we safely accomplished amid the re-
flection that time and tide waited for
no man.
—Mr. Kent, the post mas-
ter, showed me a letter containing two
sheets of foolscap, signed by Warren
Parrish and several of the Twelve,
who had apostatized and been cut off
from the Church. The communica-
tion was full of slander and falsehoods
against Joseph Smith and all that
stood by him. It was sent with the
intention of breaking up the work
upon these islands.
—I was visited by Elders Town-
send and Milton Holmes, who atten-
ded conferences with me upon both
islands, and bore their testimony to
the people, but the spirit of opposition
increased to a great height. I was
warned by the Spirit of the Lord to
leave for a season and take a western
mission. After visiting the Saints
from house to house, and praying with
and encouraging them, I left on the
and went to the main land with
Elders Townsend and Holmes. Mrs. Woodruff returned to her father's.
We walked to Scarborough. I left
, and walked to Bradford,
where I left Elder Holmes, and pro-
ceeded to Boston.
—I gave out an appoint-
ment to preach at sister Vose's room,
and I went to Cambridgeport to visit
Elder A. P. Rockwood, who had been
imprisoned in jail on pretence of debt,
but in reality out of religious persecu-
tion. The jailor locked me in until
ten p.m.; but while it disappointed a
congregation of people, it gave me a
happy visit with Elder Rockwood,
conversing upon the Work of God.
On my return to Boston the people
were waiting to hear me; I spoke to
them a short time.
(To be continued.)
we safely accomplished amid the reflection that time and tide waited for
no man.
—Mr. Kent, the post master, showed me a letter containing two
sheets of foolscap, signed by Warren
Parrish and several of the Twelve,
who had apostatized and been cut off
from the Church. The communication was full of slander and falsehoods
against Joseph Smith and all that
stood by him. It was sent with the
intention of breaking up the work
upon these islands.
—I was visited by Elders Townsend and Milton Holmes, who attended conferences with me upon both
islands, and bore their testimony to
the people, but the spirit of opposition
increased to a great height. I was
warned by the Spirit of the Lord to
leave for a season and take a western
mission. After visiting the Saints
from house to house, and praying with
and encouraging them, I left on the
and went to the main land with
Elders Townsend and Holmes. Mrs.
Woodruff returned to her father's.
We walked to Scarborough. I left
, and walked to Bradford,
where I left Elder Holmes, and proceeded to Boston.
—I gave out an appointment to preach at sister Vose's room,
and I went to Cambridgeport to visit
Elder A. P. Rockwood, who had been
imprisoned in jail on pretence of debt,
but in reality out of religious persecution. The jailor locked me in until
ten p.m.; but while it disappointed a
congregation of people, it gave me a
happy visit with Elder Rockwood,
conversing upon the Work of God.
On my return to Boston the people
were waiting to hear me; I spoke to
them a short time.
(To be continued.)
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