July 8, 1893
I spent this day at home I pruned grapes & raspburies
& tied them up in the forenoon I and my family were served
with a warrent on an Irigation ditch I put it into the
Hands of my LawyiersLegrand Young & F D Richard
~ Sunday
9. Sunday I spent the day at home reading
~ Monday
10 I spent the day at the office I met with Legrand Young
& F. D. Richards upon our water suit I met with
sever[al] of the Brethren upon a variety of subjects
^12^ Twelve in the Temple & partook of the sacrament
~ Thursday
123 I went to the office Met with several Gentlemen
I met with senator Puffer from Kansas A plesant Gentleman
I Also Met with Hon Joseph E Washington Reprentives [Representative]
from Tennessee He seemed a frendly man I met with Z.C.MI Board & voted to Declair a Dividend of 2 1/2 perct
~ Friday
14. I spent the day in the office and met with
many Persons
~ Saturday
15 Mr Yeager law suit about water Ditch
commenced this Morning but it was put off for
one week I went to the officeOwen started
this Morning for the National Park this Morning
in company with Mrs Woodruff & Libby Cotter I went
to our place in the granite canyon 18 Miles
~ Sunday
16. Sunday I spent the day in camp reading
~ Monday
17. I spent the day in camp Ovando Beebe cought 54 trout
July 8, 1893
I spent this day at home I pruned grapes & raspburies
& tied them up in the forenoon I and my family were served
with a warrent on an Irigation ditch I put it into the
Hands of my Lawyiers Legrand Young & F D Richard
~ Sunday
9. Sunday I spent the day at home reading
~ Monday
10 I spent the day at the office I met with Legrand Young
& F. D. Richards upon our water suit I met with
several of the Brethren upon a variety of subjects
12 Twelve in the Temple & partook of the sacrament
~ Thursday
13 I went to the office Met with several Gentlemen
I met with senator Puffer from Kansas A plesant Gentleman
I Also Met with Hon Joseph E Washington Representative
from Tennessee He seemed a frendly man I met with
Z.C.MI Board & voted to Declair a Dividend of 2 1/2 perct
~ Friday
14. I spent the day in the office and met with
many Persons
~ Saturday
15 [FIGURE] Mr Yeager law suit about water Ditch
commenced this Morning but it was put off for
one week I went to the officeOwen started
this Morning for the National Park
in company with Mrs Woodruff & Libby Cotter I went
to our place in the granite canyon 18 Miles
~ Sunday
16. Sunday I spent the day in camp reading
~ Monday
17. I spent the day in camp Ovando Beebe cought 54 trout
"Journal (January 1893 – April 1897)," July 8, 1893 - July 18, 1893, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 22, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/gnpk