24. Sunday I had an interview with J Taylor in
the Morning and attended council in the Evening
~ Monday
25 I met in council much business was
done the Reprinting of the Book of Mormon am[on]g
the rest in England By O Pratt{I sent the bill.}
~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday
26, 27 I spent the time at the farm wrote 2 Letters to McA
~ Thursday
28 I spent the Thanksgiving in useful labor I
had a council in the Evening {Dora signed the bill}
Orson Hyde Born
Jan 8, 1805.
Died Nov 28 1878
Aged 73 Years
The Apostle Orson Hyde died this day at
6 oclok P.M. Thus has departed
Another of the first Quorum of
the Twelve Apostles of this last dispens
ation This leaves but one alive in the
first quorum of the Twelve Apostles viz Orson Pratt and two
of the seconed quorum viz John Taylor and Wilford Woodruff
the latter being the oldest man in the present Quorum of the Twelve
and we know not how long we shall remain in the flesh
24. Sunday I had an interview with J Taylor in
the Morning and attended council in the Evening
~ Monday
25 FIGURES I met in council much business was
done the Reprinting of the Book of Mormon among
the rest in England By O Pratt{I sent the bill.}
~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday
26, 27 I spent the time at the farm wrote 2 Letters to McA
~ Thursday
28 FIGURES I spent the Thanksgiving in useful labor I
had a council in the Evening {Dora signed the bill}
[FIGURE] Orson Hyde Born
Jan 8, 1805.
Died Nov 28 1878
Aged 73 Years
The Apostle Orson Hyde died this day at
6 oclok P.M. Thus has departed
Another of the first Quorum of
the Twelve Apostles of this last dispens
ation This leaves but one alive in the
first quorum of the Twelve Apostles viz Orson Pratt and two
of the seconed quorum viz John Taylor and Wilford Woodruff
the latter being the oldest man in the present Quorum of the Twelve
and we know not how long we shall remain in the flesh
~ Friday
29. [FIGURE] I wrote 2 letters to G. Reynolds & Sarah I took cars
Rode to York & waggon to Nephi stop with Oakey 90 Miles
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," November 21, 1878 - November 30, 1878, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/jqJP