I attended the Prayer Circle. President Young spoke upon
order. He formed a true circle he made each man toe
the mark and keep good order or stay at home you
must be of one heart and one mind for Jesus said when
two or three are gathererd together in my name and are
agreed as touching any one thing and asked the father in
my name it shall be given unto you [Matthew 18:19-20] now Jesus did not
tel a lie and when any prayer is offered up & not answered
it is because you are not agreed in it and their prayers are
not offered in faith and union. now this is true and I want
good order and must have it. I would rather trust my faith
alone than with company who are not agreed with me
I want the Twelve to go to the meeting to morrow night to make
speeches upon the subject of Home manufacturing I want the
Bishops to organize the words [wards] in such a manner that we can
find the mechanics if there is any man that can take care of
sheep I want him to do it and so with every other Branch of
Business. Brother Heber said that there should not be another Merchant
come into our midst and set up anoth[er] store I sa[i]d Amen and
I mean to hold on to the Amen, and have faith in it. The
subject of the Bank came up and much was said upon the
subject. President Young said of Gen Jackson had with his
influence esstablished a United States Bank and Branches
and not permitted any other Banks in the country it would
have been a good thing for the country
~ Monday
18th I spent the day in the Legislator was quite unwell I
spent the evening at the House of G. A. Smith
~ Tuesday
19th I met in the Legislator in the morning adjourned till
to morrow 10 oclk I spent a part of the day in the office
I called upon President Young at 11 oclok to get a list of
the Birth of his children at 10 minutes to 3 oclok Orson Pratt E. T. BensonG. Q. Cannon and many other of the Brethren
arived at the Presidents Office. I shook them by the Hand
and was glad to see them. I asked Brother Benson how it was in
the States and He said as Bad as it could be. Brother Benson
said that persecution had commenced through England they
gather by thousands with sticks and stones and they break in the
doors & winders knock down the Brethren and take the clothing off
the Sisters &c
We had a mass meeting in the evening or a Bishops meeting with
the people the Tabernacle was full Bishop Hunter occupid a short
time in reading the Last minutes, and attending to some business
then President Young made a speech upon the business of the meeting
presented the propriety of haveing a paper currency. He also
told the bishops to see to all the people in his ward had a supply of
provision and preparation made to cash it in the mountains
also the organization of an Army of 1000 men the names of the
officers were read and all items of Business presented was recieved
by the people with a shout of a loud Amen. several songs were
sung then an address by E. T. Benson followed By O. Pratt both
spoke in the spirit of God. we had a good meeting
Jan 17th 1858
I attended the Prayer Circle. President Young spoke upon
order. He formed a true circle he made each man toe
the mark and keep good order or stay at home you
must be of one heart and one mind for Jesus said when
two or three are gathered together in my name and are
agreed as touching any one thing and asked the father in
my name it shall be given unto you now Jesus did not
tel a lie and when any prayer is offered up & not answered
it is because you are not agreed in it and their prayers are
not offered in faith and Union. now this is true and I want
good order and must have it. I would rather trust my faith
alone than with company who are not agreed with me
I want the Twelve to go to the meeting to morrow night to make
speeches upon the subject of Home manufacturing I want the
Bishops to organize the wards in such a manner that we can
find the mechanics if there is any man that can take care of
sheep I want him to do it and so with every other Branch of
Business. Brother Heber said that there should not be another Merchant
come into our midst and set up another store I said Amen and
I mean to hold on to the Amen, and have faith in it. The
subject of the Bank came up and much was said upon the
subject. President Young said of Gen Jackson had with his
influence esstablished a United States Bank and Branches
and not permitted any other Banks in the country it would
have been a good thing for the country
~ Monday
18th I spent the day in the Legislator was quite unwell I
spent the evening at the House of G. A. Smith
~ Tuesday
19th I met in the Legislator in the morning adjourned till
to morrow 10 oclk I spent a part of the day in the office
I called upon President Young at 11 oclok to get a list of
the Birth of his children at 10 minutes to 3 oclok Orson Pratt
[FIGURE] E. T. BensonG. Q. Cannon and many other of the Brethren
arived at the Presidents Office. I shook them by the Hand
and was glad to see them. I asked Brother Benson how it was in
the States and He said as Bad as it could be. Brother Benson
said that persecution had commenced through England they
gather by thousands with sticks and stones and they break in the
doors & winders knock down the Brethren and take the clothing off
the sisters &c
we had a mass meeting in the evening or a Bishops meeting with
the people the Tabernacle was full Bishop Hunter occupid a short
time in reading the Last minutes, and attending to some business
then President Young made a speech upon the business of the meeting
presented the propriety of haveing a paper currency. He also
told the bishops to see to all the people in his ward had a supply of
provision and preparation made to cash it in the mountains
also the organization of an Army of 1000 men the names of the
officers were read and all items of Business presented was recieved
by the people with a shout of a loud Amen. several songs were
sung then an address by E. T. Benson followed By O. Pratt both
spoke in the spirit of God. we had a good meeting
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," January 17, 1858 - January 19, 1858, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed December 27, 2024, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/0gAK