ministry & mission & of humility & meekness overshadow us that our
garments may be clear of the Blood of this people, & that we may labor
dilligently to seek out the honest in heart & the meek of the Earth, that a work may
spedily be done to the honour & glory of God in the midst of this mighty
19th I arive this morning after having a broaken nights rest in consequence of the
passing of horses, & doges, talking, & singing, in the streets at all hours of the
night, & I set down to finish my letter. This probably will be the last
letter that you will get from me by Eldr . I have endeavored to spare
no pains to communi[c]ate any intelligence to you that I thought would be of
interest. It is dark & raining this morning but is clearing of. We shall spedily
begin to look aroung around & see what we can do in the city we are going up
into the centre of the city in the middle of the day to see her Excellent Majesty the
Queen Victoria & His Royal Highness Prince Albert who rides though the city in the middle of the
day in an open carriage freequently drawn by 4 ponies they are vary familiar
with the people by Bowing to them as the they pass along &c. The signs of the times
are beginning to be big with Events in Europe. Most all of the Easter[n]e world is
engaged in war more or less, & evry prospect of an immediate war with
betwee[n] [page torn] & . France is preparing her mighty fleet for [wax seal]
work wh[page torn]at the same time England bo[a]sts of her 200,000 seamen ready [wax seal]
action this mornings paper talks loud upon the subject, there appears [wax seal]
be much boasting & the [threatening] upon both sides which creates much
excitement. In fact wars & rumours of wars are universal at the present
time Brother Just receved a letter from his & Brothr
from his . I saw your hand in Brothr Smith letter which I was glad
to see & hear from you. I have receved two letters from you since I have
been in England. I fear all letters that were sent to are lost but
one which I got. the signs that were seen riding across the river were of interest
There was a sign seen in the Moon in this country a few evenings since
which created some excitement. I will extract it from my Journal. On the 9th Aug 1840
there was a sign in the moon the people at great Marlvern Hills in Engnd took a view of it
through their glasses. The appearance of the Moon was as though it was painted red & while looking at
it one part of it fell in peaces & the appearance of a soldier was seen in it, with a white feather in his
cap the No that was on his cap was seen vary plain & a figure 8 on his sholdier they saw his fire lock &
gun ready for battle & his dress was clearly seen. Thus signs are appearing in the heavens & Earth.
Please write me as soon as you obtain the letters which I send you by Eldr Turley
I pray the Lord to give you & the children health & strength & food & ranent [raiment], the present
prospect is that I shall tarry in some part of Europe untill spring at which time the Lord willing
I expect to return to my family give me your prayer you shall have mine Adieu
remember me to all who enquire
I ever remain yours
W. Woodruff
(I enclose half a sheet in this letter)
[sideways text] I dont know as you will be able to read my scribling what you cannot make out I will read to you when I come home [end of sideways text]
ministry & mission & of humility & meekness overshadow us that our
garments may be clear of the Blood of this people, & that we may labor
dilligently to seek out the honest in heart & the meek of the Earth, that a work may
spedily be done to the honour & glory of God in the midst of this mighty
19th I arive this morning after having a broaken nights rest in consequence of the
passing of horses, & doges, talking, & singing, in the streets at all hours of the
night, & I set down to finish my letter. This probably will be the last
letter that you will get from me by Eldr . I have endeavored to spare
no pains to communicate any intelligence to you that I thought would be of
interest. It is dark & raining this morning but is clearing of. We shall spedily
begin to look away around & see what we can do in the city we are going up
into the centre of the city in the middle of the day to see her Excellent Majesty the
Queen Victoria & His Royal Highness Prince Albert who rides though the city in the middle of the
day in an open carriage freequently drawn by 4 ponies they are vary familiar
with the people by Bowing to them as the they pass along &c. The signs of the times
are beginning to be big with Events in Europe. Most all of the Easterne world is
engaged in war more or less, & evry prospect of an immediate war
between page torn & . France is preparing her mighty fleet for
work whpage tornat the same time England boasts of her 200,000 seamen ready wax seal
action this mornings paper talks loud upon the subject, there appears wax seal
be much boasting & the [illegible] upon both sides which creates much
excitement. In fact wars & rumours of wars are universal at the present
time Brother Just receved a letter from his & Brothr
from his . I saw your hand in Brothr Smith letter which I was glad
to see & hear from you. I have receved two letters from you since I have
been in England. I fear all letters that were sent to are lost but
one which I got. the signs that were seen riding across the river were of interest
There was a sign seen in the Moon in this country a few evenings since
which created some excitement. I will extract it from my Journal. On the 9th Aug 1840
there was a sign in the moon the people at great Marlvern Hills in Engnd took a view of it
through their glasses. The appearance of the Moon was as though it was painted red & while looking at
it one part of it fell in peaces & the appearance of a soldier was seen in it, with a white feather in his
cap the No that was on his cap was seen vary plain & a figure 8 on his sholdier they saw his fire lock &
gun ready for battle & his dress was clearly seen. Thus signs are appearing in the heavens & Earth.
Please write me as soon as you obtain the letters which I send you by Eldr Turley
I pray the Lord to give you & the children health & strength & food & raiment, the present
prospect is that I shall tarry in some part of Europe untill spring at which time the Lord willing
I expect to return to my family give me your prayer you shall have mine Adieu
remember me to all who enquire
I ever remain yours
W. Woodruff
(I enclose half a sheet in this letter)
sideways text I dont know as you will be able to read my scribling what you cannot make out I will read to you when I come home end of sideways text