I sowed a quantity of Peas & beets to day The eastern mail
came in this Morning But they kept it for some purpose till
near night. we had some light showers of rain I took up
a quantity of peach & Appletrees & sold I spent the evening
at Presidents Youngs & Mrs Bernhisels.
11th We have quite a hard snow storm to day I have nev-
er seen such a winter and spring in any country we have
not been able to put in any wheat in this county I sold
$6 dollars worth of peach trees H. C. Kimball called in to
the office with G. A. SE. T. & E R Young, and conversed
about going East for the Woolley Factory & goods we have had about
10 snow storms to day & as many sun shine
~ Tuesday
12. We are having a vary hard snow storm to day occasionally
the sun will come out & shine a few moments warm then it will
set in & snow enough to darken the air. I saw Lysander Gee he said
he had been arested by Marshall Dodson for steeling horses was
taken to Camp Floyd and turned loose, he stoped till yesterday
when Judge Cradlebaugh & Marshall Dodson came to this city
& Gee came with them and they did not object to his going whare
he pleased. Cradlebaugh told Gee that He was going to Calafornia
in few days & was going to locate thare. Thus with every exertion
which has been made by the Gentile Judges, Army, Merchants,
Gamblers, and all our Enemies to get up a war with the morm-
ons in this territory The Lord God of Israel has warded
of[f] the blow has faught our battles and giving us the victory and
to him be all the glory, and he will reward the wicked as well as
the righteous.
~ Wednesday
13th We had about 10 inches of snow on the ground the sun shines
clear to day. Elder Amasa Lyman called upon me this morning
and went with me to the Historians office after conversing
with G. A. S they both wente to President Youngs. I spent
the day scraping. I took supper with A. O. Smoot.
~ Thursday
14thG. A. Smith gave an account of a lead mine on the north
side of the Beaver 25 miles down Beaver from the settlemet
some of the Brethren are going to work it. I spent the day mostly
scraping. I rode into the field to point out a place to build a House
& stables on my 20 Acre farm.
~ Friday
15th I went in company with G. A. S & A. Lyman & called
up U. S. Atturney Wilson and had a plesant morning
chat, was introduced to Mrs Wilson. She appeared like much
of a Lady. {Mrs Woodruff sent her} 4 {[baubles/papers]} A Lyman S. M. Blair & others
called into the Historians office conversing upon a variety of
subjects, some letters were read
~ Saturday
April 9th 1859
I sowed a quantity of Peas & beets to day. The eastern mail
came in this Morning But they kept it for some purpose till
near night, we had some light showers of rain I took up
a quantity of peach & Appletrees & sold I spent the evening
at Presidents Youngs & Mrs Bernhisels.
11th We have quite a hard snow storm to day I have never seen such a winter and spring in any country we have
not been able to put in any wheat in this county. I sold
$6 dollars worth of peach trees H. C. Kimball called in to
the office with G. A. SE. T. & E R Young, and conversed
about going East for the Woolley Factory & goods we have had about
10 snow storms to day & as many sun shine
~ Tuesday
12. we are having a vary hard snow storm to day cccasionally
the sun will come out & shine a few moments warm then it will
set in & snow enough to darken the air. I saw Lysander Gee he said
he had been arested by Marshall Dodson for steeling horses was
taken to Camp Floyd and turned loose, he stoped till yesterday
when Judge Cradlebaugh & Marshall Dodson came to this city
& Gee came with them and they did not object to his going whare
he pleased. Cradlebaugh told Gee that He was going to Calafornia
in few days & was going to locate there. Thus with every exertion
which has been made by the gentile Judges, Army, Merchants,
Gamblers, and all our Enemies to get up a war with the mormons in this territory The Lord God of Israel has warded
off the blow has faught our battles and giving us the victory and
to him be all the glory, and he will reward the wicked as well as
the righteous.
~ Wednesday
13th We had about 10 inches of snow on the ground the sun shines
clear to day. Elder Amasa Lyman called upon me this morning
and went with me to the Historians office after conversing
with G. A. S they both went to President Youngs. I spent
the day scraping. I took supper with A. O. Smoot.
~ Thursday
14thG. A. Smith gave an account of a lead mine on the north
side of the Beaver 25 miles down Beaver from the settlemet
some of the Brethren are going to work it. I spent the day mostly
scraping, I rode into the field to point out a place to build a House
& stables on my 20 Acre farm.
~ Friday
15th I went in Company with G. A. S & A. Lyman & called
up U.S. Atturney Wilson and had a plesant morning
chat, was introduced to Mrs Wilson. she appeared like much
of a Lady, {Mrs Woodruff sent her} 4 {baubles/papers?}A LymanS. M. Blair & others
called into the Historians office conversing upon a variety of
subjects, some letters were read
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," April 9, 1859 - April 15, 1859, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/xG89