{I am badly pressed upon my [illegible shorthand][affairs]}
I went to the office talked to Brother Jack upon our Money
Affairs we are in a critical condition
~ Tuesday
27 I met with many persons to day on business our
^[FIGURES]^ Money Matters seem difficult to Meet I mailed
a Letter to Owen from Emma
~ Wednesday
28 [FIGURES] I mailed a Letter to day to Owen for myself
of 6 Pages word comes this Morning that the Souther Utes are on the war Path And great Danger of
an indian war. I sent some stocks on Zions Savings Bank & Trust Co to the cashire for record
^Dr^ Joseph S Richard called & wanted his land affairs
investigated & settled on the Musium Property.
~ Thursday
29 Thanksgiving this is the 80th Thanksgiving I have
Lived to see I gathered my family together all I could
get And had a feast Asahel & Ovando was absent
with 50 other Men shooting Rabbits Asahel got 9 and
Ovando 19 one Man got 35 At the Close of our dinner
we all gatherd into the Parlor And Allice repeats
to the company verses of Poetry sent her by our son Abram Owen then followed by verses from myself
it was quite Affecting to the company we had a plesant
day I felt to thank God that my life had been preserved
untill the present day
~ Friday
30. I spent the day in the office our secretary George
Gibbs had to go home with a severe fellen on one
of his fingers.
~ Saturday
Dec 1. I spent the day at home choreing & Reading
~ Monday
Nov 26, 1894
{I am badly pressed upon my [illegible]affairs}
I went to the office talked to Brother Jack upon our Money
Affairs we are in a critical condition
~ Tuesday
27 I met with many persons to day on business our
FIGURES Money Matters seem difficult to Meet I mailed
a Letter to Owen from Emma
~ Wednesday
28 FIGURES I mailed a Letter to day to Owen for myself
of 6 Pages word comes this Morning that the Souther
Utes are on the war Path And great Danger of
an indian war. I sent some stocks on
Zions Savings Bank & Trust Co to the cashire for record
Dr Joseph S Richard called & wanted his land affairs
investigated & settled on the Musium Property.
~ Thursday
29 Thanksgiving this is the 80th Thanksgiving I have
Lived to see I gathered my family together all I could
get And had a feast Asahel & Ovando was absent
with 50 other Men shooting Rabbits Asahel got 9 and
Ovando 19 one Man got 35 At the Close of our dinner
we all gatherd into the Parlor And Allice repeats
to the company verses of Poetry sent her by our son
Abram Owen then followed by verses from myself
it was quite Affecting to the company we had a plesant
day I felt to thank God that my life had been preserved
untill the present day
~ Friday
30. I spent the day in the office our secretary George
Gibbs had to go home with a severe fellen on one
of his fingers.
"Journal (January 1893 – April 1897)," November 26, 1894 - December 1, 1894, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 11, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/RP1O