March 3rd 1873 I wrote a letter to Joseph Fabyan Carter I spent a part of
the day drawing Lumber I drew 2000 feet sheeting I attended a council
in the Evening at the City Hall President Young spoke
~ Tuesday
March 4. The president [present] Congress goes out to day & a New one begin I received a letter from David I went to Ogden with Mrs Woodruff in company with President young & party with Gen T. L Kain & Lady who started on their homeward Journey we ownly spent abot
5 minutes at Ogden then returned 80 Miles
~ Wednesday
5th we learned that Congress adjourned without having power to
^^ pass the Utah Bill, although Newman & President Grant done all
in their power to Get Congress to pass those unconstitutional Bills
against the Saints in Utah Bassed upon the foundation of a tisue
of Lies, & it did pass the Senate yet the House would not pass it & we
acknowledge the Hand of God in this.
~ Thursday
6. I drew from the Lumber yard 25000 Lath & went to the farm, 6 M[iles]
~ Friday
7th I returned to the city & spent the day choreing I drew 2000 Brick I wrote one letter to Br Hart of Provo
~ Saturday
8. I spent the forenoon drawing Door & window frames In the Afternoon
I attended A Missionary meeting at the Tabernacle President Yo[u]ng gave inst-
ruction to the company about 100 answered to their names President
Yo[u]ng said he wanted them to settle upon a cooperative principle and
not ask what they are going to have for their labor but labor to build
up Zion & convert the Lamanites to the gospel & baptize them & set them
to work. I attended a Meeting of the board of D A & M Society in Evening
~ Sunday
9 Sunday I received a letter from Azmon. I wrote 4 Letter to Wilford, Sarah, DavidArobellaSylviaNewton & Mary
I met with the 12 for prayer & preached in the 19 ward in the Evening I wrote a letter to Azmon
~ Monday
March 3rd 1873
FIGURES I wrote a letter to Joseph Fabyan Carter I spent a part of
the day drawing Lumber I drew 2000 feet sheeting I attended a council
in the Evening at the City Hall President Young spoke
~ Tuesday
March 4. The present Congress goes out to day & a New one begin
[FIGURE] I received a letter from David I went to Ogden with Mrs
Woodruff in company with President Young & party with Gen T. L. Kain &
Lady who started on their homeward Journey we ownly spent abot
5 minuts at Ogden then returned 80 Miles
~ Wednesday
5th we learned that Congress adjourned without having power to
[FIGURE] pass the Utah Bill, although Newman & President Grant done all
in their power to Get Congress to pass those unconstitutional Bills
against the Saints in Utah Bassed upon the foundation of a tisue
of Lies, & it did pass the Senate yet the House would not pass it & we
acknowledge the Hand of God in this.
~ Thursday
6. I drew from the Lumber yard 25000 Lath & went to the farm 6 Miles
~ Friday
7th I returned to the City & spent the day choreing I drew 2000 Brick
[FIGURE] I wrote one letter to Br Hart of Provo
~ Saturday
8. I spent the forenoon drawing Door & window frames. In the Afternoon
I attended A Missionary meeting at the Tabernacle President Young gave instruction to the company about 100 answered to their names President
Young said he wanted them to settle upon a cooperative principle and
not ask what they are going to have for their labor but labor to build
Up Zion & convert the Lamanites to the gospel & baptize them & set them
to work. I attended a Meeting of the board of D A & M Society in Evening
~ Sunday
9 Sunday I received a letter from Azmon. I wrote 4 Letter to
FIGURES Wilford, Sarah, DavidArobellaSylviaNewton & Mary
I met with the 12 for Prayer & Preached in the 19 ward in the Evening
[FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Azmon
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," March 3, 1873 - March 9, 1873, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 2, 2025,