A stormy day The fog & storm has cleared away all the
mountains and Hills are covered with snow I spent the
Fore part of the day at home the Afternoon in the office
On History. Brother Simons arived in this city last
night with an express saying that Gov Cummings
& Lieut. Col Philip, St. George, Cook, 2nd Dragoons, the Ex
commander of the Mormon Battallion in mexico has arived
in the Enemy camp with other officers on Saturday & Sunday
last with about 300 dragoons they had canvassed over
the walls of Fort Bridger & the carell for stoorage but
their operations look like a temperary work & not like
winter Quarters for the whole Armey it is still thought that
they may attempt to come in
~ Sunday
29th Sunday Early in the morning G. A. Smith & myself was
called upon to go to the Governors office as an expressed had
arived forom the Enemy when we arived at the office
we found Brother Young & Carrington at the office soon
Brother Heber C KimballA O SmootLorenzo Young & others
came & Brother Carrington read a Proclamation from A Cumming called himself Govornor of Utah & said
that the President Appointed him Govornor of Utah
but did not say what President appointed him whether
it was President Young or Buchannan. He commands
all armed people to dispersed to their Homes & said all
that opposed them would be treated as traitors He also
wrote a Letter to Governor Young accusing him of
treason & said that He should Esstablish his
quarters in gGreen river county & organize a tempora-
ry Government that all will be tried for treason
that oppose them, we went to the Tabernacle &
G A Smith Preached followed By Erastus Snow then
Brother Carrington read the Proclamation & the letters
to Governor Young from A. Cummings. In the Afternoon
President B. Young and H. C. Kimball spoke. President Young
spoke upon the subject of our disiplineing our minds & bringing
them into subjection to our own will & the law of God & our union
in Prayer. His subject was vary interesting. I attended
the prayer circle in the Evening then Preached in the 12th ward
with Bishop Hardy. nearly evry member of my family
went to the 14 ward meeting in the evening G A S[mith] goes to Provo starts at 1'oclok
~ Monday
30 A cold snowy day I spent the time in the office
~ Tuesday
Dec 1st 1857 Tuesday I spent the day in the office President Kimball
called into thise office & we read some of his history to him
He made some alteration in it
~ Wednesday
2nd The troops began to arive early this morning from
the Mountains Having been dismissed by Gen Wells. Maj Snow
command of Horse arived at 7 oclok a part of Col Ross
command arived at 4 oc[lo]ck PM. & Maj Rowberrys command
arived at 6 oclok & they continued to pour into the city till
~ Saturday
Nov 28th
The fog & storm has cleared away all the
mountains and Hills are covered with snow I spent the
Fore part of the day at home the Afternoon in the office
On History. Brother Simons arived in this City last
night with an express saying that Gov Cummings
& Lieut. Col Philip, St. George, Cook, 2nd Dragoons, the Ex
commander of the Mormon Battallion in mexico has arived
in the Enemy camp with other officers on saturday & sunday
last with about 300 dragoons they had canvassed over
the walls of Fort Bridger & the Carell for stoorage but
their operations look like a temperary work & not like
winter Quarters for the whole Armey it is still thought that
they may attempt to come in
~ Sunday
29th Sunday Early in the morning G. A. Smith & myself was
called upon to go to the Governors office as an expressed had
arived from the Enemy when we arived at the office
we found Brother Young & Carrington at the office soon
Brother Heber C KimballA O SmootLorenzo Young & others
came & Brother Carrington read a Proclamation from
A Cumming called himself Govornor of Utah & said
that the President Appointed him Govornor of Utah
but did not say what President appointed him whether
it was President Young or Buchannan. He commands
all armed people to dispersed to their Homes & said all
that opposed them would be treated as traitors He also
wrote a Letter to Governor Young accusing him of
treason & said that He should Esstablish his
quarters in Green river county & organize a temporary Government that all will be tried for treason
that oppose them, we went to the Tabernacle &
G A Smith Preached followed By Erastus Snow then
Brother Carrington read the Proclamation & the letters
to Governor Young from A. Cummings. In the Afternoon
President B. Young and H. C. Kimball spoke. President Young
spoke upon the subject of our disiplineing our minds & bringing
them into subjection to our own will & the law of God & our union
in Prayer. His subject was vary interesting. I attended
the prayer circle in the Evening then Preached in the 12th ward
with Bishop Hardy nearly evry member of my family
went to the 14 ward meeting in the evening G A Smith goes to Provo starts at 1 oclok
~ Monday
30 A cold snowy day I spent the time in the office
~ Tuesday
Dec 1st 1857 Tuesday I spent the day in the office President Kimball
called into the office & we read some of his history to him
He made some alteration in it
~ Wednesday
2nd The troops began to arive early this morning from
the Mountains Having been dismissed by Gen Wells. Maj Snow
command of Horse arived at 7 oclok a part of Col Ross
command arived at 4 oclock PM. & Maj Rowberrys command
arived at 6 oclok & they continued to pour into the city till
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," November 28, 1857 - December 2, 1857, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 28, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/BgVX