I met in the Legislature in the morning was quite unwell and
returned to the office I spent most of the day in the office
~ Thursday
21st I spent the fore part of the day in the Legislature the
evening in the office. we spoke about printing the History
from the manuscrip & not wait till it is recorded in the Book
there were many speaches made in the Legislator to day H. C. Kimball made a lengthy speech He said that the thread
was cut between us and the United States and it would never
be tied together again many other interesting remarks were
made He said that power of God would rest upon Gen Daniel
H Wells when He went into the mountains to fight the Battles
of this people as it never did before and upon all the officers &
soldiers that was under his command and they should prevail
against his Enemies in all things
~ Friday
22nd I drew home near 600 feet of Lumber this morning for
Makeing Boxes for cashing up. I spent the afternoon in the office
~ Saturday
23rd I spent the day in the office{[and half] at the [doctor/editor]}
~ Sunday
24 Sunday I attended meeting at the TabernacleE T. Benson
spok in the forenoon till near 1 oclok gave an account of the state of
the world abroad and his mission the English Nation are beg[in]ing
to mob the Saints throughout England the same as the United States
the poliece look on and help the mob. Orson Pratt preached in
the Afternoon upon the prophesies showed the signs of the times we
had bourn a true and faithful testimony the world had rejected it,
and they now were bringing their armies against us to destroy us
but they would not prevail but we should overcome our Enemies as the
prophets declaire they had much of the spirit of God & made all things
plain. Brother John Kay followed Brother Pratt and bore testimony
~ Monday
25 I settled my tithing with Bishop Hoagland I spent the afternoon
in the Office and the evening at home. Sister Elisha Davis spent the
night at my house
~ Tuesday
26th Elders E. T Benson & F D Richards and others called into the office I spent the day in the office and the evening at home in
company with Elder Benson & F D Richards I administered
to Sarah Richards the wife of Dr Willard Richards E T Benson
was mouth we also administered to Susannah Richards I was
mouth Sarah was strugling with the monster Death with the brain
fever she died at 6 oclok p.M.
~ Wednesday
27th I went to Fort Heriman and Preached to the people in
the evening I taught the parrents to Educate their children
and the children to improve their time & have evening schools
I spent the night at Brother Stockings 25 mils
~ Thursday
28 I returned home to day Sister Sarah Richards was buried
to day I spent the evening at home looking over paper scraps
~ Friday
29th I spent the day in the office. President Kimball called into the
office wished his History copied again before it is copied Printed
~ Wednesday
Jan 20th 1858
I met in the Legislature in the morning was quite unwell and
returned to the office I spent most of the day in the office
~ Thursday
21st I spent the fore part of the day in the Legislature the
evening in the office. we spoke about printing the History
from the manuscrip & not wait till it is recorded in the Book
there were many speaches made in the Legislator to day
H. C. Kimball made a lengthy speech He said that the thread
was cut between us and the United States and it would never
be tied together again many other interesting remarks were
made He said that power of God would rest upon Gen Daniel
H Wells when He went into the mountains to fight the Battles
of this people as it never did before and upon all the officers &
soldiers that was under his command and they should prevail
against his Enemies in all things
~ Friday
22nd I drew home near 600 feet of Lumber this morning for
Makeing Boxes for cashing up. I spent the afternoon in the office
~ Saturday
23rd I spent the day in the office{and half at the doctor/editor?}
~ Sunday
24 Sunday I attended meeting at the TabernacleE T. Benson
spok in the forenoon till near 1 oclok gave an account of the state of
the world abroad and his mission the English Nation are begining
to mob the saints throughout England the same as the United States
the poliece look on and help the mob. Orson Pratt preached in
the Afternoon upon the prophesies showed the signs of the times we
had bourn a true and faithful testimony the world had rejected it
and they now were bringing their armies against us to destroy us
but they would not prevail but we should overcome our Enemies as the
prophets declaire they had much of the spirit of God & made all things
plain. Brother John Key followed Brother Pratt and bore testimony
~ Monday
25 I settled my tithing with Bishop Hoagland I spent the afternoon
in the Office and the evening at home. Sister Elisha Davis spent the
night at my house
~ Tuesday
26th Elders E. T Benson & F D Richards and others called into the
office I spent the day in the office and the evening at home in
company with Elder Benson & F D Richards I administered
to Sarah Richards the wife of Dr Willard Richards E T Benson
was mouth we also administered to Susannah Richards I was
mouth Sarah was strugling with the monster Death with the brain
fever she died at [FIGURE] 6 oclok p.m.
~ Wednesday
27th I went to Fort Hariman and Preached to the people in
the evening. I taught the parrents to Educate their children
and the children to improve their time & have evening schools
I spent the night at Brother Stockings 25 mils
~ Thursday
28 I returned home to day Sister Sarah Richards was buried
to day I spent the evening at home looking over paper scraps
~ Friday
29th I spent the day in the office. President Kimball called into the
office wished his History copied again before it is Printed
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," January 20, 1858 - January 29, 1858, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed December 28, 2024, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/g573