May 2 1877
W Woodruff sealed 20 couple D. H. Cannon 20, WW sealed
one Daughter to Parents
~ Thursday
3 May We gave Endowments to 151. W Woodruff sealed 16 couple
And sealed 14 children to Silas & Jesse N Smith and
Adopted them to their Father [blank] Smith and then
Adopted Father [blank] Smith to Joseph Smith the Prophet
W Woodruff gave seconed Anointing to 9 persons mostly for dead
W. Woodruff sealed 16 couple D H Cannon 21. 58 Elders ordained
~ Friday
4 We gave 132 Endowments mostly for the dead 53 Elders ordained D H. Cannon sealed 48 couple mostly for the dead I Attended
the funeral of Miles Romney 71. I spoke at the funeral
~ Saturday
5 I received a letter from Henry Dinwoody and wrote
one to him in return
6.7 I went to the Temple brought a sack of potatoes
~ Tuesday
8. I Received 2 letters from Wilford and Emma I wrote
^^ a letter to Emma we Baptized 661 for the dead
~ Wednesday
9. May I was taken sick today with a severe cold upon
the Lungs. I spent a part of the day in the Temple WW sealed 1 couple D. H. Cannon 30 J. D. T. McAllister 11 couple Also gave 2nd Anointing
to 7, Also 8 Adoptions
~ Thursday
10. We gave 131 Endowments Ordained 50.
I spent a part of the day in the Temple although sick WW sealed
3 couple J D T McAllister 26, D H Cannon 17, 3 Adoptioned
This is the last day I went to the Temple
May 2 1877
W Woodruff sealed 20 couple D. H. Cannon 20, WW sealed
one Daughter to Parents
~ Thursday
3 May We gave Endowments to 151. W Woodruff sealed 16 couple
And sealed 14 children to Silas & Jesse N Smith and
Adopted them to their Father [blank] Smith and then
Adopted Father [blank] Smith to Joseph Smith the Prophet
W Woodruff gave seconed Anointing to 9 persons mostly for dead
W. Woodruff sealed 16 couple D H Cannon 21. 58 Elders ordained
~ Friday
4 We gave 132 Endowments mostly for the dead 53 Elders ordained
D H. Cannon sealed 48 couple mostly for the dead I Attended
the funeral of Miles Romney 71. I spoke at the funeral
~ Saturday
5 FIGURES I received a letter from Henry Dinwoody and wrote
one to him in return
8. I Received 2 letters from Wilford and Emma I wrote
FIGURES a letter to Emma we Baptized 661 for the dead
~ Wednesday
9. May [FIGURE] I was taken sick today with a severe cold upon
the Lungs. I spent a part of the day in the Temple WW sealed 1 couple
D. H. Cannon 30 J. D. T. McAllister 11 couple Also gave 2nd Anointing
to 7, Also 8 Adoptions
~ Thursday
10. We gave 131 Endowments Ordained 50.
I spent a part of the day in the Temple although sick WW sealed
3 couple J D T McAllister 26, D H Cannon 17, 3 Adoptioned
This is the last day I went to the Temple
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," May 3, 1877 - May 10, 1877, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 7, 2025,