12th My Father is getting better & it appears like a miracle tha He is
a live. I spent the day in the office writing I looked over some of my
old Journals & former travels I spent the evening at home
~ Friday
13th My Father is quite smart to day I spent the day in the office
reading History. I copy the following recept
Received at the tithing office G. S. L. C. Feb 12 1857 From Sanpete
by Bishop W. S. Snow, 848 3/4 bushels of wheat
1196 Bushels of oats, 21 3/4 bushels of Barley 1970 lbs of flour
and 1562 lbs of Lead from the Los vegus mines The Presidency
spent the day in ^the^ House of the Lord giving endowments & sealing I
spent the evening in the Historians office
~ Saturday
14th I spent the day in the office on history & Journallizing I spent
a short time with President Young. Brother porter arived from Rush valley with Mr Louilla Hursa from Calafornia it continues to
thaw I called upon President Young at his office & read a letter to
him I then went to his sealing room & he sealed several couple I
then read to him Backenstos Letter containing the name of the Carthage
Grays &c which President Young said publish
~ Sunday
15th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Brother George Sims spoke in the morning, gave quite a musical Physioliogical
discourse. He was followinged by Aropene the Utah chief he delivered
a powerful discourse & exhorted the Saints in the strongest manner to
follow their leaders & do right not drink whiskey or do wrong in any thing
I followed him & told the people to lay that exertation to heart as it was
given by a Lamanite chief I spoke at length which was reported
by J. D. Watt. I was followed By D. H. Wells who bore testimony
to what had been said
I attended the prayer Meeting. President Young had the minutes read
of his discourse on the 8th Aug 1844 at the ^re^organization of the Church
after this was read President Young said that he asked Br James to
Preached a funeral sermon he stuck up his nose about it & said if Brigham
Young wanted a funeral sermon preached he might preach it for he should
not do it. the Last time that I herd Sidney Rigdon preached He hised
for the fly & was going to take little [Queen] Vic[toria] by the nose. He also said there
is one thing I want done I want to have these stores removed for they
gathered all the trash of the City
I went to 15 ward & preached to the people. I followed David J Russ
I had the spirit of the Lord upon me & had a good meeting
{I spoke to President Young about my daughter Phebe. He did not wish to take any more young wives but would see that she was take up in due time.}
~ Monday
16th I spent the day reading History & on a trial of
Graham & Porter we decided that if Graham wished
to claim the land He should pay Porter for the improvements
I attended the 70s meetings A. P. Rockwood spoke followed by B L Clapp
& Levi Hancock then Lorenzo Snow spoke at length & I followed Him
& had a good meeting
Joseph Horn & R. L. Campbell also Mrs WoodruffHorn & Southworth,
we laid hands upon them & ordained them & set them apart to their
office & callings. I then returned home & spent the evening at home with
Elder Thomas Kington we talked over all our affairs which were many
~ Thursday
12th My Father is getting better & it appears like a miracle that He is
a live. I spent the day in the office writing I looked over some of my
old Journals & former travels I spent the evening at home
~ Friday
13th My Father is quite smart today I spent the day in the office
reading History. I copy the following recept
Received at the tithing office G.S.L.C. Feb 12 1857 From Sanpete
by Bishop W. S. Snow, 848 3/4 bushels of wheat
1196 Bushels of oats, 21 3/4 bushels of Barley 1970 lbs of flour
and 1562 lbs of Lead from the Los vegus mines. The Presidency
spent the day in the House of the Lord giving Endowments & sealing I
spent the evening in the Historians office
~ Saturday
14izing. I spent
a short time with President Young. Brother porter arived from
Rush valley with Mr Louilla Hursa from Calafornia it continues to
thaw I called upon President Young at his office & read a letter to
him I then went to his sealing room & he sealed several Couple I
then read to him Backenstos Letter containing the name of the Carthage
Grays &c which President Young said publish
~ Sunday
15th Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle. Brother
George Sims spoke in the morning, gave quite a musical Physiological
discourse. He was followed by Aropene the Utah Chief he delivered
a powerful discourse & exhorted the saints in the strongest manner to
follow their leaders & do right not drink whiskey or do wrong in any thing
I followed him & told the people to lay that exertation to heart as it was
given by a Lamanite chief I spoke at length which was reported
by J. D. Watt. I was followed By D. H. Wells who bore testimony
to what had been said
I attended the prayer Meeting. President Young had the minutes read
of his discourse on the 8th Aug 1844 at the reorganization of the Church
after this was read President Young said that he asked Br James to
Preach a funeral sermon he stuck up his nose about it & said if Brigham
Young wanted a funeral sermon preached he might preach it for he should
not do it. the Last time that I herd Sidney Rigdon preach He hised
for the fly & was going to take little Queen Victoria by the nose.
He also said there
is one thing I want done I want to have these stores removed for they
gather all the trash of the City
I went to 15 ward & preached to the people. I followed David J Russ
I had the spirit of the Lord upon me & had a good meeting
{I spoke to President Young about my daughter Phebe. He did not wish to take any more young wives but would see that she was take up in due time.}
~ Monday
16th I spent the day reading History & on a trial of
Graham & Porter we decided that if Graham wished
to claim the land He should pay Porter for the improvements
I attended the 70s meetings. A. P. Rockwood spoke followed by B L Clapp
& Levi Hancock then Lorenzo Snow spoke at length & I followed Him
& had a good meeting
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," February 11, 1857 - February 16, 1857, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Z4ww