Nov 10, 1878
And the Brethren we repaired to the Mouth of the canyon
and Broke ground, and Dedicated it for the purpose
of Building a woollen factory on the cooperative
principle I dedicated the ground
~ Monday
11. we drove to St Charles took Dinner
with Br J Pugmyre Then Drove to Meadowville and
stoped with Brother Joseph Kimball 28 M[iles]
I held a Meeting in the Evening Wm H Lee prayed
Br Card spoke 30 M[inutes], & W Woodruff 50 M[inutes]
17 I Attended Meeting at Smithfield at
1 oclok Wm B Preston spoke 30 M[inutes] M Thatcher
30 M[inutes] & W Woodruff 20 M[inutes]. W Woodruff
then ordained George Barber a High Priest
and first councillor to Bishop Roskelly
20 I went over Bear River with David and spent
the night at the farm 12 M[iles]
Nov 10, 1878
And the Brethren we repaired to the Mouth of the canyon
and Broke ground, and Dedicated it for the purpose
of Building a woollen factory on the cooperative
principle I dedicated the ground
~ Monday
11. we drove to St Charles took Dinner
with Br J Pugmyre Then Drove to Meadowville and
stoped with Brother Joseph Kimball 28 Miles
I held a Meeting in the Evening Wm H Lee prayed
Br Card spoke 30 Minutes, & W Woodruff 50 Minutes
17 I Attended Meeting at Smithfield at
1 oclok Wm B Preston spoke 30 Minutes M Thatcher
30 Minutes & W Woodruff 20 Minutes. W Woodruff
then ordained George Barber a High Priest
and first councillor to Bishop Roskelly
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," November 11, 1878 - November 20, 1878, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025,