May 15 1873
It has Now been raining 2 days & night I staid at the farm
~ Friday
16. [FIGURES] it is still raining I took 28 bushels of wheat to
Mill I received a letter from Mrs Gravenston I returned
to the City & took a load of wheat to Mill 6 M[iles]
16. I spent the day at home choreing
~ Saturday
17. I took cars at 6 oclok & went to Ogden the Presidency & the
rest of the company came on the 8 oclok train we met at 10 oclok
in the Tabernacle for a 2 days Meeting Prayer By C. W. Penrose D. H. Wells spoke one hour & 10 Minuts At noon the following persons [FIGURES] were called together & ordained Patriarchs under
the Hands of the Presidency & Twelve
Thomas Richardson on Born Feb, [blank] 1804, Wigom Lancashire England
Son of [blank] Ordained by President Brigham Young
~ Thursday
May 15 1873
It has Now been raining 2 days & night I staid at the farm
~ Friday
16. FIGURES it is still raining I took 28 bushels of wheat to
Mill I received a letter from Mrs Gravenston I returned
to the City & took a load of wheat to Mill 6 Miles
16. I spent the day at home choreing
~ Saturday
17. I took cars at 6 oclok & went to Ogden the Presidency & the
rest of the company came on the 8 oclok train we met at 10 oclok
in the Tabernacle for a 2 days Meeting Prayer By C. W. PenroseD. H. Wells spoke one hour & 10 Minuts At noon the following persons
FIGURES were called together & ordained Patriarchs under
the Hands of the Presidency & Twelve
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," May 15, 1873 - May 17, 1873, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed September 21, 2024,