JULY 21st I left Hartford at 5 oclock AM & on
foot I walked during the day 52 miles & stop't
for the night 14 miles west of worcester at 8 oclock
making 15 hours that I walked 3 1/2 miles per hour
through a hot sultry day {Distance} 52 miles
~ Saturday
22nd Arose much refresh'd by sleep & walked
into Worcester whare I took breakfast after
a 14 miles travel. from thence I walked to Grow
ridge tavern within 13 miles of Lowell here I sp
ent the night. The whole distance of the day. 48 m
~ Sunday
23rd Sunday I walked into Lowell & took breakfast
from thence through the different town's into New
Rowley, Essex County, Mass. whare I arived at about
6 PM & was joyfully receieved by Brother Nathaniel
Holmes, ^&^ Sister Holmes his wife being the parents of
Elders Jonathan & Milton Holmes. I was here again priv
ileged of striking hands with several dear friends
such as Elders M Holmes & J. Hale & my Phebe
who was ^I^ truly rejoiced to again meet. the distance
of this days walk was 36 miles
The whole distance of the three days walks above
spoken of is 136 miles making 45 miles pr day
Excell this ye who can & not be weary in body or
lame in limb or joint & it will be because you are
assisted by higher power than man {Limit a Nephite's journey.}
25th Spent part of the day in writing I wrote a Letter
to Brother Asahel H Woodruff in the afternoon
I went to hear two quaker women lecture in public upon
the abolition question they found fault with the constitution
30 Sunday I preached at Brother Holmes communed
with the Saints & at 5 PM I again preached at the school house
~ Monday
31st I wrote a Letter to Julian Moses & returned to Elder Holmes & spent the night distance 3 miles
~ Friday
JULY 21st I left Hartford at 5. oclock AM & on
foot I walked during the day 52 miles & stop't
for the night 14 miles west of worcester at 8 oclock
making 15 hours that I walked 3 1/2 miles per hour
through a hot Sultry day {Distance} 52 miles
~ Saturday
22nd Arose much refresh'd by sleep & walked
into Worcester whare I took breakfast after
a 14 miles travel. from thence I walked to Grow
ridge tavern within 13 miles of Lowell here I sp
ent the night. The whole distance of the day. 48 miles
~ Sunday
23rd Sunday I walked into Lowell & took breakfast
from thence through the different town's into New
Rowley, Essex County, Mass. whare I arived at about
6 PM & was Joyfully receieved by Brother Nathaniel
Holmes, & Sister Holmes his wife being the parents of
Elders Jonathan & Milton Holmes. I was here again priv
ileged of striking hands with several dear friends
such as Elders M Holmes & J. Hale & my Phebe
who I truly rejoiced to again meet. the distance
of this days walk was 36 miles
The whole distance of the three days walks above
spoken of is 136 miles making 45 miles pr day
Excell this ye who can & not be weary in body or
lame in limb or joint & it will be because you are
assisted by higher power than man {Limit a Nephite's journey.}
25th Spent part of the day in writing I wrote a Letter
to Brother Asahel H woodruff in the afternoon
I went to hear two quaker women lecture in public upon
the abolition question they found fault with the constitution
"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," July 21, 1837 - July 31, 1837, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 23, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/w5r