midst and will fight your Batteles and you will
know him. And the affliction of the Jews will have an End
while the destruction of the Gentilesles will be so great that it
will take the whole house of Israel who are gathered about Jerres-
alem seven months to bury the Dead of their Enemies [Ezekiel 39:12]
And the weapons of war will last them seven years
for fuel so they need not go to any forest for wood [Ezekiel 39:9].
These are Tremendious sayings who can bear then Never-
theless they are true and will be fulfilled according to the
sayings of Ezekiel, Zechariah and other prophets though
whenever you turn your hand to this work the God
of Israel will help you. You have a great future and destiny
before you and you cannot avoid fulfilling it You are
the royal chosen seed and the God of your fathers have
kept you distinct as a Nation for Eighteen hundred
years under all the oppression of the whole Gentile
world. Therefor Arise O Judah and return home
we ask you not to wait untill you believe in Jesus
of Nazareth, but when you meet with Shilo your King
you will know him. Your Destiny is marked is marked
out, you cannot avoid it. It is true that after you return
and gather your Nation home and rebuild your city
and Temple that the Gentiles may gather together their
armies to go against you to Battle for to take a prey
and to take a spoil which they will do for the words of
your Prophets must be fulfilled. But when this affliction
comes the same God that Lead Moses through the wilderness
will deliver you and your Shilo will come and stand
in your midst and will fight your Battles and you will
Know him. And the affliction of the Jews will have an End
while the destruction of the Gentiles will be so great that it
will take the whole house of Israel who are gathered about Jerresalem seven months to bury the Dead of their Enemies
And the weapons of war will last them seven years
for fuel so they need not go to any forest for wood.
These are Tremendious sayings who can bear then Nevertheless they are true and will be fulfilled according to the
sayings of Ezekiel, Zachariah and other prophets though
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," February 26, 1879, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/BLXN