July 1, 1893
I spent the day mostly at home I went to
the city for several hours and returned home Owen & Ovando went to the Granite in the Evgening
I finished my Artesian well to day board down
300 feet sunk a 3 inch Pipe & had a flow
of good pure soft water cold of 20 gallons
a munite
~ Sunday
2nd I Attended a Bank Meeting in my office at 9 oclok
one hour & a half I then took street [car] with Emma &
Brother Newton & rode to sessions settlements & found
Sister Sarah Foss Aged 93 years quite feeble
Brother Fox arived at 12 oclok we visited with
Sister Foss & family untill 6:30 then took cars
& returned home to Farmers ward 35 Miles
~ Monday
3. I had conversation with Sister Cluff
about her affairs with her Husband I spent
the day in the office
~ Tuesday
July 4, 1893. Independence Day while the sons went
to granite canyon I spent the day at home
reading & watering a patch of Potatos with my
Artecian well water
~ Wednesday
5 I wrote Letter to Asahel & spent the day in
the office I took a walk to the bank
~ Thursday
6. I met with the Twelve besides having many calls
July 1, 1893
I spent the day mostly at home I went to
the city for several hours and returned home
Owen & Ovando went to the Granite in the Evening
I finished my Artesian well to day board down
300 feet sunk a 3 inch Pipe & had a flow
of good pure soft water cold of 20 gallons
a munite
~ Sunday
2nd I Attended a Bank Meeting in my office at 9 oclok
one hour & a half I then took street car with Emma &
Brother Newton & rode to sessions settlements & found
Sister Sarah Foss Aged 93 years quite feeble
Brother Fox arived at 12 oclok we visited with
Sister Foss & family untill 6:30 then took cars
& returned home to Farmers ward 35 Miles
~ Monday
3. I had conversation with Sister Cluff
about her affairs with her Husband I spent
the day in the office
~ Tuesday
July 4, 1893. Independence Day while the sons went
to granite canyon I spent the day at home
reading & watering a patch of Potatos with my
Artecian well water
~ Wednesday
5 [FIGURE] I wrote Letter to Asahel & spent the day in
the office I took a walk to the bank
~ Thursday
6. I met with the Twelve besides having many calls
"Journal (January 1893 – April 1897)," July 1, 1893 - July 7, 1893, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 22, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/ZzY5