March 10th 1844 Sunday [FIGURES] I mailed a letter
to Sister Sarah B. Foss & wrote one letter to
Col Solomon Copeland. Brother King Follet
was buried this day under Masonic honors he was
killed while in a well by having a bucket of stone
fall onto him
A large assembly of the Saints met at the temple
& was Addressed by President Joseph Smith
upon one of the most important & interesting
subjects ever presented to the Saints & the principles
presented were of the greatest importance to be
understood it was as follows the work & calling
& spirit of Elias, Elijah, & Mesiah. The following
is a synopsis of the discourse
Their is a differance between the spirit & office
of Elias & Eligah it is the spirit of Elias I wish first
to speak of. And in order to come at the subject
I will bring some of the testimony from the
scripture & give mey own. in the first place
suffice it to say I went into the woods to inq-
wire of the Lord by prayer his will concern-
ing me, & I saw an angel & he laid his hands
upon my head & ordained me to be a priest
after the order of Aaron & to hold the keys
of this priesthood which office was to
preach repentance & Baptism for the remission
of sins & also to baptise but was informed
that this office did not extend to the laying on
of hands for the giving of the Holy Ghost that
that office was a greater work & was to be given
afterwards [Joseph Smith-History 1:68-70] but that my ordination was a
preparetory work or a going before which was the
spirit of Elias for the spirit of Elias was a going
before to prepare the way for the greater, which
was the case with John the Baptist he came
balling through the wilderness prepare ye the [Matthew 3:1-3]
~ Sunday
March 10th 1844 Sunday FIGURES I mailed a letter
to Sister Sarah B. Foss & wrote one letter to
Col Solomon Copeland. Brother King Follet
was buried this day under Masonic honors he was
killed while in a well by having a bucket of stone
fall onto him
A large assembly of the saints met at the temple
& was addressed by President Joseph Smith
upon one of the most important & interesting
subjects ever presented to the saints & the principles
presented were of the greatest importance to be
understood it was as follows the work & calling
& spirit Elias, Elijah, & Mesiah. The following
is a synopsis of the discourse
Their is a differance between the spirit & office
of Elias & Elijah it is the spirit of Elias I wish first
to speak of. And in order to come at the subject
I will bring some of the testimony from the
scripture & give my own, in the first place
suffice it to say I went into the woods to inq
wire of the Lord by prayer his will concerning me, & I saw an angel & he laid his hands
upon my head & ordained me to be a priest
after the order of Aaron & to hold the keys
of this priesthood which office was to
preach repentance & Baptism for the remission
of Sins & also to baptise but was informed
that this office did not extend to the laying on
of hands for the giving of the Holy Ghost that
that office was a greater work & was to be given
afterwards but that my ordination was a
preparetory work or a going before which was the
spirit of Elias for the spirit of Elias was a going
before to prepare the way for the greater, which
was the case with John the Baptist he came
balling through the wilderness prepare ye the
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"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," March 10, 1844, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025,