that the work of the Latter Day Saints was spreading in England they had again opened the preaching places which
had been closed through persecution he left the Mo river
about the 3rd of May. he saw no supply or trains or troops
on the way but said Congress had passed a Bill giving the
President power to raise four Rigments of volunteers to
go against Utah President Buchanan is determined to do
all in his power to destroy the Latter Day Saints from off the
Earth and to stop their preaching the Gospel, and worshiping
God according to the dictates of their own conciencs but this
he will never accomplish however much he may distress the
Saints the people are all moving from the North Country North
to the south the rode is lined for 50 or 100 miles from Box
Elder to Provo with horse Mule & ox teams and loose cattle
sheep & hogs and also men women & children all are leaving
their homes including Great Salt Lake City resolving to
burn evry thing to the Ground at the approach of the Enemy
the Lord will over rule all things right. I had an
~ Tuesday
11th I started with two teams froor Provo camped on the way
I had an Interview with Col kane last evening & was intru-
duced to Gov Cummings I bid Col Kane good by and God
speed he will do us what Good he can in a quiet way
13th I spent the day in Provoo most of the day labouring
I spent a short time in the Historians office with Presidt YoungG. A. SmithA CarringtonL Snow & others G. A. Smith
said my history was about ready to read if the President
wished to hear it He said he did not care about hearing
it read onwnly my chapter of incidents which I read
to him
~ Friday
14 I drove my team home to Great Salt Lake City in
abot 9 hours 50 miles whole distance 100 mils
~ Saturday
15 I spent the day in the city I learned that Dr Clinton
with several other Brethren had arived from their
Eastern Mission they were taken prisioners by the troops
on Green River they were released on bail of $4000.
the Army were hard up for food they were deserting from
ten to fifteen daily.
~ Sunday
16th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Dr Clinton
spoke in the morning followed by Samuel Richards, & President D H Wells in the afternoon Daniel Spencer spoke followed by W
Woodruff and E. T. Benson there was about half a congrega-
tion present. Brother Wells said there was to many people present
He wished the people to leave the city during the week
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
17 & 18th I spent the time in loading three waggons
~ Wednesday
19th I started for Provo with three teams and it was the
May 10th
that the work of the Latter Day Saints was spreading in
England they had again opened the preaching places which
had been closed through persecution he left the Mo river
about the 3rd of May. he saw no supply or trains or troops
on the way but said Congress had passed a Bill giving the
President power to raise four Rigments of volunteers to
go against Utah President Buchanan is determined to do
all in his power to destroy the Latter Day Saints from off the
Earth and to stop their preaching the Gospel and worshiping
God according to the dictates of their own conciences but this
he will never accomplish however much he may distress the
Saints the people are all moving from the North Country North
to the south the rode is lined for 50 or 100 miles from Box
Elder to Provo with horse Mule & ox teams and loose cattle
sheep & hogs and also men women & children all are leaving
their homes including Great Salt Lake City resolving to
burn evry thing to the Ground at the approach of the Enemy
the Lord will over rule all things right. I had an [blank]
~ Tuesday
11th I started with two teams for Provo camped on the way
I had an Interview with Col Kane last evening & was intruduced to Gov Cummings I bid Col Kane good by and God
speed he will do us what Good he can in a quiet way
13th I spent the day in Provo most of the day labouring
I spent a short time in the Historians Office with President
YoungG. A. SmithA CarringtonL Snow & others G. A. Smith
said my history was about ready to read if the President
wished to hear it He said he did not care about hearing
it read ownly my chapter of incidents which I read
to him
~ Friday
14 I drove my team home to Great Salt Lake City in
about 9 hours 50 miles whole distance 100 mils
~ Saturday
15 I spent the day in the City I learned that Dr Clinton
with several other Brethren had arived from their
Eastern Mission they were taken prisioners by the troops
on Green River they were released on bail of $4000.
the Army were hard up for food they were deserting from
ten to fifteen daily.
~ Sunday
16th sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Dr Clinton
spoke in the morning followed by Samuel Richards, & President
D H Wells in the afternoon Daniel Spencer spoke followed by W
Woodruff and E. T. Benson there was about half a congregation present. Brother Wells said there was to many people present
He wished the people to leave the City during the week
~ Monday to ~ Tuesday
17 & 18th I spent the time in loading three waggons
~ Wednesday
19th I started for Provo with three teams and it was the
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"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," May 10, 1858 - May 19, 1858, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 27, 2025,