27th wrote two letters one to Elders Browett
& Jinkens one to Brs Harris & Holford we took
a long walk through parts of London, with Br Crook to get his pensions we went to the Admiralty
from thence to the Tower of London, we
saw several officers at these places & we learned
for a certainty that pensions can no longer be
sold but they can draw a pensions in any part of
the world, through the British consuls Br Crook
will have to get his in some part of Canida, among
other officers we saw Lord John Russel &
Lord John Churchell, we returned to our room
& I then walked a distance with Br Crook &
parted with him & he started for home Sister Redman walked with us & assisted in the busin
ess of the day I received two letters one from Lorenzo
Snow, & one from Br Edward Oaky containing £1.10
in a post office order
~ Thursday
28th I received 2 letters one from Br James
Barnes & one From Elder Wm Players Brother
Players letter also contained a long interesting
letter from Sister Vilate Kimball to Brother Kimball
it was truly interesting & contained much information
that was gratifying to our feelings She informed us
that 109 of the English Brethren arived in Nauvoo the
last of Nov led by Elder Turley & the rest stoped in kirtland
She informed me that all the things which I
sent to Phebe had arived safe & were in her hands &
she would take good care of them untill we come
she informed us of the interesting meeting she had
with the English sisters, many of which were visiting
her. Sister Elizabeth Ravenscroft is making her
home with Sister Kimball, & is much pleases, cont-
ented & satisfyed with her situation. She also
speaks of the late Death of Her Father, & many other
things. I had just finished a short letter to Sister Kimb
all, about the things I had sent to Phebe & I wrot 2 pages to Sister Kimball & one page to to Elder
Turley I also wrote a letter to Elder Levi
Richards, & preached in the evening & I Baptized
3 persons & we confirmed them had a good time
~ Wednesday
27th [FIGURE] wrote two Letters one to Elders Browett
& Jinkens one to Brs Harris & Holford we took
a long walk through Parts of London, with Br
Crook to get his pensions we went to the Admiralty
from thence to the Tower of London, we
saw several officers at these places & we learned
for a certainty that Pensions can no longer be
sold but they can draw a pensions in any part of
the world, through the British consuls Br Crook
will have to get his in some part of Canida, among
other officers we saw Lord John Russel &
Lord John Churchell, we returned to our room
& I then walked a distance with Br Crook &
parted with him & he started for home Sister
Redman walked with us & assisted in the busin
ess of the day [FIGURE] I received two letters one from Lorenzo
Snow, & one from Br Edward Oaky containing £1,10
in a post office order
~ Thursday
28th [FIGURE] I received 2 letters one from Br James
Barnes & one From Elder Wm Players Brother
Players Letter also contained a long interesting
Letter from Sister Vilate Kimball to Brother Kimball
it was truly interesting & contained much information
that was gratifying to our feelings She informed us
that 109 of the English Brethren arived in Nauvoo the
last of Nov led by Elder Turley & the rest stoped in Kirtland
She informed me that all the things which I
sent to Phebe had arived safe & were in her hands &
she would take good care of them untill we come
she informed us of the interesting meeting she had
with the English Sisters, many of which were visiting
her. Sister Elizabeth Ravenscroft is making her
home with Sister Kimball, & is much pleases, contented & satisfyed with her situation. She also
speaks of the late Death of Her Father, & many other
things. I had just finished a short letter to Sister Kimb
all, about the things I had sent to Phebe & I wrot
[FIGURE] 2 pages to sister Kimball & one Page to to Elder
Turley [FIGURE] I also wrote a letter to Elder Levi
Richards, & Preached in the evening & I Baptized
3 persons & we confirmed them had a good time.
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1841 – December 31, 1842)," January 27, 1841 - January 28, 1841, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/p7m