for the Elders Journal. The spirit of God is like leaven in the
midst of these Islands of the sea. the solemnities of Eternity
is resting upon the people [Doctrine and Covenants 43:34], the word of God is like a sharp
two edged sword in the hearts of men [Hebrews 4:12] I am now preachi-
ng & Baptizing almost daily. O may the Lord roll on his
work amid the Islands of the sea and give me a rich
harvest of souls. I spent the night with Mr Charles
Brown distance of the day 4 miles
THUS ends the year of 1837 and the 1st VOL of
my Journal. I now find myself upon one of the Islands
of the sea in defence of the word of GOD and for the testim-
ony of JESUS CHRIST, in company with (PHEBE) my
companion whom God hath gaiven me for a bosom friend
& a help meet. I marvel & can exclaim like one one of
old, "great and marvelous are thy works "O LORD GOD
ALMIGHTY" [Revelation 15:3] whenI I consider his ways with the
children of men, esspecially when I consider his dealings
with myself. The past year hath been the most interest-
ing part of my life in many respects. The account of
my procedings during the year 1837 may be found on
the following page, and a continuation of my travels
in the ministry will be recorded in my Journal in the
2nd VOL
for the Elders Journal. The spirit of God is like leaven in the
midst of these Islands of the sea. the solemnities of Eternity
is resting upon the People, the word of God is like a sharp
two edged sword in the hearts of men I am now preachi
-ng & Baptizing almost daily. O may the Lord roll on his
work amid the Islands of the sea and give me a rich
harvest of souls. I spent the night with Mr Charles
Brown distance of the day 4 miles
THUS ends the year of 1837 and the 1st VOL of
my Journal. I now find myself upon one of the Islands
of the sea in defence of the word of GOD and for the testim
-ony of JESUS CHRIST, in company with (PHEBE) my
companion whom God hath given me for a bosom friend
& a helpmeet. I marvel & can exclaim like one one of
old, "great and marvelous are thy works "O LORD GOD
ALMIGHTY" when I consider his ways with the
children of men, esspecially when I consider his dealings
with myself. The past year hath been the most interest
-ing part of my life in many respects. The account of
my procedings during the year 1837 may be found on
the following page, and a continuation of my travels
in the ministry will be recorded in my Journal in the
2nd VOL
"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," December 31, 1837 - January 3, 1838, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025,