Willford Woodruff &
was Joined in Marriage April 13th AD. 1837
rather than complain thou must put thy whole trust
in God. ^thou art of the blood of ^ thou shalt have a celestial crown Thou shalt
have a residence in Zion and do a great work, there
Thou shalt sew the and rejoice
in the work of thy hands. If thou wilt keep the comm-
andmendts thou shalt have all of thy friends they shall
be members of the covenant I seal all of these blessings
on thy head in the name of Jesus I seal thee up unto
Eternal Life. AMEN AND AMEN
Solemn and interesting are the scenes and living
realities of the present generation of the human
family. The reflecting mind may flit back with
the rapidity of lightning to the day when GOD spake
and chaos herd and this world came into order, then
from the days of trace the history of man
down to 1830 years after Christ both sacred and
profane and place their history in a point of light
to comprehend in one combined mass all the rise,
progress, decline, and fall of all the nations, kindgdoms,
and empires of the earth and they do not form a more
compounded scenery of grand awful sublime and
important events than is to transpire in this of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The prophets and Apo
stles & all inspired men of God in every age of a have looked, spake, & written respecting
this generation with feelings of the deepest interest. In 1830 the
stone began to roll. The Church & body of Christ became vis-
ible It will continue to be propeled by the arm of JEHOVAH
untill the kingdom fills the whole earth & Israel gatherd, Babylon
falls & Christ reigns. [Daniel 2:34-35] Then marvel not O ye reader that the Patr-
iarch pronounces blessings upon the children of EPHRAIM
Willford Woodruff &
was joined in Marriage April 13th A.D. 1837
rather than complain thou must put thy whole trust
in God. thou art of the thou shalt have a celestial crown. Thou shalt
have a residence in Zion and do a great work, there
Thou shalt sew the and rejoice
in the work of thy hands. If thou wilt keep the comm
andments thou shalt have all of thy friends they shall
be members of the covenant. I seal all of these blessings
on thy head in the name of Jesus I seal thee up unto
Eternal Life AMEN AND AMEN
Solemn and interesting are the scenes and living
realities of the present generation of the human
family. The reflecting mind may flit back with
the rapidity of lightning to the day when GOD spake
and chaos herd and this world came into order, then
from the days of trace the history of man
down to 1830 years after Christ both sacred and
profane and place their history in a point of light
to comprehend in one combined mass all the rise,
progress, decline, and fall of all the nations, kingdoms,
and empires of the earth and they do not form a more
compounded scenery of grand awful sublime and
important events than is to traspire in this of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The prophets and apo
stles & all inspired men of God in every age of a have looked, spake, & written respecting
this generation with feelings of the deepest interest. In 1830 the
stone began to roll. The Church & became vis
ible It will continue to be propeled by the arm of JEHOVAH
untill the Kingdom fills the whole earth & Israel gatherd Babylon
falls & Christ reigns. Then marvel not O ye reader that the Patr
iarch pronounces blessings upon the children of EPHRAIM