I this day looked over my Temple record
And found that myself and family had Been Baptized
up to this date for 27053 including the Woodruff & hart
family A few of the Thompsons and HartCarter family there
were in this Number of the Woodruff family Males
152, Females 201, Total 353. Of the Harts Males 614
Females 621 Total 1235. Of the Thompsons Males 10,
Females 18 Total, 28. Of the Carter family Males 3 Females 2
Total of the Carter family 5. This leaves 10842 of other families
which have received Baptisms for the Dead mostly persons who
have Married into the Woodruff, Thompson, and hart family
I have received Endow[me]nts for my Dead in thi[s] Temple
from Jan 1, to1877 to March 1, 1879, 1639. This leaves
1064 still to get Endowm[en]ts, 861 Males & 203 Females
Total 2703 Baptisms as recorded in my record
~ Wednesday
March 5 I signed 3 deeds of Land to day 2 to Wilford Woodruff Jr & one to Roskelly and asked him
to give a Deed to Sarah of the same Land I wrote 23 letters
to Wilford Roskelley & Angus M Cannon and
sent the Deeds to them
~ Thursday
6 I left St George at 3 oclok and in company with Erastus Snow drove to Cottonwood springs and camped
on the ground D H Cannon came with a dispatch to me
containing a report from Salt Lake which proved to be fals
After Delivering the Dispatch Br Cannon returned home 26 M[iles]
~ Friday
7 We drove to Castles Springs It was a severe day
wind Blew hard filled my Eyes with sand which
made me nearly sick at night. Stoped with Br Pulsipher 25 M[iles]
~ Tuesday
March 4, 1879
FIGURES I this day looked over my Temple Record
And found that myself and family had Been Baptized
up to this date for 2703 including the Woodruff & hart
family A few of the Thompson andCarter family there
were in this number of the Woodruff family Males
152, Females 201, Total 353. Of the Harts Males 614
Females 621 Total 1235. Of the Thompsons Males 10,
Females 18 Total, 28. Of the Carter family Males 3 Females 2
Total of the Carter family 5. This leaves 1082 of other families
which have received Baptisms for the Dead mostly persons who
have Married into the Woodruff, Thompson, and hart family
I have received Endowments for my Dead in this Temple
from Jan 1,1877 to March 1, 1879, 1639. This leaves
1064 still to get Endowments, 861 Males & 203 Females,
Total 2703 Baptisms as recorded in my record
~ Wednesday
March 5 [FIGURE] I signed 3 deeds of Land to day 2 to
Wilford Woodruff Jr & one to Roskelly and asked him
to give a Deed to Sarah of the same Land I wrote3 letters
to Wilford Roskelley & Angus M Cannon and
sent the Deeds to them
~ Thursday
6 I left St George at 3 oclok and in company with
Erastus Snow drove to Cottonwood springs and camped
on the ground D H Cannon came with a dispatch to me
containing a report from Salt Lake which proved to be fals
After Delivering the Dispatch Br Cannon Returned home 26 Miles
~ Friday
7 We drove to Castles Springs It was a severe day
wind Blew hard filled my Eyes with sand which
made me nearly sick at night. Stoped with Br Pulsipher 25 Miles
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," March 4, 1879 - March 7, 1879, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 12, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/RoKK